Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2153 Special Gift

Chapter 2153 Special Gift

The visit on the chip this time really impressed Joyle and his party. In the evening, Duan Yun graciously brought Joyle and others in the VIP room on the third floor of the guest house.

If it is said that these Americans came to visit Tianyin Group with a strong sense of superiority and almsgiving before, then now, Joyle and others have no doubts about Duan Yun and his Tianyin Group. There is no heart of contempt in the slightest.

"Manager Duan, thank you very much for your kind hospitality to us. We have seen a very good Chinese company with great potential. After returning to the United States in the future, I will try my best to promote the cooperation between you Tianyin Group and our Best Buy company. Bring more of your company's high-quality products to the American market." During the banquet, Joyle raised his glass and touched Duan Yun, then said with a smile.

"Thank you very much for Mr. Joyle's affirmation of our Tianyin Company." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and then said: "I hope that Mr. Joyle can visit us in China more often when he has time. There is a company in Shenzhen, and it has its own branches in BJ, Shanghai and northern China, and we will develop some new electronic products every year, and I believe your company will be very interested."

"I will definitely come to China often in the future." Joyle nodded.

"Mr. Joyle, I still have a gift for you." Duan Yun said, snapping his fingers behind him.

The next moment, a staff member walked up to Duan Yun holding a gift box.

"Mr. Joyle, this is the latest MP3 player developed by our company. This product was exhibited at your CES exhibition in the United States before, and it also aroused very good responses." Duan Yun picked up the gift box, Handed it to Joyle and said: "This is a very good portable audio-visual product with powerful functions and good sound quality. The most important thing is that it is so small that you can even put it on your coat when you are at work. Pocket, enjoy beautiful music anytime, anywhere."

"MP3 player?" After receiving the gift box from Duan Yun, Joy was stunned for a moment, and then said, "This... can I open it and have a look?"

"Of course there is no problem." Duan Yun said with a smile.

Afterwards, Joyle opened the box, revealing an MP3 player the size of a cigarette case.

"This is the start button, the name of the song will be displayed on the screen, and then you can choose any song through this circular button, put on the earphones, and press the play button in the middle to hear the music." Duan Yunjian introduced.

"Very good." Joyle was really surprised to see the exquisite appearance of this MP3 player.

Because before this, he had never seen such a small music player, even the Sony md player he had seen before seemed to be a bit bigger than this one, so he felt that this thing could be used, probably The sound quality and performance are not good either.

In addition, the design of the ring button is also very unique. You don't need to read the manual, but after Duan Yun's brief introduction, he immediately felt that he could get started with it.

"Um." Putting on the earphones again, and pressing the button marked "Ok" in the middle of the ring button, Joyle's eyes suddenly became frozen.

At this time, what was playing on the MP3 player was Wang Luobin's "Girl in Dabancheng". The beautiful and cheerful rhythm, the style of the Chinese minority style, made Joyle immediately immersed in the beautiful melody .

It wasn't until the whole song was played that Joyle came back to his senses, and an uncontrollable excitement immediately appeared on his face.

"This thing is great!" Joyle couldn't help but glanced at the MP3 player again, and then said, "This player should have the best sound quality I've ever used. How did you do it?"

Until now, Joyle still can’t believe that this small box is so functional, especially its sound quality, which is better than that of the Sony Walkman he used before, and the volume is still so small, it’s almost a little Incredible.

"For this small player, our group company has invested a lot of manpower, material resources and funds, and it took three years to develop it successfully. At present, this player can store more than 60 songs in MP3 format through computer download. songs, which is equivalent to the capacity of 5~6 ordinary tapes, and because it uses digital technology, the sound quality is a qualitative leap compared to the sound quality of ordinary tape recorders and Walkmans that use analog technology. I believe that Joey Mr. Er should have felt it." Duan Yun said with a smile.

"It is indeed a very good product." Joyle nodded, and continued: "If according to what you said before, this product has been released at the CES show, why have I never heard of it in the US market? How about this product?"

In Joyle's view, this product should be the latest technology and the best performance portable player on the market. Just because it is so small and the sound quality is so good, it has already surpassed similar products. The US market should be very popular, but Joyle has never heard of this product, which is unbelievable for a person like him who has been paying close attention to various electronic products in the US market and is a full-time supervisor of procurement.

"In fact, the main reason is that our MP3 has not yet started mass production, because there are many problems to be solved, the first is the issue of music copyright, because this machine needs to download songs from the Internet, which requires related music The company has reached a copyright agreement." Duan Yun paused, and then said: "On the other hand, the cost of this product is a bit high, and the price of each one is about 300 US dollars, which is more expensive than ordinary Walkmans. Many, the last point is that we don’t have any suitable cooperative distributors in the United States, which makes it difficult to quickly promote this product in the United States. Of course, if your company is interested in this product, we can reach an exclusive cooperation Agreement, with your Best Buy company being the exclusive agent of this product in the United States and North America, I believe that with the strength of your company, you will be able to obtain very rich returns through this product."

"So that's how it is." Hearing this, Joyle was stunned. After thinking for a while, he said: "I think this product is very good. Can you provide us with a few more samples? After returning to the United States, we need to This product is being evaluated, and if possible, we will sign a cooperation agreement soon."

"Of course there is no problem." Duan Yun smiled and said, "I can give you 20 sample machines this time, and another six computers produced by our company. I am very much looking forward to establishing a long-term cooperative relationship with your company. , build a channel for mutual benefit and win-win between our two companies!"

(End of this chapter)

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