Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1157 Negotiation Success

Chapter 1157 Negotiation Success
In the next two days, the negotiations also proceeded extremely difficult and slow.

As Duan Yun expected, the three representatives from the Japanese side were obviously a little impatient, and their tone became more and more tough. They even stated several times that they would stop notifying the matter of investing and setting up factories in China.

But Duan Yun has always maintained enough patience. He took the initiative to interrupt the negotiation several times in order to control the rhythm of the conversation and at the same time prevent the other party from making some aggressive actions.

At this moment, he has actually figured out the other party's mind.

First of all, Duan Yun didn't believe Tanaka's so-called threat of suspending investment and setting up factories in China, because with his position in Toshiba, he didn't have the right to veto this plan at all.

One thing that is obvious is that Toshiba’s executives must sincerely want to invest and establish this chip factory in China. On the one hand, it can expand the Chinese market; Maximize the company's interests.

It is precisely because of this that Duan Yun is sure that the three people who came to negotiate this time must have received instructions from Toshiba's high-level officials to make them negotiate this matter. Just cancel the negotiation and terminate the investment and establishment of factories in China.

Therefore, the longer the negotiation process is delayed, the more confident Duan Yun will be. He understands that the negotiation cannot go on endlessly. Since it is impossible for him to make too much concessions, Toshiba must make concessions to him. .

The art of negotiation is to compromise with each other.

Sure enough, by the morning of the fourth day of the negotiations, the three representatives of the Japanese side had begun to make some compromises, including agreeing to pay for the purchase of equipment in three batches, but the first payment of 4 million U.S. dollars must be made first. After all the equipment is shipped to China, another 2500 million US dollars will be paid, and the remaining 1500 million US dollars will be paid. After all the equipment is commissioned and the factory enters the production stage, Duan Yun must settle all the final payment at that time.

Seeing that the Japanese side made a statement first, Duan Yun also immediately made some compromises, saying that the Japanese side can send a manager in China, but this manager can only participate in some management work of the factory and has no decision-making power. And must obey Duan Yun's management.

On the surface, it seems that Duan Yun has made concessions, allowing Toshiba to supervise the development of the joint venture at all times, but in fact, the position of the manager of the Japanese side is useless, because he has no decision-making power and the veto power of major shareholders, so Duan Yun You can completely ignore his existence at ordinary times.

But in any case, such a small concession made by Duan Yun is at least a step down for Tanaka and others, allowing them to have an explanation to Toshiba's upper management.

When the negotiations reached this stage, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly eased up a lot, and they even occasionally chatted about some food, lodging and entertainment when they visited China last time, as well as the famous restaurants in Tokyo, Japan.

Soon, the negotiation finally reached the final substantive stage. The two parties began to draw up the contract according to the previously negotiated agreement, and decided that tomorrow morning, Duan Yun and the chairman of Toshiba will jointly sign the joint venture flash memory chip factory in China. matter.

At this time, both Duan Yun and the three Japanese representatives on the opposite side breathed a sigh of relief, and the two sides even felt a little bit of sympathy for each other.

"Mr. Duan Yun, our negotiation this time is very successful. I also hope that Toshiba and your China Tianyin Electronics Factory can work together in the future to make this joint venture bigger and stronger." Before leaving the conference room, Shinichi Tanaka First stood up and shook hands with Duan Yun.

"I am very impressed by the professionalism of your negotiations. It is also our honor to cooperate with such a large multinational company as yours." At this time, Duan Yun said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Then I will invite Mr. Duan Yun to visit our Toshiba headquarters again tomorrow morning, and we will hold a formal signing ceremony at that time," Tanaka said.

"Okay." Duan Yun nodded, waved to several people, and led Li Yun out of the conference room.

After returning to the hotel by car, it was just around noon. After having lunch at the hotel, Duan Yun and Li Yun went shopping in the streets of Tokyo together.

Although the contract has not been formally signed, the mission of the two of them to go abroad has actually been completed. Tomorrow is nothing more than going through the motions and signing a signature, so Duan Yun also gave Li Yun and himself a vacation this afternoon, and went to the Shopping in the streets of Tokyo.

During the negotiations, Li Yun acted as a translator by Duan Yun's side, acting very mature and professional, but when shopping, Li Yun still showed a bit of the cuteness and romance of a young girl.

Japan is the kingdom of animation, and there are many cartoon peripherals here. In addition to beautifully printed comic books, there are also a large number of exquisitely crafted figures and various video games. These are deeply attracted to Li Yun, especially the ones on the street. The small shops selling all kinds of gadgets made her feel dizzy.

When shopping with Duan Yun, Li Yun seemed very excited and full of energy. She could cross from one street to another tirelessly. She had to take a close look at almost every store, but in the end she only bought one A sunny doll and a bunch of wind chimes.

"Just buy whatever you like, I'll pay for it, you don't need to save me money." Duan Yun said to Li Yunyun with a smile.

Negotiations over the past few days have been very hard for Li Yun, because the three Japanese representatives are not very used to English, so sometimes he has to help Duan Yun translate, and in the past two days just to record the content of the negotiations, he wrote dozens of sheets They need to sort out the paper at night and help Duan Yun do the analysis, which looks very professional.

So this time Duan Yun was able to successfully negotiate, and Li Yun also had a part of the credit. Although this girl usually looks aloof in front of outsiders, she is indeed very focused and serious in her work. She has made it to this point, not only Relying on talent, and indeed very hard work.

An outstanding talent always has characteristics that are higher than ordinary people. Although Li Yun is just a translator and is still in the stage of learning, her future achievements are indeed limitless...


In the early morning of the second day, Duan Yun came to Toshiba headquarters again, and this time it was Nobuo Asada, the vice president of the company, who greeted him.

The president of Toshiba Corporation never showed up, but Duan Yun knew that Toshiba Group's investment in China to set up a factory was his decision from beginning to end.

After Duan Yun carefully confirmed that there was no problem with the contract, he signed his name on the contract with a swipe of a pen, and printed the official seal he brought along at the same time. Amidst the warm applause from around, Toshiba invested and established a joint venture in China. The contract of the chip factory officially came into effect...

(End of this chapter)

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