Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2200 The bigger plan

Chapter 2200 The bigger plan

Same as the procedure in the past, after Duan Yun's plane landed at Shenyang Airport, the SY city government sent a special person to greet him. That night, in the cafeteria of the SY city government, Duan Yun ate with the mayor of SY Zhang Rongmao and secretary Zhang Guoguang. After dinner, they also talked about the current development of Shenyang Automobile.

Duan Yun is the only private entrepreneur who can be received by the mayor and senior officials of SY City alone, because Duan Yun is famous and influential, and his contribution to the economy and automobile industry of SY City is also very important. So every time he comes to Shenyang, he will be highly valued by the SY city government.

"...Generally speaking, the auto industry in Shenyang has finally embarked on the fast track of development in the past year, especially the sales of new models. Compared with the new cars jointly developed by Changchun FAW and the Germans, that is a little They are not inferior!" At the dinner table, Zhang Rongmao's face was full of red, and he said to Duan Yun: "What about foreigners' cars? We Chinese can also make comparable cars. Jinbei cars are our pride in Shenyang. Of course, your Tianyin Group makes He made a very crucial contribution, which we in Shenyang will never forget!"

Today's Zhang Rongmao can be said to be proud of his spring breeze. When he was parachuted into SY City as the leader, he was still a little nervous and under great pressure. The greatest pressure came from the other two heavy industrial cities in the three provinces. One is Changchun and the other is Harbin, especially Changchun. The level of industrial development is faster than Shenyang, and Changchun's automobile industry is so developed that Changchun is called China's automobile city.

But from the founding of the People's Republic of China to the present, Shenyang has been the largest heavy industrial city in the three eastern provinces. If the automobile industry can't handle the younger brother of the year, then not only will his mayor's face be dull, but his future will also become somewhat bleak. The government put a lot of pressure on him, asking him to invigorate Shenyang's economy and not let Shenyang lose the title of China's largest heavy industry city.

Nowadays, relying on the automobile industry project brought by Tianyin Group, it not only has a huge economic driving effect on the entire city, but also solves the problem of employment caused by the bankruptcy of state-owned enterprises and layoffs over the years. This is very critical, because as long as If the employment problem of citizens can be solved, the pressure on him as the mayor will be much less, and other problems can be easily discussed.

"That's true." Zhang Guoguang, a senior city official sitting on the side, also nodded with a smile, and said, "Actually speaking, before Xiaoduan came to Shenyang to invest, our Shenyang side has been going downhill. This is a fact. We I can't hide it. I didn't expect that the automobile industry could bring so many changes to our Shenyang, so much employment and taxation. So from this point of view, Xiao Duan can be regarded as our Shenyang's savior. If you don’t understand this, those of us who are leaders must also remember this.”

As Zhang Guoguang said, he picked up the wine glasses in front of him, and the glasses of the three of them collided immediately, making a crisp sound.

"Actually, I'm just a business. I don't have such a high awareness. When I came to invest in Shenyang, I wanted to realize my car-making dream on the one hand, and make more money on the other hand." Duan Yun said with a smile after drinking half a glass of wine : "In addition, Mayor Zhang and Secretary Zhang value me so much, and I am also a little flattered. In fact, for us businessmen, it is my luck to meet such wise city leaders as Mayor Zhang and Secretary Zhang. , In the early years, I also invested in many provinces and cities. In addition to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, there are other provincial capitals and prefecture-level cities. Up to now, the approval process has not been completed, only investing in Shenyang, and the whole process has been very smooth, so I really want to thank others. Generally speaking, I think I have a destiny with the city of Shenyang, and also with the two leaders. "

Duan Yun's words are very sincere, and this is indeed what he said in his heart.

As early as many years ago, Duan Yun had already started to invest in cities other than Shenzhen, but the process was not so smooth.

Except for Guangzhou and Shenzhen, almost all of Duan Yun’s investments in other cities ended without a problem. The reasons for this are also very complicated. On the one hand, it is because the local government is more or less open-mouthed, and they all think that Tianyin Group is I am a fat sheep, so I always want to get more funds and benefits from Duan Yun. This kind of thing is actually very common in China. In the past many years, private enterprises have been in a very weak position and have been Bullying is also normal.

Duan Yun's principle of doing things is very simple. If the other party is not aggressive, Duan Yun will make some concessions, but if the other party insists on treating him as a winner, then Duan Yun will leave without hesitation, even if it will bring some troubles. loss.

Another aspect is the continuity of policies. When Duan Yun first invested, he met some good leaders, but once these leaders leave, the successors may not continue the preferential policies and policies given to Duan Yun before, and may even continue to invest. Put on shoes for him, Duan Yun will also consider the pros and cons at this time, if you force him too hard, Duan Yun will leave without hesitation.

No matter how big or small your business is, you must learn to forbear in front of some powerful people. This is an inevitable thing.

As for the investment in Shenyang, it can be said that Duan Yun has encountered the best investment city besides Shanghai. Speaking of it, the cooperation between the two parties is quite pleasant. It is precisely because of the strong support of the SY municipal government and the stable environment that the automobile industry of Tianyin Group has developed so strongly in Shenyang.

"Actually, I think we need to maintain long-term communication. We may have our own difficulties, but as long as we communicate frequently, there is nothing we can't talk about, and there are no problems that can't be solved. There are many problems between people. It is always caused by misjudgment due to ignorance of each other, after all, people are not perfect, and there are many differences in how to do things and how to think." Zhang Guoguang said at this time.

"Secretary Zhang is right. It is very necessary to keep in touch with each other. I am also willing to become friends in life with Mayor Zhang and Secretary Zhang." Duan Yun paused, and then said: "This time I come to Shenyang, and A bigger plan, I plan to build the largest heavy truck production base in China in Shenyang!"

(End of this chapter)

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