Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2177 Extra Request

Chapter 2177 Extra Request
"I believe you can do it." Ruiyang smiled slightly, and then said: "According to my estimation, you need at least five years or even longer, but if your company can't do it, I believe that other domestic companies can do it." It is also difficult for private enterprises to do so.”

Obviously, Ruiyang is very optimistic about Duan Yun, which is also a high affirmation of Duan Yun's hard work over the years.

You know, for the current Chinese people, it is a very distant dream for Chinese companies to enter the world's top 500. Although the reform and opening up has brought very high self-confidence to the Chinese people for more than ten years, most people have no idea about this matter. They are still very sober. National pride and inferiority complex have always existed together. On the one hand, they believe that Chinese companies are becoming stronger and stronger, and on the other hand, they also feel that foreign multinational giants are unattainable. It is this kind of thinking that converges. Ambivalence is the true impression of the most Chinese people at present.

In addition, Ruiyang's request to enter the world's top 500 within five years does not mean to underestimate Duan Yun at all, because according to the estimates of relevant state departments, in addition to some monopolistic state-owned enterprises in China, other enterprises such as Founder of Peking University, Haier, etc. It will take at least 500 to 8 years for well-known domestic companies to enter the ranks of the world's top 10, and this is still a very optimistic estimate.

"I hope so." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and continued: "Actually, I am not so eager to become the world's top 500, because I think the success of a company is measured in all aspects. Although the reputation of technology companies is not very big, they have real materials. They don't seem to be very profitable, but they are indispensable to the entire industry and even the country. Therefore, in my opinion, a company's The accumulation of technical background and long-term stable development are the most important and what I value most.”

"You're right." Ruiyang nodded approvingly, and then said: "Your idea is very correct. You can't be greedy for everything in a business. For many domestic companies, they are developing very fast. During the period, they were very well-known and made a lot of money, but now, some of these companies have encountered difficulties in their operations, and some have even gone bankrupt. It’s not a successful business.”

"Yes, I want to maintain the long-term stable development of the enterprise, and I also have a scientific development concept. My idea is to improve the technological accumulation and competitiveness of the enterprise as much as possible." Duan Yun paused, and then said: "Last year, Our Tianjin Group has applied for 1450 patents at home and 387 patents abroad. These patents mainly involve key technologies and components of electronic products, but our domestic patent protection needs to be improved..."

Duan Yun has always wanted to talk to Ruiyang about patent protection, because even now Duan Yun Company already has a very strong protection department, and has established a genuine software alliance in China, bringing together the power of dozens of domestic companies , However, when faced with the problem of infringement, the cost is very high, and the effect is not so obvious. As for the reason, it is because many domestic departments do not pay much attention to the matter of patent protection, and it can even be said to be laissez-faire.

"Hehe." Hearing this, Ruiyang smiled and said, "About patent protection, I actually know a little bit about it. What I want to say is that our country is still very poor, and many entrepreneurs don't have much capital. The policy is too strict, how do you let them start a business successfully? Of course, I shouldn’t say that. In addition, there are many difficulties in administrative management. Nowadays, economic development is a very important assessment standard for the competent cadres in various places. Developed regions have few resources in all aspects, and the only feasible way for these leading cadres to develop the economy is to relax some policies and management, do you understand me when I say that?”

"I understand." Duan Yun nodded in response.

"There was a popular saying before, it doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat. There is no absolute fairness in this market economy, what we can do is only relatively fair." Ruiyang pondered for a moment, and then said: " Regarding copyright protection, I think it is very necessary to grasp it, but as long as it is combined with our current social development and the actual situation in various places, as a clear legislation, we will ensure strict law enforcement, but Your company needs to report and provide evidence independently, and it is somewhat unlikely that the country will carry out large-scale and strict administrative law enforcement..."

Facing Duan Yun, Ruiyang made his words very clear. In fact, there were some things he couldn't say clearly, but he had a special relationship with Duan Yun, so he said some things that he couldn't say publicly.

For a person of his level, all aspects of the layout of the country are considered. As for the protection of patents and copyrights, personnel from relevant departments are responsible. For Ruiyang itself, it is not his current priority at all. How far more important things to deal with than this one.

"Uncle Rui, I can understand and understand what you said, but I think BJ, as the capital, has the most important demonstration role. It may not be easy to strictly implement patent protection nationwide, but at least in BJ, it should No problem, right?" Duan Yun thought for a while, and then said: "Last year, I led dozens of software technology companies in China and founded the China Genuine Software Alliance, but in many electronic markets in BJ, they are still openly selling some infringing products. Pirated software has caused huge losses to many companies in our software alliance. We also have our own legal department, but the cost of rights protection is high and the cycle is long. I think it is difficult to stop the phenomenon of piracy across the country, but at least in BJ, he really shouldn’t Appearing so blatantly..."

"About this matter, I will arrange relevant departments to deal with it, but my suggestion is that you should not expect too much, because this kind of matter involves the interests of many people, and for ordinary people, they are already used to piracy The existence of the product, so it is impossible to completely eliminate it.” Ruiyang said.

"As long as they don't blatantly pirate our products, that's enough. Everything has a process. I believe that the copyright environment in our country will get better and better in the future, and the citizens' awareness of genuine products will also become stronger." Duan Yun Said.

In fact, Duan Yun knows better than Ruiyang that in the current China, piracy cannot be completely eradicated. Even in foreign countries where copyright is very strict, there are many pirated software and video works in private, but as long as it starts at the national level Gradually paying attention to this issue can provide Duan Yun with a good environment for software development.

(End of this chapter)

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