Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1893 Hardware Compatibility

Chapter 1893 Hardware Compatibility
In the software R&D computer room of Telling Group, the project team leader is organizing a meeting for software engineers.

In the entire Tianyin Group, the software R&D project team can be said to be the department with the most meetings. From the beginning of work in the morning, there will often be some work meetings, and his project team is very interesting. The people who organize the meetings are not only the project team. If any engineer finds a bug or has a good idea, he or she can call relevant personnel together for on-site discussions, on-site research, and on-site solutions.

Most of the time, some groups can hold five or six meetings a day, some meetings are very short and can be completed in ten minutes, the longest is no more than half an hour, and the final result of the discussion is decided by the project leader Make a decision and quickly transform it into a new task assignment.

In addition to many meetings, the software R&D department is in a long-term, high-load working state almost all year round. The daily working hours of ordinary software engineers are at least ten hours, and some even eat and live in the company. A recent graduate in the studio did not leave the company for three and a half months, and slept directly on the floor next to the office seat when he was tired at night. This record has not yet been broken.

In fact, the main reason for this situation in the software development department is that the benefits given by the project are too good, and the bonus is also scary.

Take normal work as an example. Employees can choose to go to the cafeteria for three meals a day, or they can use an internal phone to let the cafeteria deliver the meals directly to the department. In addition, there is a coffee shop, gym, and bathroom on the first floor downstairs , Living facilities are all available, so there is no need to leave the R&D center, and the problem of food and accommodation can be solved.

In addition, the company provides subsidies for three meals a day. If employees are willing to work overtime, there will be free supper and coffee at night. After 9 o’clock, not only will they have good overtime pay, but they can also take the company’s bus home. It can also save a lot of travel expenses. Because of this, for some low-level scientific researchers with ordinary economic conditions, they can also earn a lot of money.

Moreover, after several years of development, Telling Group also has its own corporate culture, and it has also become the first company in China to advocate wolfish competition. "Exchanging youth for money" has become the consensus of all engineers in Telling R&D Center.

Compared with the so-called 996 in the later generations, the R&D center of Yueyin Group today is even worse, but the lower-level workers have no objection to this, because for ordinary migrant workers, as long as the money is paid in place, overtime work does not matter at all. After all, for fresh graduates who are admitted to university and finally admitted by Tianyin Group these days, they shoulder the burden of changing the fate of themselves and their families. Instead of wasting time in state-owned enterprises, it is better to spend a few years in exchange for No worries for the rest of my life.

"Mr. Duan, this system has been optimized many times at present. I can assure you that the safety and operability can definitely pass the relevant national tests." Seeing Duan Yun's arrival, he is responsible for the spark work of this domestic project research and development. Yan Zhendong, the person in charge of the office, said to Duan Yun.

Yan Zhendong was appointed as the person in charge of the Spark Studio at the end of last year, and his predecessor was unable to keep working due to physical reasons, so Yan Zhendong, who was originally the deputy director of the studio, took up the post and took on the responsibility of organizing the development of a domestic operating system. important task.

Yan Zhendong is a little younger than his former supervisor when he was working in Sparks. He is 35 years old this year. He worked in the BJ Computer Research Institute for eight years. He has profound technical knowledge and outstanding management ability, so in the second year of entering Tianyin to develop things, he was promoted to the deputy director of Spark Studio. He participated in the development of learning machine software and mp90 audio software before, in order to overcome the technical bottleneck A vital contribution has been made and the work accomplished.

Moreover, Yan Zhendong's software development technology is still the top in the Spark Studio, which is full of experts. It is he who formulated the underlying framework of the domestic computer system, which played a vital role in the successful development of the domestic system.

"How compatible is this system with our company's chips?" Duan Yun asked.

"According to your request, we have added some system expansion functions in the past two months, which are highly compatible with the chips produced by our group company, and only large-capacity memory can run smoothly." Yan Zhendong paused, Then he said: "But if the new computers of our group company cannot be launched, there is a simplified version of this system, which can be applied to all computers currently on the market. Because the firewall settings are strengthened, the security is also higher than that of foreign countries. The system software is much stronger."

In fact, in July this year, the domestic computer system has already developed the first-generation version, which can be applied to all mainstream PCs in the current market. Duan Yun immediately called Yan Zhendong to his office and asked him to upgrade and expand this domestic system so that it could only run smoothly on the new generation of flash memory chips produced by Tianyin Group.

To put it bluntly, the version successfully developed in July is enough to hand over to the country and honor Duan Yun's original military order, and the upgrade and expansion have been carried out in the past two months, just to make this software compatible with his Tianyin computer. In-depth connection, so as to obtain a large number of orders from the government, enterprises and institutions in the future.

Duan Yun's approach seems a bit speculative, but under the current circumstances, it is a last resort.

Although Tianyin Computer started to go on the market in batches last year, in terms of sales volume, it is still not as good as Lenovo Computer. The main reason for this is that Lenovo is backed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and its father has the right to be a comprador, so it can obtain a large amount of government procurement. This also made it rely on government orders to revive itself after suffering a major loss in Hong Kong.

The only backer Duan Yun can rely on at this time is Poly Company, and Poly Company has indeed helped Duan Yun get a batch of government orders, but the number of orders is only a fraction compared to Tsinghua Tongfang and Lenovo, so in In the current domestic PC market competition, the situation of Tianyin Computer is not so good.

But if the domestic system can be successfully developed this time, and it is highly compatible with Tianyin Computer, Duan Yun has a great chance to defeat Lenovo and Tongfang and become the overlord of domestic computers...

(End of this chapter)

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