Chapter 2175
"Our country has been reforming and opening up for more than ten years. On the whole, the development is indeed very fast. In 80, our country's GDP was only 4500 billion U.S. dollars, but last year it exceeded 7 trillion U.S. dollars, a 15% increase. This is a very remarkable achievement." Ruiyang paused, and then said: "However, there have been many problems in these years, and some problems have reached the point of being hard to return. The most serious point is that most of the current domestic State-owned and private enterprises, they have the problems of single industry, low technical threshold, and weak product competitiveness, especially in the international market, they can only be in the position of the most downstream industry, big but not strong, this is our domestic enterprise status quo."

"Uncle Rui is right, but there is nothing to do about it. After all, Western developed countries have experienced more than 100 years of development. When our country was founded, it was only with the help of the Soviet Union that we initially established our own. The industrial system, coupled with the special historical reasons of more than ten years in the middle, that is, after the reform and opening up, the domestic science and technology industry can really develop. In just over ten years, it is necessary to catch up with the developed countries for hundreds of years. It is a very big challenge, not to mention that the developed countries have not stagnated, and they have developed faster than you." Duan Yun said.

"You are right." Ruiyang nodded approvingly, and said: "In the past, the country implemented a planned economy. After the initial liberalization of the market-oriented economic model, it gave private enterprises a lot of room for development. The economy, the market economy has greater flexibility, so they have developed quite rapidly in the past ten years, but now with the rise of more and more private enterprises, the competition is becoming more and more fierce, completely open After the market-oriented economy, the disadvantages of enterprises lacking technical background have emerged. It is precisely because of this that more and more bankruptcies, whether private or state-owned, are currently going bankrupt. This is a very serious challenge for our national economy. test."

"Indeed." Duan Yun said.

"But you are still very far-sighted." When he said this, Ruiyang showed a smile on his face, only to hear him continue: "Now think about it, you boy can start laying out chips seven or eight years ago." Industry, and the annual investment in scientific research has always been the first among domestic private enterprises, this kind of courage and foresight is really not something that ordinary people can have."

"Actually, there are many excellent entrepreneurs in China. They also want to take the route of high-tech development, but they lack luck like me. To put it bluntly, I choose this development path, which is related to my technical background." Duan Yun smiled slightly, Then he said: "Uncle Rui, you also know that I have always been an idealist. I don't deny that I started a business to make money and live a better life, but I also hope that China's technological strength can be developed. So from this point of view, I myself have two sides, on the one hand, I am a profit-seeking boss, and on the other hand, I am also a scientific and technological worker with ideals.”

"Hahaha, that's true." Ruiyang laughed, and said after a while: "Actually, I have always hoped to provide more help to your Tianyin Group, but in my position, I have to consider the whole country more. In the overall situation, you need a bowl of water to be level. In the past, you could still eat a lot of food, but now, many things can’t be done..."

"Actually, if Uncle Rui wants to help me without arousing criticism from others, there is still a way." Duan Yun frowned, and then said: "For example, the e-commerce project I am working on now, if the country can formulate Relevant policies to support e-commerce, and do not treat state-owned enterprises and private enterprises differently, that is tantamount to helping me a lot. In fact, let me tell you clearly that I am not short of money or technology. What I lack is a Stable and fair market environment, what I am most worried about is that in the development of e-commerce, the interests of certain departments will be touched, so as to be artificially interfered by the government, which will deal a great blow to our company..."

In fact, Duan Yun also knew that at this time, the help Ruiyang could give him was very limited. It was not that Ruiyang was incapable, but that he was in a different position.

Like in the past, whether in Daxing or Shanghai, Ruiyang was able to give Duan Yun’s enterprises some "partial food", because at that time his power was limited and practical, even if he took care of some enterprises, he would not arouse criticism .

But the difference now is that Ruiyang’s position is a bit too high. In such a position, the influence of abusing rights and interests is very great, and the cost of making mistakes is also huge. Regarding this point, Ruiyang is very concerned. I know it well.

So for Duan Yun, he can't expect too much from Ruiyang, but can have a good market environment, as well as the same treatment and opportunities as state-owned enterprises. In fact, Duan Yun has already satisfied, and his requirements are not enough. Point, although Duan Yun also understands that it is almost impossible for private enterprises to sit on an equal footing with state-owned enterprises, but as long as they are relatively equal.

"The bank is really worried that your private enterprises will affect the domestic financial order, but as long as you don't do illegal things, I believe you will be able to succeed." Ruiyang pondered for a while, and then said: "In fact, the current domestic economic As far as the environment is concerned, there is not much prejudice against private enterprises at the national level, and many people even think that private enterprises should be vigorously supported, but in some key areas, you need to learn to develop in a low-key manner, and at the same time weigh the interests of relevant partners. I believe When the benefits that a project can bring are large enough, and you have enough voice in this industry, then I think competitors may also become friends.”

"Thank you Uncle Rui for your guidance." Duan Yun said gratefully.

"As for policy matters, all I can do is to be fair, and there will be no targeted negative policies against Tianyin Group." Ruiyang said.

"that would be great."

"One more thing." Ruiyang put down the teacup in his hand and said: "At present, both the government and the public opinion in our country are very concerned about the business's overseas expansion. If your company can open the American market and have a presence in the world After a certain amount of influence, I think that at this time, the country will give you a little "partial food", and there should not be many people who would object, and not many people would dare to object..."

(End of this chapter)

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