Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2151 Domestic Computer

Chapter 2151 Domestic Computer
"In addition to VCD and DVD, our group has many other products, including chips, software, cars, computers, and some other electronic products." Duan Yun glanced at Joyle, and then said: "In fact, Our Tianyin Group is currently the largest private enterprise in mainland China. It is very powerful in terms of technology and scale. We are also willing to cooperate with a powerful company like Best Buy for a long time to provide the best quality products at the lowest price. products, and hope that the cooperation between our two parties can bring broader prospects to each other.”

"Eh." Hearing this, Joyle showed a bit of surprise on his face.

In fact, before coming to China, Joyle and others also had some understanding of Tianyin Group. What they learned was that Tianyin Group is a very powerful private enterprise in China, with a large scale and many employees. .

However, in their impression, Chinese enterprises have a large number of personnel and a large scale. They are very dense and crude workshops, and then hundreds of workers work day and night in a dimly lit factory building without air conditioning. Inherent impressions of Southeast Asian companies.

However, after actually coming to Tianyin Group, they found that this was not the case at all. The factory building of Tianyin Group is spacious and bright, and the greening of the factory area is also very good. It feels like walking into a park, and what surprised them even more The automation level of the workshop here is really very high. There are only [-] or [-] workers in the huge factory building, but it manages four large production lines. The automation and integration are so high that it is not inferior to some large companies in the United States. .

What's even more frightening is that this group company is involved in too many industries, not only electronic products, but also automobiles, software and other industries. What's more, they have the ability to produce their own chips, which is very important for the American team. It is simply unimaginable.

"Manager Duan, can we visit your chip and automobile company?" At this time, another American expert who was following Joyle couldn't help but said.

The American expert obviously did not believe what Duan Yun said, because in his opinion, both the chip and the automobile industry are very high-end industries. Chips are reflected in the difficulty of technical thresholds, while the automobile industry is a comprehensive industry. The industrial requirements for the entire country are very high. Except for some developed countries such as Europe, America and Japan, there are almost no countries that can independently develop and produce cars, because they do not have a complete industrial system, and it is impossible to produce good cars.

But in fact, neither the chip industry nor the automobile industry has anything to do with Best Buy’s main business, because they mainly deal in electronic products. Because if what Duan Yun said is true, it can prove that Tianjin Group is a large enterprise with extraordinary strength, and it has always been the purpose of Best Buy to cooperate with powerful multinational companies.

"Our car R&D and production base is not in Shenzhen. If you are particularly interested, I will arrange someone to take you to the northern city of Shenyang in China. That is our car production and R&D base." Duan Yun smiled slightly. Then he said: "But now I can show you my integrated circuit factory, which is not far from this electronics factory. After lunch at noon, we can go and have a look."

"Okay." Joyle said with interest.

"In fact, besides DVD and VCD, our current flagship products also sell very well for computers." Duan Yun changed the subject and continued, "Speaking of which, the United States is the country with the most popular computers, and we, China, these The sales of computers in [-] are also very good, so over the years, our company has also invested a lot of money and manpower to develop our domestically produced computers in China."

"Computers in China?" Hearing this, Joyle was taken aback for a moment.

Joyle has never heard of China’s domestically produced computers before. In fact, most of the computers used in the world today are American computers, including operating systems, which are also developed by the United States. He does not believe that China can still Make your own brain.

"Actually speaking, as early as a few years ago, our Tianyin Group established cooperative relations with your American technology companies, including IBM, Intel Corporation, and Texas Instruments. These are our partners and customers. With their support and help, we have our own domestically produced computers," Duan Yun said.

"The parts in there should all be made in the United States, right?" Joyle immediately looked relieved when he heard this, and said to Duan Yun.

Obviously, in Joyle's view, Duan Yun's so-called domestic computer should be an assembly of American parts and technology, and it cannot be called a purely Chinese computer.

In fact, almost all computer companies in the world are basically product technology integrators. They use technology and components from other companies to make computers with the lowest cost and the best performance. This is also a normal thing.

Even including IBM, he does not have the ability to independently complete the research and development and production of all computer components. The CPU is from Intel, the graphics card is from Nvidia, and the hard disk is from Texas Instruments... In short, as Computer manufacturers often do not have too many core technologies. What they need to do is technology integration, and then rely on cost advantages to occupy the market. This is also the current situation of the computer market.

Therefore, including many domestic computer manufacturers, such as Lenovo, Great Wall, and Tongfang, they have always been regarded as "the light of national science and technology" by the Chinese people, but in fact, what they do is only technology integration, and import a large number of foreign products through various channels. The core components are then assembled into a computer with its own brand. It seems that the technical level is very high, but in fact it is a batch of DIY computers and does not have the core technology of key components.

Including many domestic smartphone manufacturers in later generations, they are also taking the route of technology integration. Except for a few companies such as Huawei, none of them have their own core technologies.

"The computers produced by our company have basically been localized. Although we also use foreign parts, we have our own domestic alternatives." When he said this, Duan Yun was a little proud on his face: "If expensive If the company is willing to cooperate with our company, we can provide American consumers with high-quality and low-cost computer products, and in terms of performance, we can completely reach the same level as your American computers!"

(End of this chapter)

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