Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2199 Conservative Technology

Chapter 2199 Conservative Technology

Contrary to Duan Yun's expectations, Ma Yun went through the entry procedures that afternoon, entered the established e-commerce department, and became the manager of this department.

Before Ma Yun came, Tianyin Group did not have such a department, but a management team called the e-commerce group. The core members were basically transferred from other departments. They were all engaged in business, finance, and logistics before. In terms of work, Duan Yun personally organized and managed it, and completed a lot of preliminary work.

After Ma Yun arrived, Duan Yun directly turned the e-commerce group into a special department, and Ma Yun served as the first manager of this department. Considering that he doesn't know much about Tianyin Group and the company's business network, Duan Yun Yun also arranged for two core members to serve as his deputies to help Ma Yun quickly integrate into the company and get the department on the right track quickly.

With Ma Yun's help, Duan Yun is even more powerful, and Duan Yun can also get out of it, freeing up more time and energy to do other things. After all, he has already taken up too much time on the e-commerce network. , but several other departments of Tianyin Group are also very important, and they all require Duan Yun to spend more thought and time.

That night, Duan Yun and Ma Yun sat face to face for dinner, during which they talked a lot about e-commerce networks.

It may be because Duan Yun is now Ma Yun's boss, so when Ma Yun and Duan Yun talked, they were obviously more respectful than when they met in the morning, but when they talked about the e-commerce plan, they seemed quite excited , it can be seen that his enthusiasm for this job is still very high.

Although Jack Ma has also traveled abroad before and met some successful foreigners, compared with Duan Yun, his vision and experience are still inferior, but there are two things about this man that impressed Duan Yun deeply. The first point is that he is very Talkative, with strong brain response and language expression skills, this kind of person is often a very powerful role in business negotiations. Another point is that this person has a very strong learning ability. I have learned a lot of knowledge about regular management by myself. From his speech, Duan Yun can see that he still has some attainments in enterprise management. After all, he has also founded his own company before. Although the company is small in scale, its work efficiency is very high. This also allowed him to accumulate a lot of management experience.

Duan Yun was a little worried before that Jack Ma might not be able to adapt to the working environment and rhythm here in a short time after taking office, but soon, he found that he was a little overwhelmed.

In the first three days of joining the company, Ma Yun only did two things, that is, held meetings and visited the factory workshop. He quickly found out the company's situation and quickly formulated a set of work plans.

Ma Yun's strong eloquence and his own charm quickly established a certain prestige in the e-commerce department. Even many old employees who have been with Tianyin Group for many years began to have a little bit of respect for this new department manager. Awe, this is crucial to the unity of the entire e-commerce department.

Seeing that Ma Yun's work is gradually getting on the right track, Duan Yun is finally free to do other things with peace of mind.

In the blink of an eye, it was mid-July, and Duan Yun arrived in Shenyang by plane.

Duan Yun's visit to Shenyang this time is mainly to observe the mass production of the new generation of sedan Shen Xing, and at the same time to attend the completion ceremony of a new auto parts factory held there.

Today, the automotive industry of Today Audio Group is booming. As early as March this year, the new generation of Shen Xing brand sedan has been successfully developed and entered the stage of mass production. As of the end of last month, the three-month total The sales volume reached 3 units, which is already a very amazing sales volume for a domestic sedan with a price of up to 8500 yuan.

Generally speaking, China's automobile industry and technology are far behind the most advanced level in the world for more than ten or even twenty years. Tianyin Group is already the domestic automobile manufacturer with the highest technological level in China. Thanks to its early years With the introduction of Volvo car production technology and the help of a large number of top former Soviet car experts, the gap between the cars produced by Tianyin Group and the international advanced level is getting smaller and smaller. The gap in the level of automobile technology has been lost to 5 to 8 years.

In fact, in the previous life, the gap between China's auto industry and the world was gradually narrowing. On the one hand, the country's economy developed rapidly, and on the other hand, it was the high-level attention. For a country like China with a large population and a large number of service providers In fact, the development of heavy industries such as automobiles actually has a strong advantage, so later on, the gap between China and the world's automobile powers is sometimes not in electronic technology and machining, but in patents for core automobile components.

For example, the current automobile gearbox, whether it is AT, CV t or dual-clutch, its core technology patents have been firmly grasped by European and American countries. If China wants to produce the same type of gearbox, it will have to spend huge sums of money to purchase patent authorization.

From the perspective of a family car, the CV t gearbox should be the most fuel-efficient and more suitable for the current national conditions. However, in order to avoid patents, Duan Yun has been focusing on research and development of AT and dual-clutch gearboxes, especially dual Clutch gearbox has always been a key project of Tianyin Group's gearbox development.

Although the dual-clutch is not as smooth and fuel-efficient as the CV t, it can withstand very large torque.And Duan Yun is going to work on the turbocharged engine. The torque of the turbocharged engine is very large, so considering the long-term development of the car project, the dual-clutch gearbox must reach a considerable level of research and development.

In fact, in China, Japanese cars are generally conservative in terms of technology. The business strategy they adopt is cheap, stable, and easy to maintain. This is in line with the needs of Chinese people for car purchases, while European and American cars like to adopt a large number of new technologies, although new technologies need to bear risks. , has a certain impact on the durability of the vehicle, but the performance and driving experience will be significantly higher than that of Japanese cars.

As a domestic car brand, Duan Yun’s most sensible business strategy is to choose Japanese cars, which are conservative technology, low cost, stable performance, and easy maintenance. All of them are relatively conservative technologies. On the one hand, this can lower the threshold for ordinary consumers to buy cars, and on the other hand, it can also stabilize the Tianyin Auto brand, which is very important.

On the other hand, as market demand changes, part of Duan Yun's automobile development strategy will also be extended to performance cars. New cars with better power, more functions, and more advanced technologies are also being developed. Telling Group's future automotive product development goals.

(End of this chapter)

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