Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2179 Germination

Chapter 2179 Germination
"Actually, if my company grows to a larger scale, it is destined to share some rights and let others manage it for me." Duan Yun paused, and then said: "A person's ability is still very limited. , and no one can be good at all fields, so if Tianyin Group wants to develop into a bigger and stronger company in the future, it must have a team with a clear division of labor and super combat effectiveness. Over the years, although I have also promoted a lot People, but in general, I am dealing with the main things alone, so that now I feel more and more powerless..."

"But if you leave it to someone else, will you rest assured?" Ruixue asked suspiciously.

Because in Ruixue's view, Tianyin Group was founded by Duan Yun alone, and Duan Yun has always had a very strong control over this company. Ruixue can't imagine that if this company is handed over to others, Whether it can still develop so well like it is now.

"Actually, there are many people in this world who are stronger than me, and as the saying goes, you don't have to be suspicious of people, and you don't have to be suspicious of people. If I decide to release some rights, then I must give a certain amount of trust to the people I choose." Duan Yun paused. Dun, then said: "The other point is that I can't keep busy like this. In fact, when I think back to my last marriage, I was also traveling around for a long time at the time, and I seldom took care of the house. Whether it was with my ex-wife or with my children, I gave them There was too little time, so it led to the later results..."

Duan Yun's words were also made out of feelings. It has been more than three years since he divorced his ex-wife. During this period, Duan Yun has also reflected on many things.

In fact, Duan Yun and his ex-wife divorced at the beginning. Although his ex-wife proposed it on his own initiative, Duan Yun was not completely innocent. Many ex-wives.

In fact, the main reason for this is that Duan Yun has a traditional way of thinking that a man dominates the outside world and a woman dominates the inside, and women are indeed more careful and serious than men in taking care of children, but in general, if Duan Yu had more Spending time at home with his wife and children, maybe the two of them will not divorce. Although the two parties have no emotional passion, at least for the sake of the children, they will try their best to maintain the family.

Now that Duan Yun and Ruixue have entered the period of dating, due to objective conditions, they have not yet entered the stage of discussing marriage, but judging from the current situation, the two will definitely find ways to get together in the future and finally complete this relationship. marriage.

After experiencing a failed marriage, Duan Yun didn't want his second marriage to fail as well. This was something he couldn't accept, so after learning from the previous marriage, Duan Yun thought I can't work around like this forever, I must set aside more time for myself and my new family.

What's more, Duan Yun has already earned both fame and fortune. His personal wealth is second to none in the country, and he can't spend it all in a few lifetimes. Even if he retires now, he can still take care of the life he wants.

It's just that Duan Yun is a technology-oriented idealist, and he wants to use his decades of foresight to promote the development of China's technology industry, and this is also the biggest motivation for his current work, but in any case, he should put Family comes first.

"So... you're still thinking about your former wife?" Rui Xue bit her lips and said.

"It's impossible to forget a person who has lived with you for more than ten years." Duan Yun glanced at Ruixue and seemed to have noticed the change in her expression, so he continued: "But I just can't forget it." That's all, but it's impossible for us to get together again. Over the years, both of us have seen many things clearly, and we also understand that each other is not the most suitable. In the future, we can only be friends at most , it is absolutely impossible to recombine.”

"Uh." Hearing this, Ruixue secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"In fact, since the divorce, I have also met many good girls. They gave me hints of this and that, but I don't have any feelings for them." Duan Yun looked up at the sky, and then said: "But you give me a This is a very unusual feeling, this feeling has been there since the first time I saw you, that very familiar and somewhat heart-wrenching feeling, until now, it is also the same..."

After Duan Yun said this, he turned his head to look at Ruixue.

What Duan Yun said was indeed the truth.

In fact, with Duan Yun's current wealth and status, it would not be difficult to find any kind of girl, even as long as he is willing, there will be countless girls throwing himself into his arms, this is a very normal thing.

In addition, Duan Yun has met many outstanding girls over the years. Whether it is body shape, appearance, education or family background, they can be said to be one in a thousand, or even one in a thousand. Some are even more beautiful than Ruixue, especially Duan Yun. In the past ten years, Yun has been in close contact with the entertainment and film and television circles in Beijing. Many famous domestic female stars have also given Duan Yun some opportunities and hints, but Duan Yun didn't accept the offer. .

But only when meeting Ruixue, Duan Yun always has a different feeling, this feeling is very familiar, but Duan Yun can't remember where it came from anyway.

"Could it be... love at first sight?" Ruixue also looked at Duan Yun at this moment, and said softly.

"Maybe." Duan Yun smiled slightly after hearing the words, and said after a while: "Maybe it's also the fate of the previous life..."

"Do people really have a past life?" Ruixue asked.

"Yes, there must be!" At this moment, Duan Yun saw Ruixue again, as if he wanted to find something from her face.

"Actually... when I saw you for the first time, I also had a feeling of déjà vu. This feeling is very kind and familiar, as if I have seen you somewhere before, and the relationship is particularly good... "Rui Xue bit her lip lightly, and then said: "I am really embarrassed to say some things, but in fact, when I was a student, I always had you in my heart, and I have been paying attention to you silently. Every time you come to BJ, I'm very happy, when I went to work in France, I actually wanted to forget you, but it didn't work..."

"You..." Hearing Ruixue's confession, Duan Yun couldn't help being startled. He really didn't expect that as early as many years ago, the two had already had the germination of this kind of relationship with each other. .

(End of this chapter)

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