Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1849 Business bundled with charity

Chapter 1849 Business bundled with charity
On Children's Day, Duan Yun flew to a Hope Primary School in the mountainous area of ​​Sichuan to prepare for donation activities.

On April 1991, 4, the China Youth Development Foundation of the League Central Committee held a press conference in Beijing, announcing the inscriptions written by Comrades Mao Zedong, Mao Zedong and Li Peng for "Hope Project" since September 15, and announced that from that day Started to implement the "Hope Project--Millions of Love Action" plan nationwide, aiming to mobilize more people to participate in the "Hope Project", so that children who drop out of school due to poverty in our country can enjoy the basic right to education as soon as possible.

From the day when the Hope Project was officially implemented, Duan Yun actively participated in this charity project, and at the rate of donating 50 Hope Primary and Secondary Schools every year, in just over two years, he donated more than 100 Hope Primary Schools across the country. School.

In fact, long before the Hope Project, Duan Yuan had already established contact with charitable organizations such as the Red Cross Society of China, and continued to build schools, village medical clinics and other facilities in remote mountainous areas. It has exceeded 500 million.

In fact, for the rich, making charitable donations is just a game, because with the beginning of the reform and opening up, more and more people who got rich first broke the original social framework of equal burden and poor. There are more rich people, and for Duan Yun, in order to eliminate the hostility and hatred of the upstart class like them in society, charity is the best class lubricant.

However, Duan Yun himself also has a sense of social responsibility. When money has gradually become a number in his eyes, he is willing to pay more to express his goodwill to the whole society.

After sitting on the plane for more than two hours, and then taking the car for another hour, when Duan Yun and his party arrived at this Hope Primary School in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan, he felt a little surprised by the scene in front of him. More than 10 cars have already parked at the entrance of the gate, and a large number of reporters have already set up tripods and cameras in advance, and it seems that they have been waiting for a long time.

Duan Yun just hesitated for a moment, then greeted him with a smile on his face.

In fact, these reporters who came were also arranged by Duan Yun's team in advance.

Duan Yun invests more than 500 million yuan in donations to the Hope Project every year. If the work is not publicized, no one will know about it, and it will not achieve the purpose Duan Yun wants. , This is also a method commonly used by many rich people in China. Whenever they donate three melons and two dates to the society, they have to hold a press conference. They want to let the world know. It is human nature to say it.

And Duan Yunxuan came to the Hope Primary School he donated on Children's Day to carry out donation activities. The main purpose is not to show his sense of social responsibility, but because he just finished the live car crash live broadcast two days ago. There are still doubts in the live broadcast. They think that Duan Yun was actually seriously injured, so he chose to do charity at this node, and then exposed it through the media. The most important purpose is to prove that the real-life crash test of the Volvo 940 sedan is successful. Unscathed.

"Welcome welcome, warm welcome!"

At this time, bursts of warm cheers came from the school gate, and a group of plainly dressed children lined up neatly in two rows stood at the school gate and waved to welcome Duan Yun.

Although it has been more than 10 years since the reform and opening up, and the country has introduced many related poverty alleviation policies, there are still many places in the country that are very poor, and even food and clothing are problems. Among the children who came to welcome Duan Yun, many of them were still wearing belts. Patch clothes, some don't even have shoes.

"Welcome General Manager Duan to visit the school, welcome." At this moment, the principal of the school led several teachers to Duan Yun, and shook hands with Duan Yun enthusiastically.

"Thank you!" Duan Yun smiled and shook hands with the principal and the school's teachers one by one. Then, with a wave of his hand, two trucks drove into the campus, and several staff members began to move things down.

For this visit, Duan Yun prepared a total of more than 2 yuan in gifts, including more than 200 sets of customized school uniforms, various teaching aids and stationery for students, and many books, including the four classics, Tang and Song poetry and other extra-curricular reading, while the other truck was filled with rice, white noodles, meat and eggs and other foods.

In addition to these emergency supplies, Duan Yun also donated 2 yuan in cash to the independent school to improve the lives of the faculty and staff, and the entire donation process has been fully recorded by more than a dozen reporters present.

Duan Yun came to Hope Primary School to organize such a donation activity this time. In fact, it also had his promotional and marketing purposes. After asking the staff to send everything to the school's warehouse, Duan Yun began to accept interviews from the reporters present.

"General Manager Duan, today is International Children's Day. You came to this remote primary school for donation activities during your busy schedule. Can you tell us your real thoughts on this trip?" A female reporter from a provincial TV station at this time He brought the camera crew to Duan Yun and asked with a smile on his face.

"I have always believed that education is the foundation of a country. Whether a nation can be strong or not depends to a large extent on the level of education of its citizens." Facing the microphone, Duan Yun showed a calm expression, and he continued: "Over the years , our Tianyin Group has been actively participating in various domestic charity activities. Since we started cooperating with the Hope Project two years ago, our group has donated and built more than 100 Hope Primary Schools across the country. Children can have the same educational opportunities as children in the city, and it also gives them a chance to change their lives through hard work!"

"President Duan's words are indeed admirable. I would like to know if you have any other plans for donating to out-of-school children in the future?" asked the female reporter.

"I have always believed that our Chinese enterprises must have a sense of social responsibility. In recent years, our Tianyin Group has caught up with the reform and opening up, and has become one of the representatives of domestic private enterprises. It can be said that my success today is inseparable from the country. and the strong support of consumers, so in line with the principle of taking from the people and using it for the people, I solemnly promise to the society through friends from the media that our group company will build more than 50 Hope Primary Schools in China every year, and every year If we sell 1000 Volvo cars, our group company will donate to build another Hope Primary School, so that more out-of-school children can regain the opportunity to enter school." Duan Yun said seriously.

For Duan Yun, this interview is also an important part of marketing Volvo cars. Bundling product sales and charity together can enhance the positiveness of Tianyin Group's brand image on the one hand, and on the other hand, it also allows local governments to purchase The Volvo 940 sedan has a high-sounding reason for being an official car...

 It's snowing here today, and I've caught a cold. I just want to sleep because of the headache. There's only one, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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