Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1160 The most important thing

Chapter 1160 The most important thing

"And it will take two years..." Duan Yun frowned slightly when he said this.

"Didn't we already give Toshiba 2 million US dollars? Why do we have to pay for it ourselves to build a factory?" Cheng Qingyan asked.

"The US$5 million contract signed with the company before was only for the purchase of chip production equipment in their factory, and the factory building and land still need to be provided by us." Duan Yun pondered for a while, and then said: "The dust-free workshop is not an ordinary workshop. The dust-free workshop we built before the electronics factory can only be regarded as a dust-free shed at best. It is very difficult to build a dust-free workshop that meets the requirements for chip production. At present, no company in our country can build it. This kind of dust-free workshop, the price from Japan is 000 million US dollars, not even a penny less..."

"Is it so difficult?" Hearing this, Cheng Qingyan frowned.

Ever since her husband planned to invest in the chip industry, Cheng Qingyan felt that it was a bottomless pit that was difficult to fill. Any piece of equipment and factory buildings cost millions of dollars, and they could not be put into production and sales in the short term. I feel a little overwhelmed.

That is to say, relying on the current profitability of Tianyin Electronics Factory, the sales of colorful Walkmans are booming in China, otherwise, Duan Yun's company simply cannot support such a chip project.

"We have no way out now..." Duan Yun naturally knew what his wife was thinking, and he continued, "Now the first tranche of 2500 million yuan has been delivered to Toshiba. If the project is terminated at this time, not only 1 million U.S. dollars It will be in vain, and according to the contract, we have to pay Toshiba the remaining 2500 million U.S. dollars, so even if we grit our teeth, we must stick to this project."

Duan Yun is indeed a little bit hard to get off now. For a long time, the chip industry of countries such as the United States and Japan cannot do without the strong support of the country, including the chip industry of Taiwan Province, which is an international leader in the future. It took more than 20 years to slowly build this industry. Duan Yun wanted to rely on his own strength, which is indeed very difficult.

Now it is just a dust-free workshop, which already makes Duan Yun feel a little helpless. The difficulties Duan Yun will face will only increase in the subsequent equipment installation and debugging and chip product development.

"Actually, I always thought that we would do well in the electronic product business, so why do we need to make chips?" Cheng Qingyan said.

"Honey, you have to believe me. Once our chip factory is officially put into production, the funds we pay now will be earned back hundreds of times in the future..." Duan Yun saw that Cheng Qingyan seemed to be a little disapproving of his words, so he said Feng turned around and said, "By the way, how are you doing with your parents' ideological work? Are they willing to leave the factory without pay and come to live in Shenzhen?"

"My mother is fine. The Publicity Department has nothing to do at ordinary times, but my father doesn't want to leave the factory. Now the province is introducing a batch of imported new equipment to Daxing Gear Factory. He is the chief engineer of the factory after all. He felt sorry for the leaders of the factory and the municipal party committee by letting go of the pick at the critical moment..." Cheng Qingyan said.

"Your father is a responsible person, he really can't do this." Duan Yun said.

"But my mother can come and stay for a while at any time..." Cheng Qingyan glanced at Duan Yun and said, "By the way, when will your mother come over?"

"I'll send someone to pick her up in the past two days. I've also found someone to decorate the downstairs floor of our house. By then, the elderly of the two families will be able to live downstairs. In this case, we will have a good meal in the future." It's the place..." Duan Yun said with a smile.

"En." Hearing this, Cheng Qingyan smiled.

In any case, being able to live with her parents and family is a good thing for a new daughter-in-law like Cheng Qingyan, and at least she can have one more person who can talk about family matters.

"You don't need to take care of the chip factory. No matter what, I will put it into production next year. We can earn back our capital and profits by then. Don't worry." Seeing his wife's mood eased, Duan Yun quickly said again.

"Duan Yun, let me tell you the truth, our family is very rich now, I really don't expect this chip factory to make much money for us, I just don't want our business to be affected by this unprofitable chip project... "Cheng Qingyan bit her lip lightly and said.

"For me, the electronics factory is just a step for us to make money, and the chip is our real business." Duan Yun said with a raised brow.

"You..." Cheng Qingyan shook her head gently when she heard the words, and said to Duan Yun: "Now we have to support so many workers in the factory, and we must not disappoint the dealers in our chamber of commerce. Support, it is impossible for our electronics factory to get to where it is today, so I have one request, we must save enough money to produce Walkmans, guarantee the delivery of orders, and the bank can no longer owe money..."

What Cheng Qingyan meant was obvious, that is, you can invest money in this chip project, but you can't invest your entire family in this project. You can make a little less money, but you must not be in debt.

"Don't worry, as long as the factory is built and we pay the final payment, Toshiba will bring the chip production line to China, and there will be no more big projects to spend money on." Duan Yun vowed.


"Okay, I think you've been quite tired these two days, let's get off work early and go back to rest..." Duan Yun said.

"It's okay, I'm not tired, it's only 5 o'clock..." Cheng Qingyan raised her hand and looked at her watch and said.

There are a lot of things going on in the electronics factory recently. The workers work overtime in three shifts. Cheng Qingyan is often busy until [-] or [-] o'clock before returning home from get off work. Even dinner is called from the cafeteria, so she doesn't plan to come back early today. Family.

"You have to get off work early these two days." Duan Yun said in an orderly tone.


"Didn't you always want to be a mother?" Duan Yun said with the corners of his mouth curled up.

Cheng Qingyan was taken aback when she heard the words, but after she realized it, a blush flashed across her pretty face.

"Okay, no matter how important making money is, it's not as important as the two of us's human-creation plan. Tonight I will cook, and this time I brought back two bottles of 82-year-old Lafite red wine from Japan. Let's have a dinner tonight." Candlelight dinner." Duan Yun suggested.

"Don't you just have dinner? As for doing so many tricks?" Cheng Qingyan said with a smile.

"Life must have a sense of ritual, which is called romance." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and continued: "Only children created in this way can become gentlemen and ladies in the future..."

(End of this chapter)

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