Chapter 1174

At this time, armed police were standing guard at the gate of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Except for the internal personnel of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, no one else was allowed to enter. In desperation, Duan Yun could only wait at the gate.

But at this moment, a man in a blue Chinese tunic was about to walk in, Duan Yun immediately called him to stop.

"Comrade, I want to ask you, do you know Comrade Huang Lingyi from the Second Computer Department?" Duan Yun asked with a smile on his face.

"Are you?" The middle-aged man asked Duan Yun as he adjusted his glasses with his fingers.

"I'm a friend of his. I have something to do with him. Can you call him out?" Duan Yun said.

"Sorry, I have other things to do..."

"Comrade, help me..." Duan Yun said, and stuffed an unopened box of "Ashima" into the middle-aged man's hand.

"What's your name?" The middle-aged man wanted to refuse, but when he found that Duan Yun actually gave him a pack of Ashima cigarettes, he hesitated, and then asked.

"Just tell him that I am his old family." Duan Yun said.

In fact, Duan Yun didn't know where Huang Lingyi's hometown was, but if he said his name directly, Huang Lingyi might not be willing to come out to see him, so he simply lied and tricked Huang Lingyi out first.

"Okay, I'll bring you the message, just wait." After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he stuffed the pack of cigarettes into his pocket, flashed his work permit in front of the guard, and entered the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

After waiting at the door for more than 10 minutes, Duan Yun finally saw a figure walking out from the door of the building.

Duan Yun had never seen a photo of Huang Lingyi before, but he saw this middle-aged woman wearing a plain blue top and a pair of mille-soled cloth shoes, her hair was a little grizzled, but her eyes looked very bright.

"Hello, are you Teacher Huang Lingyi?" Seeing the middle-aged woman walking out of the door and looking around, Duan Yun immediately went up to her.

Because it was the first time we met, Duan Yun was very respectful.

"It's you looking for me?" Huang Lingyi glanced at Duan Yun and asked doubtfully, "Are you from my hometown?"

"We can be regarded as half-citizens..." Duan Yun prevaricated casually, and then went straight to the point and said: "Mr. Huang, I have something important to discuss with you today. We should go to the restaurant opposite to talk first. Let's talk."

"Who the hell are you?" Hearing what Duan Yun said, Huang Lingyi immediately became alert, and turned to look at the armed police on duty standing behind him.

"Mr. Huang, this is my business card..." Seeing this, Duan Yun had to take out his business card first, handed it to Huang Lingyi respectfully, and said, "I am Duan Yun, the general manager of Shenzhen Tianyin Electronics Factory. It mainly produces subwoofers, stereos, tape recorders and walkman products, there is an advertisement for our factory on CCTV, you should have seen it?"

"Are you the manager of Tianyin Electronics Factory?" When Huang Lingyi looked at Duan Yun again, surprise flashed in his eyes.

Watching CCTV's news broadcast every night can be said to be Huang Lingyi's only entertainment project, so she is naturally very familiar with the advertisement of Tianyin Electronics Factory that was inserted after the news, but she never thought that such a well-known national electrical brand, The manager of the company is a young man who looks to be in his 20s.

But at least it proved that the young man standing in front of him was not a bad person, which made Huang Lingyi somewhat relieved.

"It's guaranteed!" Duan Yun smiled slightly, and continued: "I know you are very busy, but I can take up a little of your time. Let's sit down and have a good talk. Just give me 10 minutes."

"Just talk here if you have something to say."

"That...well." Duan Yun nodded, and then said: "That's it, I want to hire you as our company's technology..."

"Your Tianyin Electronics Factory is a private company, right?" Huang Lingyi interrupted Duan Yun.


"I'm sorry, I have a job, so I can't go to your company." Huang Lingyi said simply.

Huang Lingyi's personality is relatively straightforward, and after learning about Duan Yun's intentions, she resolutely rejected his request.

"Mr. Huang, I know that you are a researcher of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, but our company really needs your help now. As long as you are willing to work in our company, you can set a price for how much you want. We can discuss everything." Duan Yun Said with a face of sincerity.

"Young man, it's not a matter of money." Huang Lingyi shook her head lightly, and continued, "I'm not jealous of other people's money. The wages given to me by the state are enough for me to spend on food and clothing. I like my current job very much. I am also very satisfied with my current job, so it is impossible to work in your company, you should go back."

After Huang Lingyi finished speaking, she turned around and was about to go back.

"Teacher Huang, I haven't finished my sentence..." Seeing this, Duan Yun immediately chased after him.

This time he came to BJ, the only task was to invite Huang Lingyi to join his chip factory in Shenzhen, but now it seems that this matter is not easy.

"Comrade, please stand back!"

Suddenly a figure flashed in front of him, and the armed policeman standing guard at the door immediately blocked Duan Yun.

"I'll just have a few words with him..."

"Warning you once, back off!" The tone of the armed police on duty became more and more severe.

"All right, all right, I'm not a bad person..." Seeing this, Duan Yun quickly took a few steps back, and at the same time, Huang Lingyi had already returned to the office building of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In desperation, Duan Yun could only temporarily leave the gate of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

But Duan Yun was obviously a little unwilling, but it was a little cold outside, so he went directly to a state-run restaurant opposite the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

At this time, just after 8 o'clock in the morning, Duan Yun found a seat by the window, bought a bowl of wontons, and started eating. While eating, he looked towards the entrance of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Duan Yun ate this bowl of wontons all morning. The waiter in the restaurant came forward to urge him to leave with sarcastic remarks, but after Duan Yunsai gave her a big unity, the restaurant waiter immediately showed a spring-like smile and helped him pour Drink a cup of hot water.

At 11:30, the Chinese Academy of Sciences got off work at noon. Seeing Huang Lingyi pushing the bicycle out of the gate, Duan Yun immediately got up and walked out quickly.

"Mr. Huang..."

"Why is it you again?" Huang Lingyi frowned when she saw Duan Yun and said, "Didn't I tell you this morning? It is impossible for me to resign from my unit and go to work in your company. You should leave now."

"Mr. Huang, you just need to give me 10 minutes, let's have a good talk..." Duan Yun said.

"Even if I give you another hour, it's useless. We are not the same people at all. You are the big boss and I am a technical person. What else is there to talk about?" Huang Lingyi finished speaking, stepped on the bicycle, and left quickly ...

 I had a headache for a day today, only two, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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