Chapter 1162
The New Year's Day in 1987 came as promised, but on this day, Duan Yun was still very busy. He bought a carload of cigarettes and liquor, went to the construction site of the chip factory to visit the workers, and encouraged them to complete the project early.

In fact, Duan Yun is very satisfied with the current progress of the construction period. Now the foundation of the entire factory building and office building has been completed, and the workshop of No. 1 factory building is only left with the final roofing and sealing process. Duan Yun is also very surprised by the high efficiency. .

According to the current progress of the project, it is estimated that the main project of the plant will be completed before the Spring Festival this year, and by that time, the Japanese technicians will be able to install the dust-proof equipment.

In fact, Duan Yun is also learning and working during this period. He didn't know much about the design technology of the dust-proof workshop before, but through more than a month of communication and learning with Japanese experts, he has mastered a lot of relevant knowledge.

During this period of time, Duan Yun also regarded the technicians sent by Toshiba as honored guests. These three Japanese technicians lived in the best Taoyuan Hotel in Shenzhen. Question, Duan Yun also specially equipped them with a chef who is proficient in Japanese food to take care of their three meals a day.

Duan Yun's sincerity also made the three Japanese technicians very satisfied. At the beginning, Duan Yun asked them about technology in a secretive way, and he was unwilling to communicate with Duan Yun, but after a long time, he became familiar with these three people. After that, I quickly learned a lot of relevant knowledge from these three technicians.

During the day, he spends almost all day on the construction site, and at night Duan Yun has to work hard with his wife, so that during this period of time, Duan Yun feels a little exhausted, sometimes looks a little listless, and his face has lost a lot of weight.

After New Year's Day, the municipal government held an annual spring reception, inviting more than 100 heads of Shenzhen's major enterprises to participate, and Duan Yun, as the largest tax-paying enterprise in Shenzhen's electronics industry last year, was naturally on the invitation list .

In previous years, due to the Spring Festival travel problem, each factory was relatively busy, so the Spring Festival Reception for Shenzhen Entrepreneurs organized by the government is usually held after the Spring Festival, but this year is special, because the Spring Festival is on January 1, much earlier than in previous years, so SZ The city government intends to hold the event earlier.

Compared with the previous spring receptions, this year's reception looks a bit special. In the past few receptions, all entrepreneurs have their own network of contacts. They sit together in twos and threes, greet each other and exchange business cards. Very harmonious.

However, the atmosphere of this year's Spring Festival Reception is completely different. Since the former mayor Liang Xiang established the electronics industry as a pillar industry for Shenzhen's development, the entire corporate structure of Shenzhen has undergone major changes. In the past, there were still some machining factories and heavy industry enterprises. The person in charge participated in this spring reception, but since this year, the heads of these machining and heavy industry companies have disappeared, and most of the entire venue is the heads of companies related to the electronics industry.

The main reason for this situation is the environmental protection inspection of Shenzhen enterprises that the SZ municipal government enforced last year. Although many private and state-owned electronics companies were punished and forced to shut down during this environmental protection inspection, most of them were It survived without hurting its vitality.

On the other hand, those small and medium-sized state-owned steel mills and machining factories in Shenzhen are very polluting. Compared with the pollution level of these enterprises, the electronic industry is simply nothing. During last year's environmental protection inspection, the machine processing factory was severely damaged. A large number of enterprises were shut down. The already meager profits became even more meager, and the factory could not make much money a year, so naturally it was impossible to make much contribution to Shenzhen's tax revenue. It was a matter of course that I was not invited to this spring reception.

In fact, to put it bluntly, after the "barbaric development" in the first few years, the SZ municipal government has gradually made a long-term plan, from "big" to "fine" development, and no longer pays attention to the number of its enterprises in Shenzhen, so that those who occupy Enterprises with too many resources in Shenzhen and whose profits are not up to standard will be gradually reshuffled, so that the vacated land and other resources such as water and electricity will be provided to the electronics industry that is mainly supported.

It is precisely because of this that the company representatives who participated in the 1987 Spring Reception were basically from the electronics industry, and among these electronics companies in Shenzhen, they were divided into several "mountains".

The first is the foreign-funded joint ventures. They are undoubtedly the top echelon of Shenzhen electronics companies. Because they have the most advanced equipment and production technology in China, and these companies are all export-oriented enterprises that mainly earn foreign exchange through exports, these joint ventures have always been And foreign-funded enterprises enjoy many "privileges" in Shenzhen, and they are given the best care in terms of policies and taxes.

Then came the state-owned electronics enterprises dominated by Shenzhen Electronics Group, and now these state-owned electronics enterprises have all joined the Shenzhen Electronics Industry Association founded by Ma Fuyuan, so in this reception, basically all of them are subsidiaries of Shenzhen Electronics Group , They were also divided into several tables and sat together, occupying most of the wine tables in the entire Spring Festival Reception.

As for the last "mountain", it is Duan Yun's Tianyin Electronics Factory and its holding companies. As Tianyin Electronics Factory has become the absolute overlord of domestic Walkman products, there are more and more holding companies under its subsidiaries. These private companies Most of the owners took the initiative to seek refuge with Duan Yun. Under the severe business and market competition environment in Shenzhen, these private enterprises with very weak capital technology and scale strength can only maintain their survival by holding together for warmth.

However, there are currently only 14 holding companies under Duan Yun Tianyin Electronics Factory, half of which are electronic processing factories with three orders and one compensation, and the remaining 7 companies are supporting industries for Tianyin Electronics Factory, including Xiao Qiang. The circuit board factory of Zhou Jianglong, the electronic component factory of Zhou Jianglong, and the transformer factory of He Shufen, etc.

These companies have received a lot of financial and technical support from Duan Yun. In just one year, these holding companies have achieved very rapid development. The factories of Xiao Qiang, Zhou Jianglong and He Shufen have now become similar factories in Shenzhen. The leader of the enterprise, while providing Duan Yun's Tianyin Electronics Factory with a large number of high-quality and low-cost parts and components, he also earned very rich profits...

(End of this chapter)

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