Chapter 1884
Of course, Duan Yun couldn't talk to death, otherwise the other party would be completely desperate, so at this time, he said that he could talk about the price, in fact, he wanted to hang Ichiro Ozawa.

"But we are really sincere..." Ozawa Ichiro said with a slight frown.

"Actually, you and I both know that you can't make decisions about some things, so after you go back, you can have a good discussion with your superiors, and then ask them to send the quotation by fax. If the price is right, we can make a quick decision. Contract." Duan Yun said with a smile.

"Okay." Hearing this, Ichiro Ozawa nodded after pondering for a moment.

At this point, the two sides actually have nothing to talk about. Duan Yun is obviously not satisfied with the quotation given by JVC, and Ichiro Ozawa cannot make decisions without authorization and raise the price, so Ichiro Ozawa must return to Japan. , and report to his boss, if he still wants to continue negotiating with Duan Yun, he can only offer a higher price.

"Mr. Ozawa, don't be disappointed." It seemed that Ozawa was somewhat disappointed, Duan Yun smiled slightly and continued: "Your company is a multinational technology giant with outstanding strength. I have always respected your company, but business is Besides, VCD is the best-selling product of our group, so we are very cautious about the sale of patents, and I hope Mr. Xiaode can understand..."

"Understood, I will convey Mr. Duan's wishes to our headquarters, and I am very grateful to Mr. Duan for receiving us. On behalf of Victory Co., Ltd., I would like to express my gratitude to your company." After Ichiro Ozawa finished speaking, he got up and bowed to Duan Yun bow.

"Ozawa-kun, I can see your sincerity. Don't worry, the price I want is not that high. The 100 billion just now is just a talk..." Seeing that Ozawa Ichiro was about to leave, Duan Yun also stood up immediately Body, patted his shoulder lightly, whispered a word in his ear, turned and left.

"Huh?" Ozawa Ichiro was stunned when he heard the words, and was about to ask a few questions, but saw that Duan Yun had left the meeting room...


At noon on the second day, Duan Yun arranged for someone to send Ichiro Ozawa and his party to Shenzhen Airport. At around two o'clock in the afternoon, the plane left the airport and returned to Japan.

"Mr. Duan, you don't really plan to sell the VCD patent, do you?" Assistant Guo Kai couldn't help asking as he walked on the path leading to the R&D center with Duan Yun.

"What do you think?" Duan Yun asked back.

"I think that if we can cooperate with Sony, there is no need to sell VCD's overseas patent authorization to JVC, and judging from the performance of domestic products, now VCD has almost replaced video recorders and has become the most popular audio-visual entertainment product in China. If it is launched in the US market, it will definitely achieve good sales..." Assistant Guo Kai said.

"You think things are too simple. The foreign consumer electronics market is very different from the domestic market, especially the US market, which is the arena of the world's top technology giants. The cruelty of competition is far beyond your imagination." Duan Yun glanced at Guo Kai, and then said: "Don't think that our company's development in China is going smoothly, and you think that it will definitely be famous abroad. If you really think so, then you are very wrong... "

"Is it really so difficult to enter the US market?" Guo Kai asked in surprise.

In fact, if it were other executives and assistants in China, they would never question Duan Yun's words, because in the past 10 years of reform and opening up, although Mainland China has developed rapidly, until now, there has not been a single person. This truly high-tech product successfully entered the United States, which shows the huge gap between China's electronic technology and the world's advanced level.

And Guo Kai has worked in Tianyin Group for many years, and has witnessed Duan Yun’s business miracles and brilliance one after another. Moreover, Tianyin Group has also cooperated with many multinational giants in the past few years, including the world-renowned Texas Instruments. , IBM, Western Digital and other companies, because they have more knowledge, Guo Kai feels that Tianyin Group can always win, even in the face of competition in the international market, it can also easily win.

"A country has its own rules of the game. We can play here, but it doesn't matter if we change places. You have been to the United States with me before. I even bought a billboard in Times Square to promote our VCD products, but what is the result?” When he said this, Duan Yun’s face flashed a look of helplessness, and he just listened and then said: “Just like Sony visited our company before, their such a big company, in the international You have such a high reputation and influence, but in the end, if you want to quickly open up the market in our mainland China, you can only ask us to help you build a bridge. Conversely, we need someone to help us when we do business in the United States, otherwise , it can only be done step by step, but it will take several years, ten years or even decades of operation, and the manpower, material and financial resources will be astronomical..."

"I understand." Guo Kai nodded upon hearing the words, and continued: "Then it seems that our company must sell overseas patents for VCDs."

"We must sell, but if we want to sell at a good price, we must be patient." Duan Yun paused, and then said: "Sharp from Japan will also visit our company in two days. His purpose It should be the same as JVC, they all came here for the VCD patent right, and when the time comes, let the two of them come up with the highest price, and whoever pays the most will sell it to whoever, it is fair, just and reasonable!"

"Actually, I think it's a pity to sell such a good technology to a Japanese..." Guo Kai said.

"What a pity? Since I am willing to sell it, there is no pity." Duan Yun smiled, and then said: "Do you still remember the business we did with SEG Group back then?"

"Remember, at that time, SEG Group bought a lot of technology and production lines that we didn't want... I understand!" When he said this, Guo Kai showed a dazed look on his face.

"You are very smart even when you are young, but it is a pity that you lack some international vision, but such talents are really hard to find..." Duan Yun glanced at Guo Kai and said with some emotion.

For Duan Yun, as he shifted the company's strategic focus overseas, he felt more and more that no one around him was available.

In fact, there are many capable people around Duan Yun, whether they are engaged in technology or management, but these people are only good at the technology and field they specialize in, but they lack long-term vision and strategy, which is of little use to Duan Yun's overseas development. Big……

(End of this chapter)

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