Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2152 Overseas Strategy

Chapter 2152 Overseas Strategy
In fact, Duan Yun has always wanted to promote his Tianyin brand computers internationally, but he has faced many problems in this process.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, how can high-tech products like computers be compared with foreign manufacturers? European and American countries were the first to develop computers, and they have mastered the right to speak and core technologies in the entire industry. As a Chinese company, they want to put It is conceivable that it is difficult to sell Chinese computers to foreign countries.

But in fact, Duan Yun's idea is completely feasible, because in the current world, almost all computer manufacturers are engaged in technology integration, and they do not master the core technology, but rely on the information obtained from various manufacturers. After the key components are assembled into finished products and then sold, huge profits can also be obtained.

Including Europe and Japan, they also have their own computer manufacturers in their own countries, and they all adopt this method, importing a large number of foreign parts, and then buying some domestic parts. After assembly, they become their own country's brand computers. , First occupy the domestic market, and then expand sales to foreign countries step by step.

In fact, domestic computers have long been sold abroad in another form. In this regard, Lenovo and Tianyin Group are at the forefront of domestic enterprises.

When Lenovo was listed in Hong Kong, the main product sold was the ASIC single-chip microcomputer developed by Academician Ni Guangnan of Lenovo. The total sales volume of this kind of single-chip microcomputer was nearly one million pieces. The computer is essentially a precedent for China's computer exports.

However, since this kind of single-chip microcomputer does not master the core technology, and the added value is not high, although the sales volume is large, the profit is very small.

Later, Tianyin Group also developed, developed and mass-produced a new single-chip microcomputer through international cooperation, which has advantages in product performance and price, which eventually caused Lenovo to fail in the competition with Tianyin Group. Tianyin Group relied on this single-chip microcomputer to obtain huge profits. Among them, Li Yun, who was the general manager of the Hong Kong branch at the time, contributed a lot.

But if Telling Group wants to sell computers in the US market, it will face a lot of problems. First of all, in the US computer market, there is actually an invisible commercial barrier, even for European and Japanese companies. It is also difficult to get a share of the US computer market. The well-known Wen Tailai Alliance is actually a business alliance formed by Microsoft, Intel and IBM, and together they created the prosperity of the US IT industry for decades. .

But in the previous life, Lenovo finally acquired IBM's PC business unit, and finally pushed Lenovo computers to the world, and also surpassed foreign PC manufacturers in China, becoming the number one in China, and once occupied 50% of the domestic home computer market. above.

But in fact, Lenovo’s acquisition of IBM was more like IBM’s acquisition of Lenovo. Most of the shareholders came from Wall Street. The profits are taken away by upstream supply chain manufacturers such as Intel, and more than half of the company's internal profits go into the pockets of foreign shareholders. This cannot but be said to be a tragedy.

But Duan Yun also understands that if Tianyin Group wants to sell computers to the United States, it is impossible not to take a share of American money, so after launching DVD and MP3 products in the American market, Duan Yun will prepare for the next step. Launched domestic Tianyin brand computers to the United States.

To achieve this goal, Duan Yun has his own three-step plan. The first step is to increase research and development efforts to make Tianyin brand computers have more technological added value. Currently, he is focusing on research and development of notebook computers. It is not an easy task to have product features and price advantages. Fortunately, there have been breakthroughs in many technologies at present, and it is estimated that samples will be available next year.

The second step is to seek cooperative capital in the United States. In the future, we will spin off our American branch and go public, and cooperate with local companies in the United States to open an American branch factory, so as to use this springboard to promote our products to the United States. market.

The last step is to find a suitable sales partner in the United States and continuously expand the sales channels in the United States. Best Buy, which is visiting China this time, is the partner that Duan Yun wants to focus on.

"Our company will seriously consider this matter." Joyle said after thinking for a moment.

If Duan Yun told him about selling Chinese computers to the United States a day ago, Joyle would definitely not take it seriously, at most he would just laugh it off, but after visiting the factory here, he is very impressed with this Chinese company. He already has a little more respect. In his opinion, this so-called largest private enterprise in China is really extraordinary. In many respects, it is almost the same as the American company, and even in terms of scale, it has surpassed more than half of the companies. Large US company.

Businessmen are profit-seeking. Chinese products have always been known for being cheap, and Tianyin Group is so powerful. If it can really mass-produce products with low prices and high quality, it will also be a very good business opportunity for Best Buy. .

After watching the electronics factory, Duan Yun entertained Joyle and his party in the restaurant of the guest house at noon.

Americans don't have the habit of taking a nap after eating, so Duan Yun took them to visit Tianyin Group's chip factory.

After entering the chip factory, Joyle and his team felt shocked again, because this chip factory is larger and more advanced than the electronics factory visited in the morning.

Since the beginning of this year, Tianyin Group has expanded a dust-free workshop and assembled four new production lines, making Tianyin Group now have eight chip production lines, making Tianyin Group's monthly chip production reach 2000 million. The annual output will exceed 2.5 million pieces.

You must know that in 1994 last year, China's national chip production was only 4.5 million pieces, while Tianyin Group's total production last year was 1.7 million pieces, accounting for almost one-third of the country's integrated circuit production. After four new chip production lines are built this year, they will reach half of the country's total output.

This is a very astonishing number, but the four newly built chip production lines mainly produce low-end chips. In addition to satisfying the VCD and DVD products currently produced by the group company, they have also become chips for many domestic home appliance manufacturers. The suppliers, just these four production lines, can bring more than one billion yuan of profit to Tianyin Group every year. From this point of view, Tianyin Group has already occupied a very important position in China's chip industry.

(End of this chapter)

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