Chapter 1912
On the second day, Duan Yun finally waited for the arrival of the BJ evaluation team, led by Xu Shaoqiang from Poly Company.

"Mr. Xu, let me introduce you. This is Comrade Yan Zhendong, the head of our company's Spark Studio. This is the research and development of the domestic PC operating system, and he is in charge." Seeing Xu Shaoqiang and others get off the car, Duan Yun Immediately stepped forward to greet him, and introduced Yan Zhendong who was by his side.

"Hello, hello!" Hearing this, Xu Shaoqiang immediately shook hands with Yan Zhendong with a smile on his face.

This is the third time that Xu Shaoqiang has come to Tianyin Group, and every time he feels different, Yan Zhendong standing in front of him looks relatively young, only in his early 30s, which makes Xu Shaoqiang somewhat feel It was a bit of a surprise, because when he visited Tianyin Group the last two times, the project leader Xiang Huang Lingyi and others were all over 50 years old, and there were basically no such young project leaders.

Afterwards, Duan Yun exchanged a few words with Xu Shaoqiang, and asked the staff to arrange accommodation for BJ's team.

After putting the luggage into the room, BJ's software evaluation team did not rest, but directly asked Duan Yun to start the evaluation and enter the working state.

In Duan Yun's mind, when people in the system go to work in other places, in many cases, they treat it as a trip. The work can be delayed as much as possible, and they can spend as much time as possible in other places. Earn more travel grants.

But the BJ team who came this time seemed very dedicated, all of them looked serious, and only when facing Duan Yun did they show a smile on their faces.

Duan Yun, of course, wanted to meet the requirements of the BJ evaluation team, so he and Yan Zhendong directly led them to the microcomputer laboratory.

Duan Yun originally thought that he would bring the software to BJ for evaluation, but Xu Shaoqiang proposed to bring the evaluation team to Shenzhen for evaluation, which gave Duan Yun a home court advantage, so in the past few days, he arranged for subordinate departments in advance Assembled a batch of new computers using brand-new large-capacity flash memory chips, and asked Yan Zhendong and others to optimize and upgrade the operating system so that it could perfectly fit the ten new prototypes to the greatest extent.

At this time, the technicians working in the laboratory did not expect the sudden arrival of the BJ test team, so they still maintained their usual work appearance, so that when Xu Shaoqiang entered the laboratory, there were staff who had worked overtime all day and night. Sleeping on the table, there are still many dishes on the table that have not been cleaned up.

However, this is nothing to Duan Yun and Xu Shaoqiang. The most important thing is whether the next test can meet the evaluation standards of BJ experts. This is related to the long-term development of Tianyin Group's future PC project.

The next moment, Yan Zhendong immediately arranged for the staff to clean up the workbench, and then started the ten computers used for testing to assist BJ experts in the next testing work.

"Let me give you a brief introduction to our newly developed operating system..." Yan Zhendong came to these experts at this time, and after turning on one of the computers, he began to demonstrate the operating functions of this operating system in detail .

For a moment, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense, but Duan Yun left the laboratory temporarily at this time.

In the aisle at the door of the laboratory, Duan Yun lit a cigarette, took a puff, and turned to look at the window at the end of the corridor.

In fact, Duan Yun is somewhat nervous at this moment, because the evaluation of BJ experts this time directly determines the development of their Tianyin Group's future PC projects, and once it fails, Tianyin Computer cannot obtain sufficient orders. Defeat Lenovo, which has already occupied the top sales of domestic computers.

In fact, from the beginning to the end, Tianyin Group's computer competition in China is only Lenovo. Although Great Wall and Tongfang Computer also have high brand awareness in China, in general, the combined sales of the two companies are less than Lenovo Group. Moreover, from the perspective of future generations, Great Wall Computer is gradually dying out. Although Tongfang Computer has always existed, its product sales have always been lackluster, and can only be barely maintained.

In the final analysis, compared with Lenovo and Founder, which have platforms from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua University, grassroots companies like Duan Yun want a large number of orders from the national government. Even with the help of Poly, the orders will be much less than the other two. The only chance to turn things around is to pass the national assessment of the new R&D system.

"As soon as I turned my head, I realized that you were gone. I didn't expect to be standing here smoking." At this time, Xu Shaoqiang also walked out of the laboratory, looked at Duan Yun and said, "It seems that you are also quite nervous now, right?"

"It would be a lie to say that you are not nervous." Duan Yun smiled, and continued: "For this system, our company's team has worked hard for a year and a half, day and night, and voluntarily gave up holidays. It's just today... I sometimes feel a little bit emotional, how could my company develop so big without such a group of desperate brothers, so now I can't bear to see them fail. They hit too hard..."

"It's normal for technology research and development to fail. I didn't know that this domestic computer operating system would be so difficult. This time when I chatted with these experts on the train, I realized that this is really a very difficult project. "Xu Shaoqiang paused, and then said: "They have also evaluated the domestic operating system developed by Lenovo before. I originally thought that this kind of system evaluation would be enough to check the software functions, but in fact it is not the same thing at all. Well, the experts have to check the source code one by one, there are more than [-] lines of code, and it took nearly a week to complete, and the result..."

"How was the result?" Duan Yun asked with interest.

"Don't mention it, it's a shame to say it." When he said this, Xu Shaoqiang shook his head with a wry smile, only to hear him continue: "The system developed by Lenovo is obviously too eager for quick success. The open source code of the Unix system, at least [-]% of the code is copied over, the code written by myself has many bugs, not to mention security, even the daily operation will have many problems, in other words, that system is not at all It doesn't work. I really didn't expect Lenovo to be such a big technology company with such a frivolous attitude. At any rate, the people who participated in the research and development were some senior engineers from the Institute of Computer Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. something..."

(End of this chapter)

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