Chapter 1864
Regarding Tianyin Group's self-developed first new car, Duan Yun's attitude has always been very cautious.

In fact, at the beginning, he also wanted to develop a family car that was at the same level as the Volvo 940, Audi 100, and Santana, but in fact, there were many problems in the current Chinese national conditions.

The first is technical issues. If you just want to make a prototype car, it is not a difficult task for Tianyin Group's existing R&D team. Even if it is manually polished, it can be made. Production, and to ensure the relevant quality control, this is a very difficult thing.

Before the introduction of the complete production line of the Volvo 940 sedan, China's domestic industrial level was even difficult to complete the localization of the Santana sedan. For many years, the localization rate has been hovering at less than 10%. The three key automobile parts are all imported. Although there are some alternative equipment in China at present, there is still a big gap with the international advanced machining level in terms of machining accuracy and machining efficiency, which means that Duan Yun wants to independently develop and realize effective machining. The mass production of international advanced high-end cars is almost impossible, and even if it can be done, the cost will be astonishingly high.

On the other hand, in terms of brand value, domestic cars cannot be compared with imported cars. Even if it is the same powertrain and parts, foreign brands will sell much better than domestic brands. For people who can afford cars, face is very important. Driving a domestic car, in the eyes of most Chinese, is lower than driving an imported brand car, even if the price is not much different.

The cost cannot be controlled, and the brand has no advantage. This means that the development of domestic high-end car brands is doomed to failure from the very beginning. Moreover, domestic consumers have a relatively low tolerance for domestic brands. Many people will complain about problems with imported cars. It is said that this is a problem of improper operation and maintenance by the driver, but if there is a problem with a domestic car, almost everyone's first reaction is that the quality is too poor.

The last is the price. Throughout the 80s and even the early 90s, most of the people who bought cars were not individuals, but enterprises and units. Even if domestic high-end cars are slightly cheaper, for many people who spend public money, they I don't care about this cheapness and discount at all, and pay more attention to the face after driving out, so it is simply unwise to invest in mainstream high-end car hard steel joint ventures and imported brands.

The development of mini-cars is relatively less technically difficult. In addition, in terms of development costs and vehicle maintenance, it is also in line with the current technical strength of Tianyin Group. It is cheap, practical, and worry-free. It is the current domestic ordinary car consumption. The most important thing for the reader, as for speed, performance and face, it should be placed in a relatively low position.

Moreover, Alto has become a generation of national sacred cars in China, which is also very self-explanatory, because for a group of Chinese who have just become rich in the 90s, their spending power can only reach the threshold of mini-cars, and they spend tens of thousands to realize their car dreams. It can be done by gritting your teeth, but if you spend two 10,000+ or ​​even 30, there is no domestic car in your eyes.

Therefore, the development of a new car must be a down-to-earth matter, which can be accumulated steadily, but it must not be tried across levels, because once there are too many quality problems in the car, the brand and reputation will collapse very quickly, and it will be very difficult to save later. , It is almost impossible. This is a lesson learned by many car companies in later generations.

Therefore, Duan Yun's positioning of this car is a family scooter. It may not run fast enough, and the space may not be large enough, but at least it must be reliable in quality, not bad to drive, and easy to maintain. The car first leaves the impression of being durable and durable. Later, when the technical reserves accumulate to a certain level, more advanced cars will be developed.

As for Duan Yun’s request to hire well-known European and American designers to design models at a high price, on the one hand, it can be used as a gimmick to promote the popularity of self-produced cars, and on the other hand, it is to prevent these Soviet experts from adding the inherent appearance characteristics of the original Soviet cars to them. For new cars, after all, from the perspective of industrial design, Soviet cars are planned products, and they don’t pay much attention to appearance, and their aesthetics are not as good as those of European, American and Japanese cars. Beautiful models are also an important factor to attract consumers, so this matter It must also be taken seriously.

At the meeting that day, Duan Yun and the R&D team had a discussion for nearly 6 hours, whether to have dinner together in the evening, the atmosphere was always very active.

The development of new cars is a strategic issue related to the layout of Duan Yun's automobile industry, so when a product is not polished enough, he will never easily push it to the market. The main reason is that Duan Yun hopes that everyone in the R&D team can fully understand the design intent of his new car.

On the second day, Duan Yun and factory director Zhao Xiyou visited a local technical school in Shenyang.

Since Duan Yun had to train thousands of car maintenance workers when he came to Shenyang last time, Zhao Xiyou and the SY City Government have formulated relevant training plans.

As the largest industrial city in the three northeastern provinces and even in the country, Shenyang currently has the largest number of technical schools in China, both in terms of number and scale. At present, there are 281 technical schools in the city, most of which are permanent technical schools. There are 31 technical schools directly under the city, involving almost all walks of life, with a clear division of labor and strong teaching staff.

It is precisely because of such hardware conditions that Duan Yun’s auto mechanic training plan has the cooperation of the city government, and it is not too difficult to implement. As long as the funds are in place and the policy allows, these schools are also willing to train mechanics for the society talent.

"This is Comrade Liu Guifu, the principal of our factory-run technical school. He was also the former deputy secretary of our Jinbei Automobile Factory. After retiring, he was hired back to the company to manage this technical school." The old man who came over introduced Duan Yun with a smile.

"Hello, Principal Liu!" Duan Yun immediately greeted the old man with a smile on his face.

"Hello Mr. Duan! I finally met a real person. When I was the deputy secretary of the factory, I often read about you in newspapers and internal references. It is really amazing. I never thought that I would look like you. Being so young and also engaged in technology really makes me a little ashamed..." Liu Fugui walked up to Duan Yun and said in a somewhat respectful tone.

(End of this chapter)

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