Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2178 Vision

Chapter 2178 Vision
"Dad, Brother Duan is having a hard time right now, you have to help him." At this time, Ruixue returned to the living room after finishing her work in the kitchen, and said to her father with a smile.

"He doesn't need my help." Ruiyang smiled, and continued: "Your elder brother Duan is very capable. He is the only one who can run such a large business in the whole country."

"That's right." Hearing this, Ruixue's face flashed with pride, and she said, "No one can compare to my elder brother Duan, he is the best person."

"I'm not as good as you said." Hearing this, Duan Yun felt a little embarrassed, and said: "Uncle Rui has always been my good teacher and helpful friend. If I have the opportunity, I still need to learn from Uncle Rui to manage the country. It's much more difficult than running a business, and compared to Uncle Rui, those of us who do business are not in the mainstream at all."

"Okay, boy, stop flattering me." Rui Yang laughed and said, "How many days do you plan to stay in BJ this time?"

"Let's stay for another week. Chinese New Year is coming soon, and I still need to go back to Shenzhen to deal with some things." Duan Yun paused, and then said: "Now the company's business is getting more and more, and so are my things. , I still need to recruit a few more excellent managers, and I can’t do it alone.”

"You really should find a capable helper. You can do everything by yourself. You are too busy. Our domestic companies are rarely like your company. They have to intervene in all industries. They sell electrical appliances and cars. If you want to engage in e-commerce, it won’t work if you don’t have a capable leader around you.” Ruiyang thought for a while, and said, “Have you been divorced for a while, kid? Haven’t you considered starting a family again?”

"This...haven't considered it yet." Duan Yun casually glanced at Ruixue next to him from the corner of his eye, and then said.

"In the past, people talked about starting a family and starting a business. Only after a man has a family can he devote himself to establishing his own business." Ruiyang glanced at Duan Yun, and then said: "I don't comment on your last marriage. Nice woman, I didn’t expect you to get to that point, I just hope you can have another home soon. Speaking of working outside the home for more than ten years, if my wife didn’t raise two children at home alone, I'm afraid it's impossible for me to work with peace of mind in other places, and it's impossible for me to have such achievements, so I think it's necessary for you to form a new home..."

"Thank you Uncle Rui for your concern. In fact, I really want to start a new family now, but there are too many things in the company. Many projects are at a very critical stage, and I will be busy for at least a year or two." Duan Yun His tone was a bit helpless, and he continued: "This kind of thing needs to be said about fate. Sometimes I can't rush it, but I think I will definitely find an excellent and kind wife."

Hearing what Duan Yun said, a blush quietly flashed across Ruixue's face, and she subconsciously glanced at Duan Yun.

"I don't care about your personal affairs. With your conditions, you should be able to find a good girl, but you must keep your eyes on the ground, and you can't have a second failure." Ruiyang said.

"Brother Duan has always had a good eye." At this moment, Ruixue suddenly interjected.

"Hehe." Duan Yun smiled and said, "Thank you, Uncle Rui, for your guidance."

"Dad, I want to go out with Brother Duan for a walk. Recently, I have encountered some troublesome things at work. I need to ask Brother Duan for advice." At this time Ruixue looked at her father and said, "Sometimes I am not good at getting along with my colleagues. Brother Duan He has rich social experience and he has so many friends, so I want him to guide me."

"Okay, you really should learn more from your elder brother Duan. You used to have excellent grades in school, but society is not like school. There are many things you need to learn." Ruiyang glanced at his daughter, and then said: " Be a man before doing things. You are doing a good job now, but if you want to gain more respect from others, you must learn to be a man. In this regard, you are very good. From his work as a worker to the current big boss, he is very good. Few people say that he is bad, but it is not easy, if there is nothing wrong, it will be good for you two to talk more."

Obviously, Ruiyang is very much in favor of his daughter getting in touch with Duan Yun, because he knows that although his daughter Ruixue is excellent in all aspects, she is too young and has not enough social experience.

Judging from the current situation, Ruixue is well-known in China and has attracted much attention in his work unit. Several leaders have taken good care of him, but all this is because of his strong family background, but also because of this, the unit People in the village generally respect her at a respectful distance, and because of Ruixue's personality problems, she doesn't have many friends around her, it can even be said that there are only a handful of them.

And Duan Yun is a real social old fritter. He has come into contact with all kinds of people. If his daughter can learn some social experience from Duan Yun, it will be very important for her future work and life. helpful.

It's just that Ruiyang doesn't expect that his daughter and Duan Yun have been in love for a long time in private, and the relationship between the two has always been hidden, and her family has not noticed it until now.

In fact, with Ruiyang's mind and experience, one should be able to see some clues from the current relationship between the two. Ruiyang's attention has always been on his son, and he has paid very little attention to his daughter, so until now, he has not You can see the change in your daughter.

On the contrary, Ruixue's mother, Zhang Li, has been giving blind dates to her daughter everywhere, but she will never come. Ruixue has been in a relationship with Duan Yun in private for more than a year.

After walking out of the courtyard, Duan Yun and Ruixue breathed a sigh of relief, and walked slowly through the street together.

Seeing the plainclothes security guards at the entrance of the alley gradually disappear from sight, the two gently held hands together.

"It would be great if you could stay in BJ all the time." Ruixue said to Duan Yun suddenly.

"Actually, I also want to stay in BJ, but I can't do it right now." Duan Yun frowned slightly, and continued: "The company's headquarters is in Shenzhen. Although we now have a branch in BJ, it's a pity that we have to go back to Shenzhen to deal with some things, but I hope you will give me some time, less than two years at most, I will lay the foundation for the current key projects, and then create a few capable people to manage the company, so that I will be much more relaxed, and I will I will spend more time with you."

"Are you going to hand over the company to someone else?" Ruixue asked in surprise when Duan Yun said this.

(End of this chapter)

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