Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1885 Sharp Electronics

Chapter 1885 Sharp Electronics
On the third day after Ichiro Ozawa left, Duan Yun welcomed another delegation from a Japanese manufacturer, and this manufacturer was the world-renowned Sharp Group.

Like Sony and JVC, Sharp is also a top electronics manufacturer in Japan. The company was founded in 1912. So far, Sharp has conducted business in 26 regions in 64 countries around the world.

Products range from radios and televisions to microwaves, computers, solar cells, and LCD monitors. , Sharp has launched a number of "Japan's first" and "world's first" products.

And and.The difference between Sony and JVC is that Sharp has been vigorously deploying in mainland China since the early 80s. In 1981, after setting up an office in BJ, Sharp took the lead in developing economically in Shanghai, Changshu, Wuxi, Nanjing and other cities. Six production bases were set up in the development zone, and by the early 6s, the annual profit in China had reached more than 90 billion RMB.

Among them, Sharp's washing machines and refrigerators are very popular in China. Especially after the establishment of Shanghai Sharp Electric Co., Ltd. last year, Sharp's air conditioners also began to sell well in Shanghai and Guangzhou, and gradually became the first choice for high-end hotels in China. brand of air conditioner.

Although Sharp has good competitiveness in China's consumer electronics market, it basically has no competitive conflict with Tianyin Group, which also produces electronic products. The two companies did not have any intersection in the past, but in the past two years, Sharp also I once wanted to set up a factory in Shenzhen, but now the negotiation with the SZ municipal government has reached the final stage. It is estimated that by the beginning of next year, Sharp’s Shenzhen factory will break ground, and by that time, Sharp’s production capacity in China will be further expanded.

In addition to Jiro Hayakawa, the senior assistant president of Sharp, and his team, Hasegawa, the general manager of Sharp China, who is currently working in Shanghai, came to Tianyin Group for a visit and negotiation. After meeting in Shanghai, they met in October In the middle of the year, we flew to Shenzhen together.

In front of the Tianyin headquarters building, Duan Yun personally received Jiro Hayakawa and Hasegawa and his party, and led them to visit the factory area and production workshop of Tianyin Group Electronics Factory.

In fact, Duan Yun originally wanted to negotiate directly with the people from Sharp Corporation, but at the strong request of Sharp China General Manager Hasegawa, he visited Tianyin Group's enterprises and production workshops.

For any foreign-funded enterprise entering China, Telling Group is a local Chinese company that they are very concerned about, because compared to other mainland Chinese companies, Telling Group is definitely an alternative, and it is large in scale. It has gradually gained a certain reputation internationally.

As the general manager of the China region, Hasegawa has been closely watching the development of Tianyin Group for the past two years, and he found that Tianyin Group is not at all like the Chinese company in his impression, and seems to have many characteristics of Japanese companies , this company attaches great importance to research and development, and its scientific research team is second to none in the whole of China, and Tianyin Group is actually a private company. It is definitely a miracle that it can develop so big in mainland China, and it is precisely because of this , Many of Sharp's management and marketing models in China now borrow from the Tianyin Group's model to a certain extent.

Even after Sharp Group established Shanghai Sharp Co., Ltd., the first thing it vigorously promoted was the chamber of commerce membership system similar to Tianyin Group, and it has already achieved certain results. Nearly 5 million sales orders came. After tasting the sweetness, Hasegawa plans to further expand the number and scale of members of the chamber of commerce, and cooperate with the many joint ventures he established in China in the past to form a strong production, supply and marketing network.

But in general, Hasegawa has only learned some superficial aspects of Duan Yun. At present, there is still a huge gap between Sharp and Tianyin Group in terms of scale and strength, especially in soft power, such as product advertising and marketing, public relations and legal affairs. Not that Sharp can compare.

"Is this the V CD production workshop of your Tianyin Group?" Following Duan Yun to the Tianyin Electronics Factory, Hasegawa asked in surprise when he saw that the entire workshop was highly automated and there were hardly a few workers in sight.

"The products produced here are all semi-finished products, mainly VCD motherboards and related parts, and the assembly work is done by other manufacturers." Duan Yun introduced.

Today's Tianyin Group, whether it is a learning machine VCD or other electronic products, basically only produces semi-finished parts and components in the original factory, and almost all assembly work is outsourced to other companies to complete.

The main reason for this is that the assembly workshop requires a lot of manpower and production lines, especially it needs to occupy more factories and workshops, and the land in the current development zone is getting more and more expensive, and the number of factories in Tianyin Group has reached At the limit, it is simply impossible to build more assembly workshops.

In addition, the assembly of finished products is the most profitable part of the entire industry chain, and the market demand for VCDs is very large, so from the very beginning, Duan Yun has outsourced all the assembly work of VCDs, which saves a lot The resources of the group company are not only supported, but also more than 30 electronic factories in Shenzhen and even in various provinces of the country, and at least hundreds of companies have profited from the entire VCD industry, many of which are holding companies of Tianyin Group.

The Tianyin Group itself has begun to firmly occupy the upper reaches of the electronics industry, and the degree of automation is getting higher and higher, but the front-line employees have been streamlining all the time, while the group's profits have been increasing year by year.

Seeing the high degree of automation in the production workshop of Tianyin Group, not only Hasegawa, but also Jiro Hayakawa, the senior assistant to the President of Sharp who came with him, was also shocked, and many foreign companies who visited Tianyin Group Like executives, Telling Group's production scale and degree of automation have completely overturned their inherent impression of Chinese companies, and they are also shocked by the rapid development of Chinese electronics companies from the bottom of their hearts.

However, compared to the peaceful Hasegawa, Hayakawa Jiro always looked a little serious when facing Duan Yun. The suit on his body was neat and clean, and his hair was combed meticulously. whats the matter.

After the visit, Duan Yun and Sharp's team came to the meeting room of the company headquarters, and the first formal negotiation between the two parties finally started.

"Your company has left a very deep impression on me. You are indeed a very good Chinese company." In the conference room, after listening to Duan Yun's opening remarks, Hayakawa Jiro went straight to the point and said to Duan Yun: "I I would like to ask, has your company's VCD patented technology been transferred or authorized?"

(End of this chapter)

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