Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1175 Years of Passion Burning

Chapter 1175 Years of Passion Burning
Duan Yun really didn't expect that Huang Lingyi didn't even give himself a chance to speak, which somewhat disappointed him.

However, in Duan Yun's view, capable people generally have more or less individuality, just like during the Three Kingdoms period Liu Bei invited Zhuge Liang to come out of the mountain, and only after visiting the thatched cottage three times did he meet. Gold, do everything you can.

But Duan Yun is obviously not Liu Bei, let alone Cao Cao. He can also see that if he continues to pester her at the gate of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he might be arrested by the security department. If that is the case, he will be in big trouble .

In desperation, Duan Yun did not choose to continue to wait at the gate of the Academy of Sciences, but bought a stack of letter paper, and after returning to the hotel by car, he began to write letters.

As for the content of the letter, it is mainly to introduce Duan Yun’s current joint venture chip factory with Toshiba Corporation of Japan, and write the investment of the entire project, as well as the basic principles of this new flash memory chip, and tell her that if Huang The old man is willing to work in their company, and he can give him a set of real estate in Shenzhen, and he can also arrange high-paying jobs for her family. In addition, he can let her go abroad to study and visit. The monthly salary is as high as 4 digits. Rare high salary.

After writing the letter, Duan Yun put it in an envelope, had a simple meal at noon, and arrived at the gate of the Chinese Academy of Sciences at 3 pm.

This time, Duan Yun used another pack of Asma cigarettes and successfully delivered the letter. In this letter, Duan Yun also put a business card with the hotel phone number written on it. The meaning is quite obvious, that is, if If Huang Lingyi is willing to come to their chip company, he can directly call him at the number written on his business card.

At the same time, Huang Lingyi had just finished a meeting and was sitting in her office sorting out the materials.

After being transferred to the Second Computer Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1965, Huang Lingyi was appointed to be in charge of researching power switch triodes. This task was extremely difficult. For this reason, the academy specially transferred eleven graduates from the University of Science and Technology of China, Tsinghua University, and the cadres and equipment were also fully equipped. In addition, a staff member from the Northeast Institute of Optics and Mechanics was transferred within three days to fully assist in the research and development of the project.

Up to now, Huang Lingyi still remembers what the old leader Zhang Jinfu said to them excitedly on the stage: "I am asking you for the task with my head up, and you must do it well!"

It is precisely because of this sentence that the blood of Huang Lingyi and others in the audience is boiling. People in that era were very simple, and they really dedicated their hearts to the party. She knew that this was what the country urgently needed and was bestowed by the times. Mission, Huang Lingyi at that time was both happy and nervous, full of passion for her research task.

However, the early stage of this project was very difficult. The PN junction made in the early stage was always broken down by low voltage, and the saturation pressure drop could not be lowered, so the whole department started to work in three shifts. , is a day of real passion burning.

Each generation has its struggle, and each generation has its glory.

It can be said that that era is the era that scientists yearn for, doing the work they love, and the days of burning passion.

I still remember that there was a comrade named Han Jingchun in their room who was in charge of packaging. He had neither information nor experience, and he could only move forward through constant exploration. When he was experimenting with some chemicals, he could only rely on his tongue because he did not have advanced equipment to analyze them. Taste, when something feels wrong, run to the faucet, and immediately flush with water, such a situation is simply unimaginable in later generations.

But under such conditions, the components they developed were sealed. In 1986, when Huang Lingyi went to visit Han Jingchun again, he was already delirious, but when talking about the research and development together in the institute When the chip was in, his eyes were still shining brightly.

It can be said that Huang Lingyi has a very deep affection for the Second Department of Computer Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. She puts her best years and time here, and here also has the best memories of her life, so even now the entire Chinese Academy of Sciences technicians resign and go to sea. It has become popular, Duan Yun invited her to join with a huge salary, Huang Lingyi is not moved, because this is the starting point of her life struggle, she also wants to start well and end well, and retire here honorably, this is her biggest dream in life.

"Bang bang!" There was a knock on the door outside the office.

"Come in!"

"Director Huang, someone sent you a letter just now." At this moment, a young employee came in and put a letter on her desk.

"Is that person Duan Yun? He's wearing a suit, and he's quite young." Huang Lingyi looked up at the letter and asked the employee.

"Yes, it's the person you mentioned." The young staff member nodded after hearing the words.

"Xiao Li, can you give him a message for me?" Huang Lingyi said.

"Director Huang, tell me."

"Tell him, so that he doesn't have to waste his time, no matter how much money he gives, I won't work in their company." Huang Lingyi pondered for a while, and then said: "If their company is really short of people , You ask him to go to other departments to inquire about it, maybe there are people who want to go to their factory to earn a high salary, all in all, it is impossible for me to go.”

Huang Lingyi's words were very straightforward. She had obviously made up her mind and did not intend to leave the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"Okay Director Huang, I'll go and talk to him right away." After hearing the words, the young staff turned and left the office.

After seeing the young employee leave, Huang Lingyi couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, and set her sights on the letter on the table.

After a while, Huang Lingyi picked up the letter and wanted to throw it into the wastebasket next to her, but she stretched her hand halfway, but retracted it again.

Although Huang Lingyi has made up his mind to stay in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, no matter what, a big boss of a private enterprise like Duan Yun always comes to invite him with some sincerity, so as an old intellectual, Huang Lingyi feels that it is a bit inappropriate to do so.

So Huang Lingyi put on her reading glasses, opened the letter and read it.

However, just after reading the first paragraph, Huang Lingyi's eyes froze a little.

In this letter, Duan Yun described in detail his joint venture chip factory with Toshiba. In addition to stating the investment of 5000 million U.S. dollars, he also introduced to Huang Lingyi the manufacturing equipment they imported from Japan and the development of Flash memory chips. Performance introduction.

At first, Huang Lingyi thought that Duan Yun wanted to recruit her to go to their factory to develop products such as tape recorders and walkmans. However, Duan Yun actually invited him to research chips, which she never expected.

Because the investment in the chip industry is very huge, often hundreds of millions or even billions of yuan, and a private company dares to get involved in such an industry with extremely high technical threshold and huge investment, it is simply unbelievable to her...

(End of this chapter)

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