Chapter 1165
"Who else? Isn't it Duan Yun?" At this time, Tian Song also interjected, only to hear him continue: "Director Ma, you should have heard that this kid recently established a joint venture with Japan's Toshiba Corporation. It is said that the chip factory spent more than 5000 million US dollars just to buy the production line, basically filling in the money they earned last year..."

"He spent 5000 million US dollars!?" Hearing this, not only Ma Fuyuan, but also the directors of several other electronics factories at the same table were also surprised.

You must know that in Shenzhen, where foreign exchange is so valuable, even the largest electronics industry conglomerate like Shenzhen Electronics Group only has foreign investment of more than 3000 million US dollars. What is the concept of 5000 million US dollars? This is almost beyond the responsibility of these companies people's imagination.

Ma Fuyuan has also known for a long time that Duan Yun is going to establish a chip factory in a joint venture with Toshiba. With excellent quality and technology, Ma Fuyuan has already regarded Duan Yun's Tianyin Electronics Factory as an important competitor of his own Shenzhen Electronics Group, but before that, Ma Fuyuan did not pay attention to any private company at all.

However, what Ma Fuyuan learned was that the SZ municipal government had specially approved 200 mu of industrial land for Duan Yun, and the construction of the factory building had already started, but Ma Fuyuan did not know the details of the joint venture between Duan Yun and Toshiba.

"How do you know?" Xu Fuguo also asked in surprise at this time.

"I arranged an eyeliner at their factory, in their company's finance department..." Tian Song pretended to be mysterious, and then said: "According to that friend, the contract signed between Tianyin Electronics Factory and Toshiba this time is worth 5000 million U.S. dollars. Since the end of the Canton Fair last year, Tianyin Electronics Factory has been purchasing foreign exchange from our Shenzhen Exchange Exchange. The largest foreign exchange transactions last year were handled by Tianyin Electronics Factory. The first tranche of 1 million U.S. dollars has already It was transferred to the account of Toshiba in Japan, and after the equipment is shipped to China, Duan Yun has to pay the remaining 2500 million US dollars..."

Tian Song has always regarded Tianyin Electronics Factory as its biggest competitor, and has been sending some relatives and friends to enter Tianyin Electronics Factory through various channels, which also allows him to grasp Tianyin Electronics Factory's current every move.

"Factory Manager Tian is amazing, he even knows the amount of the other party's contract." A factory manager next to him praised Tian Song.

"It's called knowing yourself and knowing your enemy, and you won't end up in a hundred battles!" Tian Song's face flashed with pride, and he continued, "For this joint venture chip factory, Duan Yun really spent a lot of money, a total of 5000 million U.S. dollars... With this amount of money, you can buy many production lines for color TVs and refrigerators..."

"If you want me to say that Duan Yun is simply dazzled by the victory..." The director of the electronics factory sitting on the other side also interjected, and he continued: "The colorful Walkmans in their factory are so popular. It should increase investment and increase production, but he invested all the money he earned in the chip industry, does the chip make money selling Walkmans?"

"What a waste of money!" A look of disdain flashed across Tian Song's face, and he said, "It's the chip factories in Japan and the United States that make money. Duan Yun, after a few days of full food, is going to compete with the companies in the United States and Japan." Eat, do you really think he is stupid? Besides, even if he buys a production line with 5000 million US dollars, he can only buy outdated production lines. Don’t even think about exporting, Americans and Japanese are not vegetarians! Besides, this production line is still owned by the Japanese, so it’s impossible for them to ruin their jobs, right?”

"Makes sense!"

"Manager Tian is right!"

As soon as Tian Song finished speaking, everyone present agreed.

"Director Ma, do you think it's a good idea to start a chip factory in our country?" Xu Fuguo asked Ma Fuyuan at this time.

"Most of our domestic chips are imported from Japan, but they are basically used in the production of TV sets..." Ma Fuyuan paused, and then said: "Actually, Toshiba Corporation and Jiangsu Corporation as early as 1980 The Jiangnan Radio Factory in Wuxi is the 742 Factory joint venture to produce chips, mainly for TV chips. At present, basically all TV factories in China, including the Venus Panda TV, use the chips produced by the 742 Factory, so this The chip market is basically saturated, and it is impossible for Duan Yun to compete with Factory 742."

After all, Ma Fuyuan is a cadre of the Ministry of Electronics Industry, and he has a relatively good understanding of the current domestic chip industry.

"That is to say, even if Duan Yun runs this chip factory, he won't be able to make much money?" Xu Fuguo asked.

"The basic situation is like this. Very few high-end chips are used in China, and only a small amount of them are used in some defense technology fields. As for computers and other equipment, our country buys finished products from abroad, and domestic chips are not used at all." Ma Fuyuan pondered. After a while, he continued: "The investment in the chip industry is very large. In the past few years, our country has invested a total of nearly 14 billion and introduced many production lines, but most of them have not been put into use in the end. There is no market at all, and the chip industry has very high requirements for talents. Our Ministry of Industry mobilized more than 42 technicians from Sichuan Institute 500 to develop chips, but judging from the current situation, there has been no major breakthrough..."

"Is the chip so difficult to make?" Hearing this, everyone present was surprised.

"All in all, the water in the chip industry is very deep, and the capital and manpower that need to be invested are also huge. In countries including Europe, America and Japan, without national support, it is difficult for private companies to get involved in this industry. Duan Yun thought Engaged in chip production, I can only say that courage is commendable..." Ma Fuyuan said with a sigh.

From the bottom of his heart, Ma Fuyuan still admires Duan Yun. He can develop a small electronics factory into a scale with an annual profit of over [-] million, which really makes him feel secretly admired.

Although the current sales and net profit of Tianyin Electronics Factory are not as good as those of Shenzhen Electronics Group, what you need to know is that Tianyin Electronics Factory is only a medium-sized enterprise with more than 2700 people so far, while Shenzhen Electronics Group has 147 companies. The consortium of enterprises has more than 3 cadres and workers.

The personnel and scale of Shenzhen Electronics Group are fully ten times that of Tianyin Electronics Group, but the net profit of the two parties last year is almost the same. From this point of view, Shenzhen Electronics Group is actually completely defeated by Tianyin Electronics Factory...

(End of this chapter)

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