Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2157 Prestige

Chapter 2157 Prestige
Hearing Duan Yun's words, the scene burst into warm applause.

As a miracle in the Chinese business world, although Duan Yun has put in a lot of time and hard work over the years, there is no doubt that he has gone smoothly in the business world over the years, and anyone who takes the express train of Tianyin Group People are basically earning a lot of money. Among all the members present, the least one has a net worth of two to three million yuan.

It can be said that these people around Duan Yun can be regarded as the wealthiest wave of private entrepreneurs in China at present, so when these people get together, the power gathered together is very huge , Huge funds, intricate and powerful social background relations, so that if these people want to unite to do some commercial projects in China, the scale and influence will reach an unprecedented level.

"...When I went to the United States, I found that the Internet there is very developed. Although it cannot be said that every household has used the Internet, the penetration rate is quite high. Almost all American families with computers have access to Internet services. Duan Yun paused, then continued: "In the United States where the Internet is so popular, many related industries have also been born, especially the establishment of e-commerce networks. It has changed many business models and has been created by many small and medium-sized enterprises. Therefore, I believe that once the e-commerce network of our group company is established, it will also bring extremely rich returns to everyone present.”

For Duan Yun, in addition to the R&D department of a group company, the sales department is the most important. Relying on the membership system of the Chamber of Commerce established in the early years, Tianyin Group has a very strong sales and after-sales system in China. However, judging from the current situation, many larger domestic private enterprises have also begun to learn from Tianyin Group and have established their own group company chamber of commerce system. Although it is far inferior to Tianyin Group in terms of membership strength and scale, At least they are learning from others. In many respects, they have already formed a certain competition with Tianyin Group.

Therefore, in Duan Yun’s view, in addition to continuously improving and expanding the scale and system of the chamber of commerce, it is also necessary to keep pace with the times and upgrade and innovate according to the development of the times and technology. Therefore, after entering the Internet age, Duan Yun attaches great importance to the development of e-commerce. When the Internet has not yet been popularized in China and the development of e-commerce is not mature enough, Duan Yun needs to rely on the strength of members of the chamber of commerce to let the group company's e-commerce take a preliminary prototype , as long as the first step can be successfully taken, the subsequent development will become much easier.

According to Duan Yun's plan, in the early stage, more than 300 members of his group company will become the first merchants to settle in the Tianyin e-commerce website, and help them sell products for free. Of course, there is no free lunch in the world. Duan Yun's plan also requires Support and help from these members.

"Mr. Duan, we can do whatever you want. There is nothing to say." At this time, a fat middle-aged man standing beside Duan Yun said.

"Yeah, we all make money together and do things together, and I believe that a once-in-a-century business genius like Mr. Duan will definitely make everyone money no matter what project he does."

"We all listen to you."

It can be said that the current Duan Yun has a very high prestige in the hearts of all members of the chamber of commerce. After all, all the products and projects that Duan Yun has promoted in the chamber of commerce over the years have been very successful. Plate full.

"Thanks to everyone's love." Hearing the support from the people around him, Duan Yun smiled, and then said: "Actually, everyone should have seen the current progress. After registering the store and displaying the product information, domestic Internet users browse this website through this, and can place orders directly from the website by mail or wire transfer. Although the payment is not very convenient at present, there is no problem. Yes, as for commodity transportation and logistics, the group company has always had a very large fleet. In addition to XJ and XZ, all provincial capital cities have established corresponding transfer stations, and since the second half of last year, they have spent huge sums of money to expand We have established logistics transit warehouses in BJ, Shanghai, and Guangzhou to further expand the efficiency of our commodity logistics, but my idea is to deliver all the goods ordered online, so that customers can get the goods without leaving home.”

"This... is unlikely, right?" Hearing what Duan Yun said, the middle-aged man standing next to him showed some doubts on his face, and he continued: "Mr. Duan, my company also has a transportation Fleet, so I have a good understanding of logistics. Generally speaking, my fleet basically only runs business within the province and transports goods across provinces. Unless there are a lot of goods, otherwise, I can’t even earn back the gas fee. If I want to deliver goods If it’s door-to-door, the cost will be even higher, maybe a product has only a few cents of profit, but if all the products are delivered to the door, it will definitely lose money.”

"Boss Liu is right. The roads in some remote and small cities are too difficult to travel. Logistics cost control is a big problem. If these costs are added to the price of the product, many things will not be bought at all." Station A man on the other side followed suit.

"Actually, I have considered all these issues that you mentioned, and it is precisely because of this that I need to remember your help and support." Duan Yun pondered for a while, and then said: "As the leader of the group company, my biggest task It is to find a correct development direction for the whole group, because I have always believed that as long as the direction is correct, it will be a matter of time before success is achieved. In fact, e-commerce has achieved good development abroad, and has also created a lot of millions of dollars. Rich people, multi-millionaires and even billionaires, although the opportunity to develop e-commerce in China is not yet fully mature, if e-commerce is promoted in China now, it will be difficult to make profits in the short term, and it will even take a long time in terms of manpower and capital. Investing and losing money are predictable things..."

"Uh." Hearing what Duan Yun said, everyone present was a little surprised. They didn't expect Duan Yun to be so honest, and directly said that this project would lose a lot of money.

In fact, regarding the electronic business, these member bosses present are not very concerned, because it means that they need to invest a lot of manpower and material resources, and it is difficult to see profits in the short term. Such a business, for them who are used to making quick profits For businessmen with money, it is difficult to accept.

(End of this chapter)

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