Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2164 Business Risk

Chapter 2164 Business Risk
"President Dai, let me introduce myself first..." Duan Yun said quickly upon seeing this.

"Hehe, what else do you need to introduce yourself? I have heard a lot about you. From an ordinary worker in a state-owned enterprise to now the boss of the largest private enterprise in China, there have been too many news about you in these years Yes, it is indeed very remarkable." Dai Xianglong said with a smile on his face.

"Actually, my achievements today are inseparable from the good policies of the party and the country. I also borrowed the spring breeze of reform and opening up to expand the enterprise step by step. I can only say that this era and society are so good. Let us This kind of little person also has the opportunity to grow up." Duan Yun said in a humble tone.

Facing Dai Xianglong, Duan Yun was still a little in awe. On the one hand, it was out of respect for him; Seek his cooperation.

Moreover, compared with the four major state-owned banks in China, the central bank has much greater power and is mainly responsible for the formulation of national financial policies. If the central bank is willing to help Tianyin Group and the four major state-owned banks establish a cooperative guarantee mechanism, then Duan Yun's network The payment problem will be easily solved.

"This is indeed a good time, but not everyone can succeed. You can stand out from the crowd, which shows that you have extraordinary abilities." Dai Xianglong smiled slightly, and then said: "As far as I know, the current operating conditions of your company are very good. Well, last year's sales have exceeded 1000 billion, and it is the largest tax-paying enterprise in SZ City, and it is also considered the strongest private enterprise in the whole country, which is a remarkable achievement."

"That's all the achievements of the past. The company still needs to keep moving forward, and our company is also facing many difficulties and challenges." Duan Yun paused, and then said: "For example, the e-commerce network system that our company is focusing on developing now, At present, more than 300 merchants from all over the country have been absorbed. For this reason, we have also expanded the logistics and warehousing system in Guangzhou, Shanghai and BJ, and the next step will be to establish logistics and distribution outlets across the country... "

Duan Yun began to introduce his company's e-commerce network plan to Dai Xianglong in detail, and Dai Xianglong also listened to Duan Yun's narration with great interest, and nodded slightly from time to time.

"This sounds like a great business plan." After listening to Duan Yun's narration, Dai Xianglong showed a look of approval, only to hear him continue: "You young entrepreneurs dare to think, this kind of business model I have never seen before." It’s unheard of, it’s really eye-catching, and it sounds like it’s very feasible, but considering the current situation in our country, it’s not that easy to succeed.”

"President Dai is right." Duan Yun nodded, and continued: "At present, my e-commerce plan is really not easy to realize, and there are many problems that need to be solved, but then again, if there is any business that is easy to do If it can make money again, I am afraid that other companies have already done it, and it is not our turn, so sometimes doing business is a gamble, but I think this time the chances of winning will be greater."

"Hehe, that's true. Doing business definitely requires some foresight and courage. Only by taking a path that others have not gone before can sometimes get the greatest reward." Dai Xianglong said approvingly.

"Yeah, actually, I'm not completely gambling, because the e-commerce model I proposed has similar successful experience abroad. When I went to the United States, many American companies have already sold products through the Internet. product, and the effect is very good.” Duan Yun paused, and then said: “Although the current national conditions of China and the United States are different, and the Internet in China is not as popular as in the United States, I believe that the number of Internet users in our country will definitely increase in the future. There will be more and more, even surpassing the United States. By that time, the e-commerce model is likely to become the most profitable business model in China. It allows consumers to buy what they want without leaving home, and In terms of price, you can also get a lot of benefits, so in the long run, I think this business model will definitely make money, and the benefits will be very rich.”

"Then I want to ask, do you need any help when you come to see me this time?" Dai Xianglong asked.

"The thing is, in our e-commerce network plan, payment is a big problem. At present, the payment method we use is to let consumers place an order online, leave the delivery address, and then let them send The money is sent to the company headquarters by wire transfer or mail, and our side arranges the delivery. For ordinary consumers, this method of payment is too troublesome, and the waiting period is relatively long, which often takes a week. It is really inconvenient to have to wait for a while before the goods are shipped to consumers." Duan Yun frowned slightly, and then said: "But if there is a bank willing to provide a third-party guarantee, you can Instant payments can be made directly through some software on the Internet, and the money can be transferred to our company's account with just a few clicks on the webpage, and we can also ship immediately..."

Duan Yun began to explain the online payment process to Dai Xianglong in detail, and said that this is a very important step in e-commerce, and this business model has already had a successful precedent in the United States.

"...For the guarantor bank, the online payment business is actually a very profitable commercial project, and the handling fee can be set at about one-thousandth. For example, if you pay 1000 yuan online, the bank will You can make a profit of one yuan, 1 yuan is ten yuan, and 1000 million is 1 yuan. According to my conservative estimate, within two years, our online sales are likely to exceed 50 billion yuan. It means that the bank can profit at least 500 million yuan from it, and as Internet payment becomes more and more popular, this number will increase every year..." Duan Yun said seriously.

"Okay, I understand." Hearing the figure of 500 million, Dai Xianglong interrupted Duan Yun, only to hear him continue: "I think with your ability, you should be able to achieve great success in this commercial project, However, from the present point of view, our central bank cannot provide you with a business guarantee. On the one hand, it is because of the problems in the national financial policy. On the other hand, I think that your commercial project currently has uncontrollable risks. The central bank It is the treasury of our country's citizens. As the president, I need to be responsible for every penny in the bank. Therefore, it is difficult for us to guarantee your project before the introduction of a complete risk-controllable plan. I also hope that You can understand."

"That's it..." Hearing this, Duan Yun frowned slightly, and said after a while: "I fully understand President Dai's decision, but I hope that if I have the opportunity in the future, I can still cooperate with your bank. I will come up with a less risky and more feasible business plan, and I ask President Dai to consider it at his discretion."

(End of this chapter)

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