Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1850 Sincerity Price

Chapter 1850 Sincerity Price
A string of high-heeled footsteps sounded in the aisle of the corridor. After a while, the door of the conference room on the third floor of Beihai Hotel opened, and Cheng Qingyan, who was wearing a white lady's suit, walked in. There were more than a dozen company bosses and representatives who had been waiting for a long time. They stood up and greeted her.

"Everyone, I know that everyone's time is precious, so today I will cut to the chase and show you our high-quality Beihai real estate projects for sale." Cheng Qingyan said, flirting with her assistant Wu Lili, who Immediately took out a copy of the list he brought, and respectfully distributed it to every company representative present.

In the past few days, after Cheng Qingyan released the news that she was going to sell the real estate project in Beihai at a low price, it quickly attracted great attention from the entire industry. More than a hundred local real estate companies in Beihai called Tianyin Real Estate Company, and Finally, after screening, Cheng Qingyan selected 12 of the most powerful real estate companies to participate in this meeting, and directly gave the sales price.

The next moment, all the real estate company representatives who got the list began to look up the project list carefully.

"Speaking of which, you are all the most powerful companies in Beihai Real Estate. Our Tianyin Real Estate Company has always been engaged in high-end real estate projects in Beihai. Whether it is in terms of commercial potential or project quality, I believe you all. It's all obvious to all, so I don't need to say more here." Cheng Qingyan smiled slightly, and then said: "Another point is that this is an item collected by our group company, and it is only 80% of the market evaluation price, that is to say You can get these high-quality real estate projects of our group as long as you use 8% off the price, I believe everyone here should be able to see the sincerity of our Tianjin real estate company..."


Hearing what Cheng Qingyan said, everyone present immediately picked up the list and looked it up carefully.

Time passed by, the atmosphere in the entire meeting room was very quiet, everyone was concentrating on checking the list, and a few people temporarily left the meeting room with their mobile phones, and returned to the meeting room after more than ten minutes. in his seat.

Soon, there were satisfied smiles on everyone's faces.

Those who can participate in this meeting are all big players in Beihai Real Estate. Although in terms of strength, their assets are far inferior to Cheng Qingyan, but because the company is a joint-stock company, their real strength should not be underestimated. .

From the end of the 80s to 93, whether it was Hainan or Beihai, the threshold for real estate speculation was getting higher and higher. In the early years, you could drink some soup when you went it alone, but later, it was all about ants moving big. Like the strategy, several companies, yes, more than a dozen companies joined together to form an enterprise similar to a joint-stock company, and the composition of shareholders is also varied, some of which come from some small cities and towns in the south. The power of the village, every household contributes money, and then selects a person with the strongest mind and ability to start a company. This is also the key to the rapid rise of cities such as Wenzhou in the south in the early days.

On the other hand, there are some companies from the north. With the rapid intensification of domestic real estate speculation, many private enterprises and even state-owned enterprises have their own small capital and small treasury. Through various channels, they are also actively entering the market. In this market, even though some companies do not seem to have a big appearance and only a few office staff, their financial strength should not be underestimated.

Moreover, compared with previous years, ordinary people at that time could easily get loans from banks with real estate mortgages, but later, without certain channels and channels, banks would not lend at all, or simply put real estate appraisals The reason for the low price is that some banks have changed from referees to athletes. The change of roles has also complicated the real estate markets in Hainan and Beihai.

As for the general manager of the Wanxin Real Estate Company who negotiated with Cheng Qingyan earlier, his backstage background is even more unfathomable. In the early two years in Hainan, there could still be a self-made myth like "Wantong Six Gentlemen", so in 92 Afterwards, most of these retail investors and small players have been squeezed out, and the rest are powerful capital pretending to be pigs and eating tigers.

"Mr. Cheng, it can be seen that you are offering us an offer, and you are indeed very sincere." At this time, a fat middle-aged man broke the silence and said to Cheng Qingyan with a smile on his face: "But I want to Let me ask, currently our Beihai real estate market is developing so well, why did you suddenly choose to sell these high-end real estate projects at this time, and the price is so sincere, can you tell us the reason for this?"

"Yeah, Mr. Cheng, you mean you want to leave? Is there something wrong with your company?"

"To be honest, Mr. Cheng, I can't believe the price you gave me. There won't be any problems, right?"

All of a sudden, the people present began to question Cheng Qingyan.

The real estate market in Beihai, Guangxi has been skyrocketing in recent years, especially since last year, the increase has even been as high as 220%, and this year, the prices of the real estate market have remained high, and the prices of some gold projects have even doubled directly. Not only that, everyone is optimistic about the development of Beihai in the next few years, but Cheng Qingyan suddenly chooses to retreat bravely at this time, which is obviously very unwise.

In addition, although Cheng Qingyan said that she would sell the real estate project invested by her company at a 8% discount this time, the price was actually lower than what she claimed, because most of the people present were old players in the Beihai real estate market. They are well aware of the prices of various properties, so it is really hard to imagine that Cheng Qingyan's price would be so low.

But none of the current bosses sitting in this conference room are fuel-efficient lamps. They are basically old fritters who have been in the business world for many years. There is no reason for them to be suspicious when something goes wrong. Therefore, although the price looks very beautiful, they It is still necessary to question Cheng Qingyan, if the reasons given by Cheng Qingyan are not reasonable, then everyone will treat this transaction with caution.

"Everyone be quiet." Seeing the discussion in the meeting room, Cheng Qingyan still had a calm expression, and she continued: "We are all colleagues in the development of Hainan's real estate market. Some people here and I have had dinner together before. I had a good exchange, regarding the integrity of myself and the company, I believe that everyone here has their own judgments, we are all professionals, and no one will play that kind of low-level scam. I can assure you that we will do it now. These transactions can definitely be fair and transparent. It is absolutely impossible for me to do things that smash the signs. You can check any project on the spot, and the relevant contracts can also be reviewed by legal professionals. In a word, we will never do illegal things. I can assure you of this!"

(End of this chapter)

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