Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2165 New Channels

Chapter 2165 New Channels
By this time, Duan Yun actually understood President Dai's meaning, that is, he did not intend to guarantee Tianyin Group's e-commerce trading platform.

The reason is very simple. The difference between the central bank and the four major state-owned banks is that it is not a profit-making unit, but belongs to a national financial department. Not his first concern.

In addition, it takes two years for such a large commercial project to achieve a profit of 500 million yuan. For any state-owned bank, the profit is pitifully small, and it has to bear part of the commercial and administrative responsibilities. , which is not acceptable to the president of any bank.

You must know that the annual income of China's four major state-owned banks has always been in the unit of [-] million. You only need to make a few loans to a few large domestic enterprises, and you can easily earn several million or even a year. The annual income of tens of millions and millions of yuan is actually not worth mentioning.

But Dai Xianglong would not have imagined that in the next 20 years or so, China's e-commerce will develop very rapidly, with annual sales reaching tens of trillions of RMB, and it has become a very important economic model in China, and it will bring banks annual income. The resulting income is also as high as hundreds of billions of yuan.

But no one has the foresight ability like Duan Yun, and in terms of the current domestic situation, the hardware conditions for establishing an e-commerce sales network are not mature enough, and even most Chinese people have never heard of the term e-commerce. It is understandable that Dai Xianglong did not want to help Duan Yun.

Even so, Duan Yun did not have the slightest dissatisfaction with Dai Xianglong, because for an official of his level, being willing to invite Duan Yun to have a face-to-face discussion is actually giving Duan Yun a lot of face, after all, no matter how rich Duan Yun is , is also a businessman in essence, and he is not at the same level as Dai Xianglong.

"If the opportunity is ripe in the future, I think this matter can still be discussed, but at least not now, your project still has many risks and uncertainties, do you understand what I mean?" Dai Xianglong said seriously to Duan Yun Said.

"Understood." Duan Yun nodded.

Duan Yun knew in his heart that the essence of what Dai Xianglong said was that the National Bank would not take financial risks to cooperate with his company to establish an online payment project. It is only possible to cooperate with Tianyin Group in such a project if there is no loss. That is to say, the state-owned banks can only be icing on the cake, but they cannot be expected to help.

This is actually the current common practice of state-owned banks in the commercial field, especially in the era of vigorous development of private enterprises, they have no shortage of customers, even some high-quality large customers, they still have room to pick and choose, in general, Compared with banks, private enterprises have always been in a weak position, which cannot be changed.

"The help I can give you is limited, so you can go directly to the person in charge of the bank to negotiate, maybe they are willing to provide you with a business guarantee." Dai Xianglong glanced at Duan Yun, and then said: "In principle, we don't I oppose the cooperation between state-owned banks and excellent private enterprises like yours in new commercial projects, but you must find a way to control the risks of the projects. Only in this way, more state-owned banks will cooperate with you. Excellent private enterprises, I believe they have the strength in this regard.”

"Thank you President Dai for your encouragement." Duan Yun smiled slightly after hearing the words, and continued: "We will continue to work on the e-commerce project for a long time, and hope that the central bank will introduce more policies that are beneficial to our private enterprises in the future, so that we can The enterprise develops higher and farther."

Dai Xianglong's statement is also very important to Duan Yun, because the central bank is the country's financial controller and policy maker. If they do not allow state-owned banks to cooperate with private enterprises in e-commerce projects, then Duan Yun's e-commerce Commercial projects will face very great difficulties, and the only breakthrough can only be placed on foreign banks and private banks.

Speaking of foreign-funded banks, in fact, as early as 1979, foreign-funded banks had already entered the mainland of China.

In 1979, the first foreign-funded bank office - the Japan Export-Import Bank Office was established in BJ, which opened the prelude to the opening up of my country's banking industry.

In 1981, foreign-funded banks were approved to set up business institutions in five special economic zones in Shenzhen, Xiamen, Zhuhai, Shantou and Hainan to engage in foreign exchange financial business.

In 1990, Shanghai was the first to introduce foreign-funded banking business institutions after the Special Economic Zones.Two years later, the regions of foreign-funded banks' operating institutions were further expanded to seven coastal cities including Dalian, Tianjin, Qingdao, Nanjing, Ningbo, Fuzhou and Guangzhou.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for the current foreign-funded banks to cover all cities in China. They are mainly concentrated in some coastal and developed cities. Compared with state-owned banks, their business scope and user scale are much smaller, and some of them basically belong to Local banks with very little coverage.

In fact, if we can cooperate with these foreign banks in China and implement the online instant payment function, it will be very helpful to Duan Yun's e-commerce project, but this kind of help is also very limited, which means that Tianyin Group It is impossible for the e-commerce network to cover the whole country, and in the absence of a national organization such as UnionPay, Duan Yun needs to negotiate with these foreign banks one by one. The complexity and difficulty of the negotiations are still very high, and they will be subject to Some relevant policy constraints.

However, although Dai Xianglong did not intend to help Tianyin Group solve the problem of online payment guarantee, he did not block Duan Yun's negotiation channel with other state-owned banks. In addition to negotiating with the central bank, he is also ready to negotiate with several other state-owned banks.

Afterwards, Duan Yun and Dai Xianglong talked about other matters, and Duan Yun mainly asked about the national financial policy in the next few years.

In fact, for an enterprise of Tianyin Group's size, it is becoming more and more sensitive to financial policies, because any policy change is an outlet and opportunity that cannot be ignored for Duan Yun. The direction of financial policy reform is also a very important consideration for Duan Yun to formulate the direction of enterprise development in the future.

The topics Duan Yun and Dai Xianglong talked about became more and more in-depth and speculative. It can be seen that President Dai Xianglong still admires Duan Yun very much, and Duan Yun himself is able to contact and talk with an official of such a level. It is also an honor and a rare opportunity. This can be regarded as opening a channel for direct communication with senior state officials, which is very important to Duan Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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