Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1891 Hard Negotiation

Chapter 1891 Hard Negotiation
The next day, Tianyin Group issued an internal announcement about personnel transfer. Liang Yonglong was appointed as the general manager of Hong Kong Tianyin Branch, and Li Yun returned to Shenzhen after two years. head office, and was appointed assistant to the president.

However, when Liang Yonglong was appointed, Duan Yun set a half-year inspection period for him. If he failed to meet the requirements set by Duan Yun, then he, the manager, would be dismissed. his subsequent performance.

At the same time, Sony's negotiating delegation also came to Shenzhen, and the two sides began to discuss the details of cooperation and prepare to finalize a series of contracts.

Although both parties have the intention of cooperation, the negotiation process is quite cumbersome and time-consuming when actually signing the contract.

Duan Yun is very busy at work now, he has a lot of things to deal with, it is impossible to spend all the time negotiating with representatives of Sony in the conference room, but this is just a showcase for Li Yun who has just returned to the head office and became Duan Yun's assistant opportunity for ability.

Proficient in five foreign languages, and because she has been in charge of overseas sales in the Hong Kong branch, Li Yun can easily communicate with the Japanese delegation, and is also very familiar with the current situation of the world's consumer electronics industry, so even if she has technical knowledge She doesn't know much about things, but as long as she has an engineer from Tianyin Group by her side, she can handle this kind of negotiation with ease.

"You just need to remember one thing, we are a peer-to-peer cooperation, they are willing to write a lot of commitments in the contract, we can pay as much, but in general, this cooperation is very important to our group company... ..." Duan Yun said to Li Yun who was in charge of the negotiations after the Sony delegation came to the conference room of Tianyin Group.

"Don't worry, I will take care of you. Maybe I will speak violently, but I promise not to talk about it." Li Yun smiled slightly, and then said: "I have some experience in dealing with the Japanese. It will definitely ask for sky-high prices, but as long as you are patient and grind with them a little bit, after a few days, they will start to compromise slowly, all in all, I will not let the interests of Tianyin Group be damaged."

"Very good!" Duan Yun nodded in satisfaction upon hearing this.

Although it was only the first day as Duan Yun's assistant, the two had known each other for ten years, and after graduation, Li Yun had been working at the head office, and had a lot of contacts in private, so many times, the two Everyone is still very understanding.

In addition, compared to his former personal assistant Guo Kai, Li Yun's communication skills are much stronger, and she is also very good at various speech skills and negotiations. Duan Yun is still more at ease when entrusting her with the task of negotiating with the Sony delegation this time of.

Seeing the arrival of the Sony team, Li Yun and other team members of the company entered the conference room. The moment the door closed, Duan Yun's face became serious.

It can be said that the three consecutive negotiations this week are the key to the smooth implementation of Tianyin Group's next overseas strategy.

Especially this negotiation with Sony will be very time-consuming and difficult. After all, as the world's top well-known giants, their company can be said to be full of talents, and it is very simple to ask Sony to pay even a little more.

But now that Li Yun has the full authority to handle the matter, Duan Yun can only pin his hopes on her, and Duan Yun himself has to be busy with other things.

As Duan Yun expected, the first day of negotiations with Sony was extremely difficult. The two sides started negotiations at 10:00 in the morning. After a simple meal at noon, the tug of war continued until 7:00 in the evening. One day of negotiations is over.

"How's the situation?" In the restaurant on the second floor of the group company, Duan Yun saw Li Yun who had just walked up the stairs, got up and asked with concern.

Knowing that Li Yun's negotiation was difficult today, he asked the chef of the restaurant to specially cook some of Li Yun's favorite meals, in order to understand the situation of today's negotiation.

"Wait for me to drink some water first." Li Yun put down the file bag in her hand, took a sip from the water glass on the table, and said to Duan Yun: "Actually, today is still a period of mutual exploration, and Sony and I both want to know what the other party is doing. The bottom line that can be accepted, we will not talk about some substantive issues until tomorrow."

"Thank you for your hard work." Duan Yun nodded and said after hearing the words.

"It's nothing hard, it's my job, but if I can't do it, it's meaningless for me to stay in the company." Li Yun smiled slightly, and then said: "Sony's team leader is very good. Experienced old guy, I have been caught by him several times, I haven't met such a powerful opponent for a long time..."

"Then the two of you are considered opponents." Duan Yun said with a smile.

"These Japanese business elites are generally very difficult to deal with, but they also have their Achilles heel." Li Yun glanced at Duan Yun, and then said: "When I was in Hong Kong, I also had contact with some elites from large Japanese companies. Generally speaking, they can often achieve tactical success under this kind of negotiation, but to be honest, few have a strategic vision. In today's negotiation with Sony, I deliberately relaxed some terms on some terms, and they immediately I started chasing after them fiercely, thinking that I had found a breakthrough in the negotiation, but in fact I just wanted to whet their appetite..."

"You're still amazing. I saw that some of the guys from Sony were old guys today, and I was a little worried that you were no match for them. Now it seems that I was worrying too much." Duan Yun said with a smile.

"I estimate that this negotiation will take at least three days, but I am confident that I can give you a satisfactory answer." Li Yun said confidently.

"If I knew you were so powerful, I should have let you come back from Hong Kong earlier." Duan Yun smiled, and then said: "But you will be very hard this week, except for this negotiation with Sony. Representatives of Shengli Co., Ltd. and the lower company will also come to Shenzhen, you need to prepare the materials in advance and strive to get what we want..."

"I'm in charge of the negotiation, let Guo Kai come to prepare the materials." Li Yun said.

"No problem, let Guo Kai do the sorting out of the materials." Duan Yun nodded in response.

Li Yun is still very scheming, and with just one sentence, Guo Kai, who has been with Duan Yun for three years, has been reduced to a supporting role.

Duan Yun can naturally see Li Yun's thoughts, but Guo Kai is destined not to be the kind of person who can handle big scenes, so the most important factor that determines a person's status in the company has never been loyalty and dedication, but ability.

 My head hurts a bit, just one, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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