Chapter 2197
Ma Yun wanted to find Duan Yun to be the "receiver man", but from the very beginning, Duan Yun had already seen his intention and pointed it out in front of him.

However, at this time, Duan Yun is still willing to buy the stocks in Ma Yun's hands, and he is willing to be the "taken advantage". Naturally, there are reasons for this.

In fact, 30 yuan is just a small amount of money for Duan Yun. Every time he takes a private jet to go to another place, the postage alone will cost 10,000+, not counting other expenses, so the money is not worth it at all. Mention.

But despite this, Duan Yun will not do business at a loss, because he was not interested in the project brought by Jack Ma from the beginning, but himself.

Since the last time the two met, Duan Yun had already seen that Ma Yun was definitely not just for nothing, but indeed had some abilities beyond ordinary people. Among the social elites that Duan Yun has come into contact with these years, it is also very rare, and the most important thing is that Ma Yun is different from other social management in that this person has certain foresight and strategic thinking. At the beginning, China did not popularize the Internet. At that time, he had already started to build an e-commerce network in China and became the pioneer of China's Yellow Pages. From this point of view, it is a very remarkable thing.

Over the years, Tianyin Group has been strong, and its super high salary has attracted a large number of top domestic technical and management talents, but these people can only be regarded as excellent migrant workers, who can complete the tasks assigned by Duan Yun very well. But there is no outstanding ability that can truly stand alone.

And this Jack Ma created the earliest e-commerce website in China almost by himself. It not only solved technical problems, but also traveled all over the country. Long-term partners, considering the scale and strength of Ma Yun's original company, it is not easy to achieve this.

Duan Yun is also developing his own e-commerce network now. What he lacks is such talents. Although there are hundreds of merchants in his e-commerce network, most of them are members of his original chamber of commerce. There is a long-term stable interest relationship, so it is not difficult at all.

If Ma Yun can join the company and attract more customers for him, then his e-commerce network plan can be raised to a higher level. In addition, Ma Yun also has his own ideas on the construction of e-commerce networks, many of which have been passed down in later generations. proved to be very successful.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Duan Yun needs a talent who can help him expand his territory. Even if Ma Yun will not stay in the company for a long time in the future, as long as he can bring some changes to his company and increase some customers, then he will be able to help him. The investment of 10 yuan is definitely worth the money for Duan Yun.

"Mr. Duan, thank you for thinking highly of me. To be honest, I am really touched." Ma Yun glanced at Duan Yun, and then said: "Actually, what I want to do more is start a business. Even if the current situation is very difficult, I also want to You have your own sky, Mr. Duan, you should understand when I say that, right?"

"Of course I can understand your thoughts." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and continued: "Actually, you don't have to reject me in such a hurry. I can give you some time to think about it. Besides, you also need to listen to my thoughts, right?"

"You say." Ma Yun said respectfully.

"When I first started my business more than ten years ago, I was just an ordinary worker at that time. With a few hundred dollars and three or two brothers, I started my own small workshop, and then developed step by step, and finally I established my own company and developed it to the current scale..." Duan Yun said.

"Mr. Duan's entrepreneurial experience is admirable. I have heard of it a long time ago." Ma Yun said with admiration.

"I don't want to show off my successful experience, but I just want to talk about some of my ideas." Duan Yun paused, and then said: "Ten years ago I was able to start a business with a few hundred dollars, but now In this era, I have seen and heard of many entrepreneurs in Shenzhen. They brought tens of thousands, 10,000+ or ​​even hundreds of thousands of funds to start a business in Shenzhen. My talents and abilities are not inferior to mine, but as a result, there are very few successful people. In our company, there are many people who have failed in starting a business. To say that they are incompetent can only be said that the cost of starting a business is too high nowadays, and the market competition is very fierce. There are many people in any industry to do it, just like back then with a little capital and technology, and the lens of daring to do it Gone are the days when you can start a business successfully..."

"Indeed." Ma Yun nodded.

"So for the vast majority of entrepreneurs today, they may only have one opportunity to start a business in their life. Once they fail, it will be difficult to turn around. In addition, in Shenzhen, where I live, there have been many jumping off buildings in recent years. Regarding suicide, I can fully understand the hopeless mood of some entrepreneurial losers, but it does explain some problems." Duan Yun frowned slightly, and continued: "Another point is the status and level of people. , will also affect the upper limit of a person's entrepreneurship. If you are a small boss, most of the friends you know are small bosses similar to you, and the merchants you come into contact with cannot be too large, but if you are a big boss, Or if you are the department manager and person in charge of a large company, then no matter the peers or customers you come into contact with, they will be very powerful, I say this, you should understand."

"Of course I can understand." Ma Yun nodded, seemingly thoughtful, and said to Duan Yun after a while: "The general meaning of that paragraph is that you want me to be a department manager in the company?"

"That's right, that's what I mean." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and then said: "I believe you must have heard that Tianyin Group is currently developing an e-commerce platform plan. If you are willing to join, I can let you According to my plan, in the next two years, I will invest 20 billion yuan in this project to make it the strongest e-commerce network in China."

"20 billion RMB!?"

Hearing the number Duan Yun said, Ma Yun was stunned in surprise.

Ma Yun always thought that he had some knowledge. He also knew that the Tianyin Group was strong, but this time he was shocked by Duan Yun's wealth. He never thought that the Tianyin Group's strength was so strong.

(End of this chapter)

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