Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2176 Super High Threshold

Chapter 2176 Super High Threshold
"Understood." Duan Yun nodded.

Ruiyang's words are very clear, that is, although it is impossible for him to give Duan Yun more policy support, there are exceptions to everything.

Compared with a few years ago, the current national economic situation has shown a cooling trend. Many state-owned enterprises have closed down and employees have been laid off. news and public opinion.

In the past few years, whether it was the Asian Games, the Olympic Games, or the successful launch of the Long March series of rockets by the Chinese, they all remembered the great pride of the Chinese people, so for a long time, the Chinese people were immersed in it. In the joy of the country's gradual strength, to a certain extent, the emergence of these news conceals many domestic disadvantages and the huge gap with the international community.

In addition to these iconic news, the loss of income of Chinese companies in the domestic market has also made countless Chinese people feel proud. From the beginning of last year to the beginning of this year, the business wars launched by Changhong, TCL and other companies have seized many foreign brands with a very rapid momentum. market, so that researchers of Chinese corporate history regarded last year’s business war as the Normanli battle in which the national industry “recovered lost ground”. There are joys and sorrows in the report, mixed with various flavors.

In addition to making a comeback in the country, Chinese people are most concerned about the influence of national brands in the international market. In the past few decades, Chinese people have never been so confident as they are now. It is precisely because of this that the national level has begun to Cultivate "seed players" to enter the "World's Top [-]" companies, and other provincial and municipal government departments also support local companies and join the competition for the world's top [-] rankings.

As for what Ruiyang said about giving certain companies "a lot of food", in fact, this kind of thing has already happened, and the background is the strategy of "grasp the big and let go of the small" proposed at the national level in order to enter the world's top [-].

Just at the beginning of this year, the State Economic and Trade Commission has internally drawn up a list of six key support companies, and these six companies are: Baosteel, Haier, Jiangnan Shipbuilding, North China Pharmaceutical, Peking University Founder, Changhong six companies.

These six seed players have become the national vanguard of the world's top 500. The initial goal is to make these six companies successfully enter the ranks of the world's top 2010 before 500.

Without exception, these businesses all have common characteristics, that is, they have a background of national capital, they have proved their competitiveness in the market competition, and the last point is that they have an outstanding entrepreneur.

In fact, speaking of these six companies, whether it is Changhong, Peking University Founder or Haier Group, in terms of scale and strength, there is a big gap compared with Tianyin Group, but after all, they are "pro-sons" with state capital, Duan Private enterprises like Yun are more or less "raised by stepmothers".

In addition, the relevant policies enjoyed by these state-supported enterprises are quite attractive, including investing no less than 2000 million yuan in technological innovation funds for each company every year, allowing enterprises to establish financial companies with public financing functions, in general , Back to school is the Japan-Korea consortium model.

For Duan Yun, a fund of 2000 million yuan a year is not a small amount, but Duan Yun also has this fund, which does not require state investment. However, another policy is very important, which is to allow enterprises to build funds with public financing functions. Finance Company.

As the Tianyin Group is getting bigger and bigger in the fields of chips, electronic products, automobiles and e-commerce, in addition to requiring huge funds, it also needs a lot of personnel and real estate. The group company has high profits every year, but if it is shared For each project, the funds for each project become not so much.

In fact, if Duan Yun wants to obtain more funds, he can list Tianyin Group for financing. However, in order to prevent the company from being controlled by foreign capital, Duan Yun has always insisted that the group company not be listed. Spin-off and listing, but this does not affect Duan Yun's control over the group company.

The advantage of Duan Yun's doing this is that he can firmly control the group company in his own hands and will not be influenced by external capital forces, but at the same time, he also faces some major hidden dangers.For example, the problem of risk sharing.

Over the years, Duanyun Company has never had any financial problems, and the funds for various scientific research are also very abundant, but this does not mean that Tianyin Group can sit back and relax and will never face financial risks.

In fact, Duan Yun has experienced some ups and downs since he started his business in the next life, but generally speaking, everything went smoothly. Relying on his own foresight and following the pace of the development of the times, Duan Yun was able to make accurate and unmistakable results almost every time. Standing in the wind, it can be said that since the reform and opening up, it has enjoyed the most policy dividends.

However, with the 17th year of reform and opening up, the speed of national development has begun to slow down, and the pressure of competition in the domestic market is increasing, which makes Duan Yun likely to face unpredictable risks in the future.

However, if the country allows private enterprises to establish financial companies with public financing functions, it will be like a tiger and Tianyi for Duan Yun. The difficulties encountered in many commercial projects before can be introduced and solved. With Tianyin Group's current domestic brand And influence, as long as the national policy allows, then his ability to integrate funds will be an astronomical figure.

Taking the current e-commerce projects that Duan Yun is actively developing, if his company has the function of public financing, at least in the early stage, he does not need to urgently cooperate with banks, and the bottleneck of bank guarantees encountered in online payments will be easily solved. The cloud will hold the initiative of the entire industry.

"Uncle Rui, what kind of standards must our company meet in order to hope to become a key enterprise supported by the state?" Duan Yun asked.

"The situation of your company is quite special. If you want to achieve state support, you must at least earn more than 10 billion US dollars." Ruiyang said after thinking for a while.

"US$10 billion..." Duan Yun was somewhat surprised when he heard Ruiyang say the figure.

In fact, in 1996, China already had a Fortune 500 company, Bank of China, which ranked 136th. In this year, the threshold for entering the top 500 needs to reach a total sales volume of 88 billion US dollars.If you can reach this threshold, you can enter the ranks of the world's top 500.

Telling Group’s overseas sales last year were 2.3 million US dollars. This figure is quite astonishing. It is definitely the largest domestic private enterprise in terms of foreign exchange earnings. But even so, there is still a big gap to reach the total earnings of 10 billion US dollars. .

In fact, as far as the current situation of Tianyin Group is concerned, within the next 3 to 5 years, it is absolutely possible to enter the ranks of the world's top 500, but because it is a private enterprise, the threshold for becoming a key state-supported enterprise is very low Become much higher than state-owned enterprises...

(End of this chapter)

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