Countercurrent 1982

1151 Omnipotent

1151 Omnipotent
After the car stopped at the gate of the factory, Duan Yun led Tanaka and his party into the factory area for a tour.

But what is different this time is that Duan Yun did not lead them to the workshop first, but led them to his office first.

When Tian Zhong and the others entered Duan Yun's office, they were immediately attracted by the layout inside.

I saw a high-end office desk and chair in the middle of the huge office, and there were only two rows of wooden bookshelves on both sides of the room, which were filled with various books, including many foreign books. High-end electronic professional books.

What surprised Tanaka and others the most was that there were many photo frames on the bookshelf and the wall next to it, and the photos pasted in the more conspicuous photo frames were all photos that Duan Yun participated in some ribbon-cutting and award-giving activities, including his The photo of winning the National Gold Medal with the Longteng brand gearbox is on the front desk of the Great Hall of the People, holding a gold medal in his hand, and behind him are some ministerial leaders who presented the award.

In addition, Duan Yun won the title of city-level model worker, the first prize in the SZ city tape recorder quality appraisal, and the photos of attending the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Shenzhen library were all put into photo frames and neatly placed on the bookshelf for the most conspicuous s position.

In addition, on the bookshelf behind Duan Yun, there are all kinds of trophies he has won. In fact, most of them are temporarily customized by Duan Yun, but this kind of impression makes Tanaka and others feel a little bit shocked.

At that time, there was no such software as Photoshop, so no one suspected that these photos of Duan Yun were fake, and these photos were originally real.

Before Tanaka and the others came to Duan Yun's office, they were a little skeptical of what he said just now, but now it seems that Duan Yun is indeed not an ordinary person. As the boss of a private enterprise, it is obviously not ordinary to be able to win so many awards and honors. Humans can do it.

Li Yun, the interpreter who was following, also made a cup of Longjing tea with a very winking look at this time, filled the cups of several people, and stood aside.

"This is the best West Lake Longjing tea in China. It is picked from a hundred-year-old tea tree, and the annual output must not exceed 20 kilograms." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and said to Tanaka and others: "Your tea in Japan Bian also likes to drink tea, right? How about our Chinese tea?"

The West Lake Longjing tea Duan Yun bought is indeed good, but it is definitely not top-notch. In fact, even if it is top-notch tea, ordinary people can't drink it, let alone these few Japanese.

Sure enough, upon hearing what Duan Yun said, Tanaka and the others trembled a little while holding the cup.

"I have also told Mr. Fujio before, if you Toshiba are willing to invest and set up a factory with me this time, then I will provide you Toshiba with at least 5 million US dollars in profits within three years, and we can write it clearly in the contract , I have always attached great importance to the word credit when I do business, and no one can stand without trust, I hope you can see my sincerity!" Duan Yun raised his brows and said.

"$5 million..."

Hearing this, Tanaka, Suzuki and others were also a little moved.

The complete set of equipment was purchased by Duan Yun, and Duan Yun provided the land and factory buildings and was in charge of management. Toshiba only provided technology, and they could get a profit of 5 million US dollars within three years. If Tanaka and the others are not tempted, it is impossible things.

Toshiba Group has always had a place in the international chip field. In addition to chips, their mechanical products and electronic products are also in the high-end position in the world. However, before this high-end technology has no monopoly, the profits are not as high as outsiders imagined.

Toshiba's chip industry is facing fierce competition from European and American countries, because facing some protective tariffs from the United States, Europe and other countries, Toshiba's chip profits in the European and American markets are not high, even less than 1/3 of the profits in Japan's domestic market, which is also on the rise. Because of this, Japanese manufacturers, including Toshiba, are eager to open up new markets, and mainland China is a market with great potential.

5 million US dollars in three years may seem a bit insignificant to Toshiba Group, which has an annual profit of more than one billion US dollars, but in fact, this is only a part of the more than one billion US dollars in profits of the chip this year. It is about 000-3 million US dollars, and 4 million US dollars is almost equivalent to 5/000-1/6 of the annual profit of Toshiba's entire chip industry. It is already very impressive to be able to achieve such a high profit in a country.

Besides, the technology of flash memory chips has no market at present, but if the joint venture with Duan Yun is to set up a factory, at least the $5 million deposit is clearly written in the contract. If the Chinese chip market can really be developed It is of great significance for the future development of Toshiba.

"Mr. Duan Yun, I heard from Mr. Fujio that you also have a lot of research in microelectronics. Is that true?" Tanaka suddenly asked the champion at this time.

As the head of Toshiba Electronics Department, Shinichi Tanaka has a strong knowledge of chip technology. In his opinion, it is difficult for a layman who knows nothing about chips to start the chip industry.

"I used to go to college overnight, majoring in microelectronics technology. Although I didn't graduate, I haven't stopped studying all these years." While speaking, Duan Yun pointed to the English reference books on the bookshelf, and said to Suzuki: "Study It has become a part of my life, and I have been following the development of the international electronic technology industry..."

Duan Yun is a careful person. The books on the bookshelf have been "made old", and some of the book covers look tattered. In addition, there is a bookmark inserted on several of the books, which seems to be frequently read.

Sure enough, after seeing the books on the bookshelf, Tanaka's expression relaxed.

Afterwards, Duan Yun chatted with these Japanese for a while, and then led them to visit the workshop and product technology research and development center.

In fact, before Tanaka and the others came, they had already heard the report of Fujio Masuoka, saying that Duan Yun’s electronics factory was good, but when they actually entered the workshop and product technology research and development center, they were still somewhat touched. They were really They didn't expect that private factories in China could have such scale and technology. Although they couldn't compare with multinational companies like Toshiba, it was enough to greatly change their impression of Chinese companies.

Duan Yun accompanied Tanaka and others to visit the factory all the way. At this time, Duan Yun showed a kind of omnipotent self-confidence, but at the same time he did show impressive strength.

"Do you think Duan Yun is a reliable person?"

In the bathroom of the product technology research and development center, Tanaka, who was relieved, turned his head and asked Suzuki Song and Di Ye Koji beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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