Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1158 Dustproof Level

Chapter 1158 Dustproof Level
"Mr. Duan Yun, I wish us a happy cooperation in the future." That night, in a high-end restaurant in Ginza, Tokyo, Nobuichi Tanaka raised his glass and said to Duan Yun.

Also at the same table were Watanabe Kaio from the Tokyo Electronics Division who participated in the negotiation, as well as Suzuki Matsu and Di Ye Koji who had visited China before.

Japan is also a country that pays attention to reciprocity. When they went to China, they were treated by Duan Yunchao, and they ate state banquet dishes. In addition, they gave each other some gifts when they left, so Duan Yun's negotiation is over. Before leaving Japan, these people invited Duan Yun to have dinner at a high-end restaurant in Ginza.

Although the negotiations over the past few days were quite difficult, and Duan Yun and Tanaka often had fierce quarrels during the negotiations, so that the negotiations were interrupted several times, but the work belongs to the work, and each treats the work independently, and goes all out , and in private, Duan Yun, Tanaka and the others can be regarded as sympathetic friends, so the atmosphere at this moment is completely opposite to that of the original negotiation, and they both acted very relaxed.

"We have already signed the contract. Next, I hope that Toshiba can send technicians to China as soon as possible to help build factories and debug equipment." Duan Yun took out three exquisite boxes from his pocket as he spoke. , put it in front of the three of them, and said: "This is a gift from me to the three of you. I would like to thank the three of you for your care and hospitality when I came to Japan. I also hope that our friendship will last forever and become true friends. "

"This..." The three of Tanaka hesitated when they saw Duan Yun take out these boxes, but finally opened them.

"Click!" The moment the box was opened, the three of Tanaka were stunned.

It turned out that each of the three boxes contained a beautiful Rolex watch. These three watches were Rolex’s blue dial and the gold water ghost with a black dial, and the other was a Submariner. The price is around 8000 to 1 US dollars, which is considered a very expensive luxury even in Japan.

When Duan Yun came to Japan this time, he had 30 U.S. dollars in foreign exchange in his hand. He originally planned to use it to publicize Toshiba’s executives, but Japanese executives avoided private contact with Duan Yun during the negotiations, so Duan Yun There is no chance.

However, after the contract was signed, the interests of both parties were written on paper. At this time, Duan Yun had the opportunity to contact Tanaka and others again to carry out his own public relations activities.

In the final analysis, although the contract has been signed, if the Japanese side does not cooperate, it will not be easy for Duan Yun to build the factory in a short period of time. Because of this, it is still necessary for Duan Yun to maintain a good personal relationship with Tanaka and the others at Toshiba’s chip department executives.

"Mr. Duan Yun, this means we can't..." Tanaka said with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Don't worry, we are all friends, and these gifts to you do not involve the interests of each other's companies, but only represent my personal gratitude to the three of you." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and then said: "These are all small things. Stuff, there is an old saying in China that courtesy is less important than affection, I also hope that we can communicate more in the future, please accept it."


The three looked at each other, but after hearing what Duan Yun said, Tanaka hesitated for a while, and finally accepted Duan Yun's gift.

Seeing this, the others also thanked Duan Yun, and then carefully put away the box.

The three of them all know that Duan Yun is a local tyrant in China. According to the company's regulations, they are not allowed to accept gifts from customers, but now that the contract has been signed and the tasks of Tanaka and others have been completed, so it is not appropriate to accept gifts at this time. related to company regulations.

But in fact, the reason why Duan Yun is so generous is that he hopes to establish a closer relationship with Toshiba in the future, because this visit to Toshiba's corporate headquarters touched Duan Yun a lot, especially the R&D center of Toshiba Electronics, where a whole group of people gathered. With more than 2000 talents from all over the world, such a research and development team is beyond the reach of Duan Yun, so he still wants to cooperate with Toshiba as much as possible in the future to jointly develop and produce some new products.

After seeing the three people accepting the presents, Li Yun, who was sitting next to Duan Yun, immediately filled the three people's wine glasses.

"For our friendship, cheers!" Duan Yun raised his glass and said.

The next moment, the wine glasses of several people touched together crisply...


On the morning of the second day, Duan Yun and Li Yun left the hotel and got on the plane back to China.

At 4:[-] p.m., the plane landed at Guangzhou Baiyun Airport. Duan Yun's bodyguard and driver had been waiting there early in the morning. Seeing Duan Yun walk out of the terminal, he immediately greeted the two of them into the car.

According to the stipulations of the contract, Duan Yun spent two days preparing for 2500 million US dollars, and then transferred it to the account designated by Toshiba according to the contract.

Time has entered December in a blink of an eye, and Toshiba, which received the funds, quickly sent technicians to China.

The first five people sent by Japan's Toshiba are engineering experts, and they are here to assist Duan Yun in designing and building a dust-free chip factory.

In the past, Tianyin Electronics Factory also built a dust-free factory building, but the dust-free factory designed and built by Duan Yun at that time was obviously not professional enough, and the requirements for the dust-free factory building were not the same for the production of recorder circuit boards and the production of chips. Duan Yun's dust-free workshop is not a real dust-free workshop, but it is much cleaner than ordinary workshops, just in line with the production of tape recorder circuit boards.

This time, the SZ municipal government approved 200 mu of industrial land for Duan Yun. This is a very large piece of land, which is equivalent to the area of ​​18 standard football fields. The affairs of the factory are also very important, and the support given to Duan Yun is unprecedented.

According to the requirements of the Japanese side, they will design three dust-free workshops on the 200 mu of industrial land, and set the dust-proof level to 100.

Generally speaking, the dust-free workshop is divided into three levels: 100, 1000 and 1. Among them, 100 means that only 100 particles are allowed in one square meter, which is the highest standard for a clean workshop.

Ordinary people probably have no concept of a class 100 clean room, but in fact, a class 100 clean room will be 100 times cleaner than a sterile ward in a hospital, which shows how difficult the construction is.

In addition to the dust-free requirements, the workshop must also be absolutely level, with a level difference of no more than three millimeters within three square meters, which is also a very big test.

(End of this chapter)

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