Chapter 1173
"I'm going to BJ, and I'm leaving tomorrow. I've asked Xiao Guo to buy the plane ticket for me." After returning home, Duan Yun said directly to his wife.

"Go to BJ?" Cheng Qingyan was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and Liu Mei frowned and said: "What are you doing in BJ at this time? The Chinese New Year will be half a month away, why go out?"

"There is a very important thing that I need to deal with, and I don't want to go, but I can't help it." Duan Yun said with a frown.

"How long are you going?"

"It's hard to say. If everything goes well, I will be back in three to five days. If the matter is not finished, it may be delayed for a few days..." Duan Yun replied.

"How many days will it be delayed? The national Spring Festival travel season is coming soon, and train tickets and air tickets are hard to buy. What if you can't come back a year ago?" Cheng Qingyan looked at her husband puzzled, and then said: "Besides, This year, our two families have finally arrived in Shenzhen, and it is rare to have a reunion year, what are you so poor about?"

Cheng Qingyan obviously couldn't understand her husband's approach, because January 1th is the Spring Festival, and this is the time when every household buys new year's goods and prepares for the New Year, and this year, Duan Yun and Cheng Qingyan's parents were also brought over with great difficulty. It is a reunion year, but if Duan Yun cannot come back by then, then this reunion year will not be able to pass.

"Don't worry, I'll go to BJ by plane this time, at most three days...ah, not five days! I'll be back in five days for the New Year, I promise I won't let you down." Duan Yun vowed.

"Okay then." A look of helplessness flashed across Cheng Qingyan's face, he also knew what her husband decided to do, even if 10 cows couldn't be pulled back, so he said to him: "Hurry up and come back, don't make our parents angry ..."

"I see." Duan Yun nodded.

"I'll iron your suit later, and my mother knitted a thick sweater for you. Don't ignore the temperature for the sake of style. BJ's winter is cold, but it's not as warm as Shenzhen." Cheng Qingyan said with concern.

"Understood my wife." Duan Yun pulled his wife in front of him, and then gently kissed his forehead...


In the early morning of the second day, Duan Yun arrived at Guangzhou Baiyun Airport by car and got on the flight to BJ.

The previous cooperation with Shenzhen University was frustrated. Duan Yun adjusted his thinking this time and turned to look for powerful figures in chip research and development in China.

In fact, for the research and development of computer chips, it is not difficult to find highly educated professionals. The most important thing is to find a research and development leader who can be independent in technology and has the ability to grasp the knife.

As long as such a chip expert can be found, it will be much easier for Duan Yun to establish a chip research and development center. It is nothing more than recruiting some highly educated talents to assist in product development, and if this expert also knows other senior talents in chip research , then you can also recruit a team. In this way, your chip research and development center can be quickly established, and then start a time race against international chip giants.

Duan Yun's target this time is Huang Lingyi. According to his memory of this Chinese chip researcher in his previous life, she should be still working on microcomputers at BJ Computer Division [-] at this time.

However, Duan Yun is not fully sure whether he can invite Huang Lingyi to join his company this time. The main reason is that Huang Lingyi is an important technical research and development personnel of the Second Department of Computer Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is also a national cadre. It is not easy to leave the Second Computer Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences where I have worked for most of my life. In addition, the traditional thinking of the old people these days is deeply rooted, and the iron rice bowl is not easy to throw away.

After the plane landed in BJ, Duan Yun didn't plan to find BJ's acquaintance this time, and stayed directly in BJ's Zhaolong Hotel.

The Second Computer Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences where Huang Lingyi works is located in Zhongguancun.

Since the completion of the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Zhongguancun, Haidian District at the end of 1953, in the following ten years, the research institutions directly under the Chinese Academy of Sciences distributed in BJ gradually concentrated here.In 1978, when Chen Chunxian visited the United States, more than 30 famous universities and more than 130 scientific research institutes gathered in Haidian District, and the concentration of talents was not inferior to that of Silicon Valley.

Until the 90s, Zhongguancun had become a hot spot for private enterprise technology companies to start businesses.

By 1987, there were 519 private technology enterprises in the BJ area, accounting for half of the country, with more than 3 employees, most of which were concentrated in Zhongguancun.

Duan Yun has been visiting Zhongguancun every year for the past two years, mainly to buy some computer software and consumables. Compared with when he first came to Zhongguancun in 1982, the speed of development here can be described as changing with each passing day. Technology companies have begun to take shape, and it can be said that it is a well-deserved "Silicon Valley" in mainland China.

After Duan Yun stayed in the hotel for one night that night, he came to the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Zhongguancun the next day.

After some inquiries, Duan Yun finally learned of the computer office where Huang Lingyi is currently working.

In fact, in the current Zhongguancun, a large number of Chinese Academy of Sciences personnel have already gone to sea to do business, and it has become a common practice, including Chen Chunxian, the youngest academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in China, and Liu Chuanzhi, the founder of Lenovo Group,
On October 1980, 10, with the support of the BJ City Association for Science and Technology, Chen Chunxian, Ji Shiying and others came to the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, a one-story warehouse with an area of ​​more than ten square meters, commonly known as "chicken coop", and started a pioneering journey.When I opened the door, I saw that the inside was covered with cobwebs, and there was a thick layer of dust.They cleaned for a long time first, piled up the sundries inside, and separated them with a plastic sheet, occupying a small half of the room of about 23 square meters, and then placed a table with drawers.In this way, the "BJ Plasma Society Advanced Technology Development Service Department" was established quietly, and its business projects include technical consultation, technical training, and matchmaking for cooperation between enterprises and scientific research institutions.

This technical service department is the embryonic form of the first private technology company in BJ and even the whole country. It is known as "the first seed of Zhongguancun", and Chen Chunxian is therefore known as "No.1 private technology in Zhongguancun".

The act of "being the first to eat crabs" is often questioned: "The purpose of setting up the service department is to make money, and it is no wonder that it is not corrupt." "Chen Chunxian took the lead in disrupting the scientific research order of the Chinese Academy of Sciences." At the beginning of the year, after the crackdown on serious crimes in the economic field, some people from the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences actually listed Chen Chunxian as a key object of investigation, and discussions, censures, defamations, complaints, audits, and case filings came one after another.

But in the end, Chen Chunxian passed this level without incident, and with the rise of the domestic sea craze, the national research department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has also become more and more commercialized, and the entire Zhongguancun is only under the Chinese Academy of Sciences There are more than 20 enterprises, and many academicians and important technical personnel of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have also begun to go to sea to do business.

And Huang Lingyi is undoubtedly a "clear stream" among these people. Now she is 50 years old, and she is still fighting in the front line of scientific research.

(End of this chapter)

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