Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2170 Vision

Chapter 2170 Vision
"Get in the car." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and opened the car door. After Ruixue got in the car, he immediately sat in the driver's seat and slowly drove the car away.

"You came to BJ this time to see me, right?" Ruixue asked in the car.

"Of course it's to see you." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and then said: "By the way, we have to deal with some company matters. Speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for two months. How is work going?"

"It's still the same. Although there are a lot of things to deal with, after getting used to it, I don't feel so much pressure." Ruixue let out a breath, and then said: "The key to our business is not to say the wrong thing, so I always Avoid mistakes, but ok so far, I haven't let our leader down."

"With your talent and ability, you must be able to do this job for a long time." Duan Yun turned his head and glanced at Ruixue, and then said, "Which restaurant do you want to go to for dinner?"

"Take me home, today is my mother's birthday, the family should have prepared meals long ago." Ruixue said.

"Your mother's birthday?" Duan Yun was taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly said: "I forgot about it. I don't know if the mall is closed now. Let's go buy some gifts together."

"No need, my parents can't accept gifts now, and I don't like to accept gifts. As long as you are willing to go over for dinner tonight, I believe their two elders will be very happy." Ruixue smiled slightly, and then said: "A while ago, my dad Mom is still talking about you, saying that you haven't come to visit BJ's when you have time, and I still miss you a little..."

"Eh." Hearing this, Duan Yun's heart suddenly warmed up.

Speaking of which, Duan Yun and Ruixue's father had a friendship of more than ten years, and to a certain extent, Duan Yun and Ruiyang were both teachers and friends. No matter when he was working in Daxing or later in Shanghai, Duan Yun He has maintained a very close relationship with Ruiyang's family, so much so that now Duan Yun is regarded as half of his family by Ruiyang's family.

Another point is that people are not cold at high places. Although Ruiyang is in a high position now, for various reasons, he has become a little alienated from newcomers, some classmates and old friends. The reason for this situation On the one hand, because of the gap in status, it is easy to awe people, and they dare not and do not approach easily.

On the other hand, it is also because of the sensitivity of the position. It is not easy to be a clean and honest cadre. Ruiyang is a person of great wisdom. Friends are estranged.

So much so that now Ruiyang doesn't have many old friends around him, and the scope of daily communication is only with friends who have the same status as him. A person's level determines his circle, and Ruiyang is no exception.

As for the reason why Duan Yun and Ruiyang can always maintain a very good relationship, there are many reasons, two of which are very important, the first point is that Ruiyang knows Duan Yun very well, in his opinion, Duan Yun is a decent person Duan Yun has never done anything illegal, and his reputation in society has always been positive. Even without Ruiyang's help, Duan Yun can still achieve great success in business. Ruiyang can give Duan Yun at most Yun provided some suggestions, as well as legal policy support. The two of them are not the kind of interest relationship where the government and business collude, but more like a master-student relationship. In the past, as the old saying goes, a teacher for a day is a father for life, so from this point of view It is said that Duan Yun and Ruiyang have a basis for maintaining a long-term friendship.

On the other hand, in some respects, Duan Yun can be regarded as a "retainer" of Ruiyang's family. In the past, Ruiyang worked in other places for a long time. If BJ's family needs help with anything, there is no way to do it in Ruiyang. Sometimes, Duan Yun can help to solve it, which can make Ruiyang work in other places with peace of mind, and Duan Yun can help with things that Ruiyang is inconvenient to handle, such as the son's marriage before, if it wasn't for Duan Yun's help , maybe Ruiyang's son had married this female dancer long ago, and this was a difficult thing for Ruiyang and his wife to accept.

"There is one more thing I want to tell you." Ruixue said suddenly.

"whats the matter?"

"Mom has introduced me to a lot of people recently. It seems that she is a little worried that I won't be able to get married." When she said this, Ruixue couldn't help but smile.

"Introduce someone? Did you agree?" Duan Yun asked quickly.

"How is it possible? If that's the case, we won't meet today."

"Ah." Hearing this, Duan Yun couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and then asked: "But if you refuse, will your father suspect you..."

"For my mother's sake, I'll just go through the motions and find a reason to separate." Rui Xueqing sighed, and then said: "Actually, those men are basically friends of my parents. The children of my colleague’s family boasted about them. In fact, I saw a few of them when I was a child. If I can’t study well, I know how to make trouble everywhere. Even if they are old, they have nothing to do. , the people who dress up in front of me look good, talk about ideals, talk about life, and pour me chicken soup, I feel really a little funny..."

"Hahaha." Hearing this, Duan Yun laughed, and said after a while: "Actually, boys don't have many fuel-efficient lamps. I was also very naughty when I was young. My dad beat me twice in three days. Even my studies were so-so. .”

In fact, Duan Yun is not worried that things between himself and Ruixue will be complicated, because he knows Ruixue very well. Ruixue is a very thoughtful girl, and the relationship between the two has been very stable. If there is no major change, it is impossible to break up suddenly.

"You are different from them." Ruixue shook her head lightly, and continued, "I remember when I first saw you, I was still a junior high school student. My first impression was that you were a very cunning guy. After getting along for a long time, I gradually feel that you are a very down-to-earth person..."

When she said this, a faint blush flashed across Ruixue's face, and she turned her head to look out the car window.

"No one is perfect. In fact, I have many problems, but I can change for you." Duan Yun turned his head and glanced at Ruixue, and then said: "Give me some more time, and I will find a way to make your parents accept us. Two things..."

"En." Ruixue nodded obediently upon hearing this, her eyes flashed brightly.

The car slowly drove through the streets of BJ City, and countless people who had just got off work rode bicycles passing by on both sides. Looking at the crowd outside the car window, Ruixue's eyes gradually became frozen...

(End of this chapter)

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