Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1139 Joint Venture Conditions

Chapter 1139 Joint Venture Conditions
Generally speaking, when guests visit a factory, they need to book a week or more in advance, and the manufacturer also has time to prepare for the reception work. However, Fujio Masuoka does not follow common sense at all, which is also in line with his character.

In fact, there was no news for several months, and Duan Yun thought that the matter with Toshiba had come to an end, but now it seems that things should have some clues.

Throwing away the cigarette butt in his hand, Duan Yun immediately went to the garage to drive his own Santana car, and headed to Guangzhou Airport to pick him up.

After waiting at the airport for more than 4 hours, Duan Yun saw Fujio Masuoka walking out of the terminal with a suitcase.

"Duan Jun!" After seeing Duan Yun, Fujio immediately waved to him.

"Get in the car!" Duan Yun took the luggage from Fujio Masuoka and put it in the trunk, then opened the door and said.

"I've been waiting for a long time, thank you!" Fujio said apologetically.

"We're all friends, so there's no need to say those kind words." Duan Yun turned his head and smiled at Fujio. After the car started, he quickly left the airport.

Along the way, Fujio looked preoccupied, frowned and said nothing, and Duan Yun didn't ask him.

Because it was getting late, Duan Yun did not take Fujio back to Shenzhen tonight, but went directly to the Guangzhou office.

After entering the office, Duan Yun called his wife at home and told Fujio that he had arrived in Guangzhou and that he would not be able to go home tonight and would temporarily stay overnight in the Guangzhou office.

At this time, Li Guosheng, the director of the office, had already returned to his home in Shenzhen. After seeing Duan Yun's arrival, other staff members of the office immediately went to the kitchen to prepare food and drinks, and settled down the rooms of Duan Yun and Fujio.

"Mr. Fujio, why didn't you say yes in advance when you came, so that I could welcome you in advance..." After the meal was ready, Duan Yun and Fujio sat face to face.

"Mr. Duan is too polite!" Fujio Masuoka said gratefully, and then said: "Mr. Duan, this time I am here to discuss with you about the establishment of a joint venture..."

"I know, you have nothing else to do when you come to China except to set up a joint venture." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and then asked, "How is it? What did the leaders of your company say?"

"Our company held a special meeting to discuss the "Flash" chip investment and establishment of a factory in China. We believe that if your company can meet several conditions of our Panasonic Group, you can establish a joint venture factory..." Fujio Masuoka said.

"What condition?" Duan Yun's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"We at Panasonic don't know much about the strength of your company. We only know that you currently mainly produce Walkman products, and that you are a private enterprise. I don't know how your company is related to your local government?" Fujio Masuoka asked.

Obviously, Fujio Masuoka was indeed relaying the conditions proposed by Toshiba.

Toshiba has done business with China before, and they have some understanding of China's business environment. They know that if they want to establish a joint venture in China, the first question they need to consider is whether they will get support from the Chinese government, because China is not In a capitalist country with a free market, without the support of the local Chinese government, it is impossible for the Japanese to invest and set up factories in China. Therefore, this is a crucial market factor, and it is obviously not something that technical madmen like Fujio Masuoka can do. Thought-of.

"We are indeed a private enterprise, but the relationship between our Tianyin Electronics Factory and the local government of Shenzhen is very good. Our company has always invested heavily in municipal construction. Many times newspapers and TV..." Duan Yun said.

"This... In fact, what our company president means is that we hope that your SZ city government can provide an invitation letter for investing and setting up a factory. It must be a formal official invitation letter!" Masaki Fujio said.

"Is it so troublesome?" Duan Yun frowned slightly upon hearing this, and continued, "Actually, there is no need for an invitation letter at all..."

"I know that Mr. Duan is an excellent businessman, but this matter has been repeatedly emphasized by our president, and there is nothing I can do about it..." Fujio said helplessly.

"Okay, I'll go back and report this to the city government." Duan Yun replied.

In fact, Duan Yun can fully understand Toshiba's approach. Toshiba itself has a Chinese marketing department, and they still have some understanding of the situation in Chinese society. If Duan Yun was a state-owned enterprise, Toshiba might not propose Such requirements are met, but private enterprises are very rare in China. Without the promise and guarantee of the local government, they dare not easily set up joint venture factories in China.

"The second condition is that after the establishment of the joint venture, Toshiba will hold 2% of the shares. In addition, we will send a manager to your company to be responsible for the management and operation of the joint venture..."

"This condition is impossible!" Duan Yun directly interrupted Fujio Masuoka's words, and said directly: "I think your company should understand the laws of our country, and the maximum shareholding ratio of your company can only reach 49% , and the person in charge of the enterprise must be a Chinese person, the foreign company only has the right to make suggestions, but no decision-making power, your company's statement itself is illegal!"

It is naturally impossible for Duan Yun to hand over the management rights of the company to the Japanese. He would rather not set up this company than to turn himself into a puppet of a Japanese company. The management rights of the company must be firmly in his own hands, and Toshiba On the one hand, it only enjoys the right to share dividends, and does not have any decision-making power of the company.

"This one……"

"Mr. Fujio, I hope that your company can give me enough trust. I definitely have rich experience in the management and operation of the company, and you have seen the current situation of our electronics factory. This year our factory will break sales. Record, becoming the first private enterprise in Shenzhen with an annual profit of over 1 million!" Duan Yun raised his brows and said.

"Well, I will report this matter to the company later, they should understand the laws of your country." Fujio Masuoka nodded, and then said: "There is one last condition, which is about your introduction of our company's production line The offer from..."

"How much does your company charge?" Duan Yun asked directly.

"Our president said that if we want to introduce a full set of equipment for the production of "Flash" chips in our company, we need at least 1 million US dollars!" Fujio said through gritted teeth.

"1 million US dollars!?" Duan Yun ate a little after hearing this.

At first, Duan Yun thought that Toshiba would ask for a price of 5 million US dollars at most, but he did not expect that this time they would open their mouths and ask for 000 million US dollars directly.

(End of this chapter)

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