Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1869 International Strategy

Chapter 1869 International Strategy
"Our Tianyin Group has been developing in Shenzhen for many years. From an obscure electronics company to the largest private technology company in China, I believe that you will still not be satisfied with your current achievements." Duan Yun smiled slightly and continued. : "Actually, a long time ago, I dreamed of developing Tianyin Group into a multinational giant. At that time, I had no one, no money, and no technology. The international market was based on products and strength, not by overwhelming Advertising can be sold all over the world. If Chinese consumers are more savvy and pragmatic, then the same is true in foreign countries, so without good products, everything is just talk on paper..."

After Duan Yun said this, he picked up the water glass and took a sip, and then continued: "...Nowadays, our Tianyin Group has strong funds and strong troops. We have related R&D centers in Hong Kong, the United States and Europe. , relying on the flash memory chip also occupies a place, and the DVD product developed this time is definitely an epoch-making audio-visual product, so it should be the most suitable to use it to open up the European and American markets. This is a major issue for our group company. It is of great strategic significance to let DVDs go on the market in the United States first!"

When Duan Yun said these words, he was a little emotional. This was also the first time he talked about his international strategy with his technical backbone.

In the past few decades, China has also exported many commodities to the United States, but most of them are some energy and minerals, as well as textiles and handicrafts with relatively low added value. As for electronic products, there are almost no products so far. A successful example of exporting to the United States.

And another important significance of entering the US market is that if this product can gain a foothold in the US and sell well, it means that this is a very successful international product, because the competition in the US market is very fierce, except for domestic companies The United States is also the main exporter of western developed countries such as Europe and Japan. Any company from other countries can gain a foothold in the United States, and it can definitely be called a successful multinational company.

And once it succeeds in the United States, it will bring a sense of national pride to the Chinese people, and to a certain extent, it can also eliminate the inherent concept that Chinese people worship foreign countries and think that domestic electronic products are not as good as foreign countries.

After a brief silence at the conference site, there was a burst of warm applause immediately.

In fact, for these technical backbones of Tianyin Group, they first joined Tianyin Group, on the one hand, because of the very high salary, and on the other hand, it can give them the opportunity to display their talents. Because of this, Tianyin Group has always been It is the most yearned-for "sacred place" for microelectronics software technology workers in China.

In addition to making money and a good working environment, most of the technicians working in Tianyin also have their own feelings and dreams. While making money, they can also make their own research and development products enter the international market and achieve very brilliant sales. It is also the goal they have been striving for. Duan Yun's speech actually confirms that Tianyin Group has opened the prelude to enter the international market on a large scale.

But objectively speaking, although Tianyin Group has developed very rapidly in recent years, the scale and efficiency of the R&D team are second to none in China, and it has strong financial strength, but if you want to participate in international competition, you can compete with the multinational giants in Japan, the United States and Europe. In fact, the wrist is still not enough. After all, Sony, Panasonic, and multinational giants in the United States and Europe were established early, and they all have decades or even hundreds of years of technical background and accumulation. Time is on an equal footing with them, which in itself is not an easy task.

The DVD product is really good, and it has indeed reached the top in the world. Perhaps in terms of overall technical strength, Duan Yun is not as good as the multinational giants in Japan, Europe and the United States, but in terms of this single product, it is indeed very technological and competitive. force.

And in terms of how to enter the US market, Duan Yun already has a preliminary plan.

Next, Duan Yun commended the chip research and development team in charge of Liang Mengsong, Jiang Mingwei and Huang Lingyi.

In fact, compared with the successful development of DVD, the successful development of a new generation of NAND flash memory chips based on 0.8 micron process technology is much greater in terms of technical difficulty and impact on the future of the group company. A milestone in the development of China's chip industry is enough to be recorded in history.

However, judging from the current situation, NAND flash memory chips have not yet reached the place where they can be put into mass production. The price of finished products will be very high, and the market competitiveness is not strong. If you want to improve the product qualification rate, at least you need to spend a certain amount of time and money.

After Duan Yun listened to the reports from Liang Mengsong, Huang Lingyi and others, he immediately led all the participants to visit the chip production workshop.

Today's Tianyin chip factory is the largest and strongest in China in terms of scale and technical strength, and after several years of continuous increase in investment and expansion, as well as the cooperation of many units from the Ministry of Electronic Machinery Industry and Shenzhen Science and Technology Park With strong support, all relevant equipment of Tianyin Chip Factory has been continuously localized and enhanced. From another perspective, Tianyin Chip Factory can be regarded as a national-level microelectronics base built with the power of national science and technology.

Entering the production workshop, Duan Yun was somewhat moved. In fact, Duan Yun had not visited the production workshop for nearly half a year before this inspection of the new generation of chips. After only half a year, the production workshop of the Tianyin chip seemed to be There is a new scene again. Areas C and E, which have been idle as warehouses, have also neatly installed a large number of domestically produced new equipment, including the so-called strongest in China. The third-generation domestic lithography machine jointly developed by Xi'an 109 Institute has been placed impressively on the left side of Area C. There are a total of 504 machines in one batch. The new generation of NAND with a storage capacity of 3MB has been developed this time. Flash memory chips are manufactured by this lithography machine.

In fact, Duan Yun has always been concerned about the research and development of a new generation of domestic lithography machines. Technically speaking, this batch of domestic lithography machines has borrowed a lot from ASML's [-]-micron process lithography machine technology. Among them, the key lens In terms of polishing, the country also completed the polishing of related equipment purchased from Europe and the United States through patriotic businessmen in Hong Kong. The whole process was quite tortuous, but the result was still very satisfactory.

(End of this chapter)

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