Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1865 Rapid Training

Chapter 1865 Rapid Training
Duan Yun is a public figure. To a certain extent, he has become a role model and symbol of entrepreneurs in this era. He has been exposed in the media for many years, so that he also has many fans in Shenyang, and this Principal Liu is one of them. .

In fact, Liu Fugui in his early years was also a person who could make a lot of troubles. When the reform and opening up of the country set off a frenzy of going overseas, Liu Fugui once moved his mind and wanted to use all his family business to start a business in Shenzhen, but in the end it was because he was too old. Da, his wife is weak and sick, so he finally gave up the idea, but he has been paying attention to the development of Shenzhen over the years.

It can be said that Duan Yun has always been a key figure of Liu Fugui. Every time he reads his reports, he will feel a sense of enthusiasm. He only regrets that he did not catch up with the good times when he was young, and this has become a regret in his life. .

"There is a specialization in art. I just made more money than others. There are many standards for a successful life, and you don't have to be like me." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and then said: "Principal Liu worked hard for the first half of his life. , has made great contributions to the factory and the country, and continues to teach and educate people in schools after retirement, such a colorful life is also enviable, at least he did not waste it, it is very valuable."

"Hehe, Mr. Duan, you can talk. I have been a secretary for nearly 20 years, and I still can't understand it as well as you do." Liu Fugui smiled, and then said: "Director Zhao also told me before that he wants to Our factory runs a technical school to train some auto repair workers. I also attach great importance to this matter. I have organized relevant teaching staff to formulate a curriculum for the king, intending to adopt domestic standard auto repair textbooks, and a full-time three-year training program. Including two years of theoretical study at school and one year of factory practice to meet the employment needs of our factory..."

"Three years is a bit too long..." Hearing this, Duan Yun frowned slightly, only to hear him continue: "Principal Liu, tell you the truth, according to my development plan, I can't wait three years so For a long time, the training of these auto mechanics is mainly to send technicians to the national car after-sales network. Now our Volvo Car 4S stores have begun to bloom all over the country. In the past two months alone, we have opened 14 stores. 4S stores, before the end of this year, there may be more than 40 Volvo 4S stores open, so I need you to train a group of qualified auto mechanics in a year, of course, I will not pay a cent for the training fee I will give you less, because it is calculated on a head-to-head basis, so much money for three years, and so much money for one year..."

"Mr. Duan, it's not about money..." Hearing this, Liu Fugui frowned slightly, only to hear him continue: "The cultivation and learning of any skill is not an easy task, just like at the beginning When I was young, I just entered the factory and worked as a fitter. At that time, I studied very seriously, but it took more than two years to become an apprentice. The technology of car repair is much more complicated. There are so many models now, three In my opinion, I can only learn superficially, so don't worry about this thing."

"But what if you only need to learn how to repair one type of car?" Duan Yun asked.

"That must be much easier!" Liu Fugui replied bluntly, only to continue to say: "But the question is, can only one kind of car be repaired? I have also contacted some local car repairers in Shenyang before. He can repair Jiefang truck 130, as well as imported Japanese cars. This is a skill that he has practiced for more than 20 years. He can only repair one kind of car and can't eat it at all..."

"I spent money to train after-sales repairers for our Jinbei Automobile Factory to repair Volvo cars, not for them to open their own stalls as repair masters. I don't have so many obligations." Duan Yun glanced at Zhao Fugui, then continued Said: "Besides, if they are taught that they can repair all kinds of cars and can be independent, then he won't need to work in our factory. Wouldn't it be better to set up a stall outside and earn a lot of money by repairing cars?"

"I understand what you mean!" Hearing this, Liu Fugui suddenly realized, and said, "If you want to put it this way, it's much simpler. Just ask these students to dismantle the prototype car back and forth a dozen times before putting it back together. One year is indeed enough to teach some theoretical knowledge.”

At this moment, Liu Fugui truly understood Duan Yun's intentions.

From the very beginning, Duan Yun did not intend to train all-round car maintenance. He just asked to train maintenance workers who can repair Volvo cars. , It is also impossible to set up your own business or work as a master in other repair shops. Duan So never does the business of making wedding dresses for others.

"Another point is that our training of Volvo car mechanics is a substitute training. There is no need to select fresh junior high school students and high school students, and there is no need to implement the three-year full-time education of the Education Bureau. Anyone who wants to sign up is welcome. We are a private enterprise. If they can pass our assessment, they can go to work directly. I have also talked with our city leaders about this matter, and they have also communicated with the Education Bureau. You only need to inform the students of the situation, although there is no technical school However, as long as they pass the exam, they can sign a long-term employment contract to guarantee their salary income, if they are willing to study, they will study, and if they don’t want to, they will be dismissed.” Duan Yun said.

"If you don't need a graduation certificate, then this matter will be much easier!" Hearing this, Liu Fugui's face relaxed, and he continued: "Let's not talk about a year, I guess some hardworking and quick-witted people can do it in a few months." After you learn it, how complicated can it be for just one model? After dismantling and reassembling it a dozen times, even the stupidest person knows what’s going on.”

"That's right!" Duan Yun smiled, and continued: "But I still need to remind President Liu that even if these students don't have graduation certificates, their skills must be qualified. If they can't do anything, they have to start again." If it comes to you to "return to the furnace", then it is meaningless."

"Mr. Duan, don't worry. Although our factory-run technical school is small and has a history of 30 years, I can't smash the signboard in my hand. I guarantee that a student who walks out of our school must be a qualified talent!" Liu Fugui said solemnly.

"President Duan, don't worry, President Liu is also the old secretary of our factory, and he is absolutely reliable in his work. We all know this." Zhao Xiyou also interjected at this time.

"Hearing you say that, I feel much more at ease." Duan Yun immediately smiled when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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