Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2198 Onboarding

Chapter 2198 Onboarding
In front of Tianyin Group with such strong financial resources, Ma Yun's current strength is like an ant in front of an elephant. He is too different in all aspects, and the difference is more than one level.

Duan Yun is a person who loves talents very much, but he also knows that it is impossible for a person like Ma Yun to work for others with peace of mind all his life. He has his own ideas and ambitions, and his abilities are quite outstanding. In the company, he might still choose to leave in the future, which Duan Yun was completely predictable.

However, Duan Yun is not worried that Ma Yun will cause danger to his own e-commerce industry in the future, because whoever can first become bigger and stronger in China in an industry like e-commerce is likely to form a monopoly. When a large number of consumers After getting used to the current consumption pattern and establishing a trust relationship with a certain website, it will be difficult for other latecomers to attract this part of users, unless some unconventional means are used to obtain crazy money-burning subsidies.

In other words, according to Duan Yun's observations in later generations, as long as his e-commerce network does not make major mistakes, once it has established a market advantage, it will be difficult for other similar manufacturers to surpass. Tianyin Group has its own mature and powerful logistics network. Even if other e-commerce companies cooperate with logistics companies, Tianyin Group still has a very large advantage in logistics costs. Any company that wants to surpass the advantages of Tianyin Group will need to spend Very huge financial, material and time costs are absolutely impossible to complete in a short period of time.

The last point is that Duan Yun can also use the contract to restrain Ma Yun, so that after he resigns, he cannot infringe on the company's interests. Tianyin Group has the most powerful legal team in China, so once Ma Yun really wants to use himself Duan Yun is absolutely sure that he will go bankrupt and even go to jail.

Duan Yun has already calculated all of these very comprehensively. Even when he met Ma Yun last time, he had arranged for the legal team to make a very comprehensive employment contract. As long as Ma Yun signed it, then Duan Yun Yun is not afraid of his betrayal.

In fact, Duan Yun has always been suspicious of people, but this time he was really attracted by Ma Yun's ability, so even if he took some risks, he made an exception and brought him under his command.

"I believe in Mr. Ma's ability, but the problem is that your starting stage is too low. I'm afraid it will take you several years to complete the original accumulation, and it's still unknown whether you can succeed." Duan Yun paused, Then he said: "But it only takes three years at most for you to come to our company. You can have a millionaire net worth, and you will make many useful friends and learn a lot. At this time, you can start a business again. The ability will become more comfortable, and you will have more confidence, you are such a smart person, you should understand what I mean."

"Then I want to ask, how much salary can I get when I come to your company?" Ma Yun asked after thinking for a while.

"The guaranteed salary is 20 yuan a year, and the year-end bonus is 10 yuan." Duan Yun said straightforwardly.

In fact, when Ma Yun talked about salary, Duan Yun knew that he was already moved. He should be sure to join Tianyin Group.

After all, for a small entrepreneur like Ma Yun, Duan Yun’s conditions are too generous. Although Ma Yun of later generations is the richest man in China, at this time, Ma Yun’s total net worth is 10,000+ yuan. Yun offered him an annual salary of 20 yuan a year, plus a year-end bonus of 10 yuan, which is quite generous.

In fact, at present, Tianyin Group's executives and technicians with an annual salary of more than one million have reached double digits, and the annual salary of 30 yuan is only equivalent to the salary of a department manager. However, in addition to these basic guaranteed salaries, Duan Yun also There are other benefits and bonuses. All in all, for these top talents, Duan Yun will definitely not let their salary gap be too big, at least it will make them feel balanced.

"30 yuan!?" Hearing Duan Yun's words, Ma Yun's eyes lit up.

He personally saw that Jack Ma’s China Yellow Pages project has been established for a year and a half. Although it was priced at 60 at the beginning, in fact, this valuation is false, and it is not worth so much money at all. At most, it is 20. That's all, so the annual income of 30 is indeed much higher than that of his previous business.

"In addition to these guaranteed wages and year-end bonuses, our Tianyin Group also has a share incentive dividend, which is to provide you with a part of the shares of this project. Every year, according to the profit of the project, we will give you dividends in proportion to the shares." Duan Yun smiled slightly , and then said: "If you are willing to be responsible for the management of our e-commerce project, I can give you a 1.5% incentive share dividend every year. For example, if our project makes a profit of 100 million this year, then you can get a bonus of 1.5 yuan. , if the profit is 1000 million, it is 15, and so on, the better the project develops, the more money you will make."

"That's really great!" Hearing this, Ma Yun's face revealed an unconcealable excitement.

You know, according to what Duan Yun said before, in the next two years, he will invest 20 billion yuan in this e-commerce project. With such a large investment, the return must be not small. If he can make a profit of hundreds of millions a year, then he It only takes one year to become a veritable millionaire. This temptation is too great for Jack Ma.

"But don't rush to make a decision, you can go back and think about it, and then give me an answer." Duan Yun pondered for a while, and then said: "Because once you join the company, you will sign a three-year contract with me and leave the company halfway , you need to bear certain legal responsibilities. In addition, incentive share dividends are only available during this period of the company. Once you leave the company, the shares of this project have nothing to do with you. You have to understand this. The only thing you can rest assured is that our God The Yin Group never engages in scams, and the money that should be given to you will definitely be a lot of money, so let me just talk about it, you should think about it for yourself."

"I believe Mr. Duan is a man." At this time, Ma Yun replied almost without thinking, only to hear him continue: "There is no need to think about it. There is nothing perfect in this world. There are gains and losses. Duan You always think highly of me, and I will definitely do my best in the future to do my best in this project. I also hope to learn more from Mr. Duan. No matter what time you are, you are my role model and idol. "

(End of this chapter)

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