Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1137 New Foreign Exchange Policy

Chapter 1137 New Foreign Exchange Policy

The day before the National Day, Duan Yun received a call from the city government asking him to go to the mayor's office at 2 p.m.

During this period, Duan Yun was on the cusp of the storm, and the hot sales of colorful Walkmans made Tianyin Electronics Factory a leader in private electronics companies in Shenzhen. At the same time, as the largest enterprise donating funds to municipal construction, Duan Yun It has also been named and praised by the SZ municipal government many times, and the interactive relationship between enterprises and the government is relatively close.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Duan Yun arrived at Mayor Li Hao's office on time.

"Mayor Li, are you looking for me?" Duan Yun said respectfully after entering the office.

"Sit down." Li Hao signaled Duan Yun to sit down, and then continued: "I came here today because I want to talk to you about something more important."

"whats the matter?"

"It's like this. Last week, the state issued a document, which is a new plan for the foreign exchange retention system..." Li Hao smiled slightly, and then said: "In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises to export more and earn more foreign exchange, the state has made a large The foreign exchange retention allocation system has been adjusted, and our SZ city can retain 100% of the foreign exchange retention of the total export revenue this time, and as an export unit, you can get up to 50% of the foreign exchange retention..."

"That's great!" Duan Yun's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Don't rush to be happy. Although the state stipulates that enterprises can keep half of the foreign exchange retained, it is only for state-owned enterprises. There is no relevant foreign exchange retained policy for private enterprises..." Li Hao said.

"Mayor Li, our electronics factory really urgently needs a lot of foreign exchange..." Duan Yun said with a frown.

"I understand the situation in your factory, so I don't need to talk about it." Li Hao interrupted Duan Yun, and continued: "I have already reported to my superiors about the private enterprise's foreign exchange earnings from exports, and their answer to me is at most only I can give you 30% foreign exchange retention for private enterprises, I fought for you, but the above did not agree..."

"Only 30%..." Duan Yun was somewhat disappointed when he heard this.

"However, Shenzhen is a special zone, and some things can be handled specially, and policy issues are not static..." Li Hao paused, and then said: "In the past, the total export revenue of your electronics factory exceeded 500 yuan a year. This is a great thing, so I proposed a new plan to my superiors some time ago. The general meaning is that if your private enterprise can earn more than 1 million U.S. dollars a year, then our SZ city government will Just give you 000% foreign exchange retention ratio, if the total export volume can reach more than 40 million US dollars, we can give you the same 3% foreign exchange retention ratio as state-owned enterprises?"

"To reach 3000 million US dollars!?" Duan Yun was embarrassed when he heard this.

At present, Duan Yun actually divides his company into two parts to participate in the Canton Fair.

Part of it is his old factory in Daxing, where Tianyin subwoofer audio is mainly produced, because it is a patented product registered abroad, and Duan Yun has been upgrading and improving this product for the past two years, so Tianyin subwoofer has always been Maintain a certain turnover at the Canton Fair.

This part of foreign exchange earnings from exports is mainly counted in the Foreign Trade Department of SX Province. The exhibitors also participate in the Canton Fair in the name of "Daxing Electronics", together with the first, second and third factories of Daxing Electronics. The annual turnover is about 300 million US dollars.

The other part is Tianyin Electronics Shenzhen branch representing Shenzhen, which mainly sells colorful brand small recorders. Thanks to the ultra-low cost and the national tax rebate and subsidy policy, Duan Yun's small recorders have a very good reputation in the international market. Strong price advantage, it is very popular in Southeast Asian countries, and there are more than 500 million US dollars in orders a year.

Without technical advantages, Duan Yun can only rely on price advantages to open up the foreign trade market. However, with the rise of local recorder brands in Southeast Asia, orders for colorful recorders have begun to decline since the first half of this year. The turnover of the Spring Canton Fair Only a little over 200 million, a full 1/3 less than the same period last year.

At present, Duan Yun no longer produces colorful tape recorders. He wants to focus on his own Colorful Walkman at this year's Canton Fair. Although this product sells well in China, the foreign Walkman market has been monopolized by Japanese companies. Duan Yun wants to share It is not easy to get a piece of the action.

In addition, Duan Yun has been only able to make a fuss in the low-end market in Southeast Asia. Because there are no products with advanced core technology, it is difficult for it to open up the European and American markets, and the Japanese market is even more unnecessary. They themselves are the overlords of the electronics industry, and domestic competition It was extremely fierce. If Duan Yun could bring his products into the Japanese market, it would definitely be a sensation in the whole country.

Duan Yun only has one product in his hand, the Colorful Walkman, not to mention whether he can get tens of millions of orders, even if he wants to get millions of foreign trade orders, Duan Yun has no idea. It also depends on how strong the country's export subsidies are.

"Your Tianyin Electronics Factory has achieved considerable success in China, but our SZ city government has higher expectations of you." Li Hao paused, and then said: "The electronic products of your factory cannot It only blooms within the wall, and it should also vigorously enter the international market. Shenzhen has always attached great importance to the microelectronics industry, but in recent years, except for those joint ventures, our domestic enterprises have always been relatively weak in exporting products. You are a businessman Genius, I think you should think more about how to make money from foreigners..."

"Mayor Li, let me tell you clearly. With the current technical strength of our factory, we are not qualified to compete with some foreign electronics manufacturers. The only advantage is that the price is relatively low. In addition, this year I plan to bring our factory's The new product Walkman participated in the Canton Fair, but the foreign Walkman market is basically monopolized by Japanese manufacturers, so I am not sure how many products I can sell now..." Duan Yun said with a frown.

"That's it..." Hearing this, a look of disappointment flashed across Li Hao's face.

Shenzhen's foreign trade export volume has always been ranked high in China, but it is mainly completed by joint ventures, most of which are low-end products with low added value, and only part of the processing fee can be earned domestically.

Including former mayor Liang Xiang, they have always hoped that local enterprises can become the main force of Shenzhen's export earnings. However, in the past few years, the performance of local enterprises in terms of exports has been lacklustre, and the proportion of Shenzhen's total foreign trade exports has never been higher. More than 5%.

"Mayor Li, regarding the export issue, I will go back and think of a way to see if I can make some articles on product specialization. In short, we will go all out to welcome the Canton Fair and strive to get more foreign exchange earnings from exports. Order!" Duan Yun said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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