Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2201 Heavy Truck Base

Chapter 2201 Heavy Truck Base
"Heavy truck production base!?" Hearing what Duan Yun said, Zhang Rongmao and Zhang Guoguang showed surprise on their faces.

In fact, Shenyang also produced heavy-duty trucks before. That was after Duan Yun introduced the Volvo F10 truck technology production line, but a total of less than 100 vehicles were produced. The reason is also very simple, because the Volvo F10 heavy-duty truck costs more Domestic trucks are much higher. In addition, Volvo did not fully provide a complete set of production equipment for F10 trucks when it reached a deal with Duan Yun. Some key parts still need to be imported from Sweden, which will undoubtedly increase the production cost of the entire truck. .

For Jinbei Motors at that time, they urgently needed a car project that could quickly build product revenues. Although the cost of Volvo cars was also high, because of the introduction of a complete set of production line equipment, all parts can be made domestically, and relatively Compared with the promotion of heavy trucks, cars are easier to sell. After all, Volvo cars are a kind of high-end luxury cars, and government departments in various places are also very willing to purchase them, while Volvo f10 trucks can only be sold to some specific business units. Although the quality is better, However, it is more than twice as expensive as the domestic trucks of the same type, so there are very few enterprises and institutions that are truly capable and have the intention to purchase. Until now, out of the first batch of 100 f10 heavy trucks produced, there are still eight without them. It was sold, and it is precisely because of this that the Volvo f10 truck production line was closed three years ago, most of the equipment was put into the car production line, and the remaining part of the equipment was in a sealed state.

In fact, the Volvo F10 truck can be regarded as the best classic truck model in Europe. Before it was transferred to Tianyin Group, it was still relatively popular. However, with the advancement of truck technology over the years, the Volvo F10 truck has fallen behind slightly. After all, it It is the technology of the 80s, and the high cost makes the domestic sales prospect very bad, which is also a helpless thing.

"That's right, I've always wanted to build the largest domestic truck production base in Shenyang. Although the sales of Volvo trucks were not good before, it doesn't mean that this is a failed product." Duan Yun paused, Then he said: "In the past few years, our R&D center has accumulated a certain amount of automotive technology, and many core equipment have been fully localized. I have also had in-depth exchanges with these technicians in the automotive R&D center before. We can completely develop a brand-new heavy-duty truck, which can not only fully meet the needs of domestic truck users, but also greatly reduce the cost, so I think our current strength, in the next 2 to 3 years, will be The country's largest heavy-duty truck production base can be built in Shenyang."

Duan Yun never does anything he is not sure of. Since he dared to propose this project in front of the leaders of the SY city government, he was obviously prepared.

After years of accumulation, Tianyin Group has already had a strong strength in automobile research and development. It has experienced the localization of Santana cars, the introduction of Volvo technology, the research and development and mass production of Kangyun cars and Shenxing cars. Accumulated technology, and also quickly trained their own team. Now the automobile research and development center located in Shenyang, it is no exaggeration to say that this is definitely the strongest automobile research and development team in China at present. Even SAIC Volkswagen and Changchun FAW, in the product In terms of research and development, it is much inferior to Tianyin Group.

As for the research and development of heavy trucks, Tianyin Group not only has the imported Volvo 10 truck production technology, but also has many automotive experts from the former Soviet Union in the team in Shenyang. Some of them have participated in the development of heavy trucks used by the former Soviet military With experience, Duan Yun is confident enough to develop a new type of heavy-duty truck.

"Small Duan, I believe that your company is capable of researching very good heavy-duty trucks, but there is a problem, that is, how does your company guarantee the sales of heavy-duty trucks? You know, the f10 we produced last time The sales of heavy-duty trucks are very bleak, few companies will take a fancy to this truck, and there are still several parked in the warehouse, which have been stored for many years..." Zhang Guoguang said with some worry.

Zhang Guoguang's worry naturally has his reasons, because unlike civilian cars, heavy trucks are generally purchased by industrial and mining enterprises or transportation teams, and few private individuals buy them, so in terms of sales mode, they are very different from ordinary cars. Big difference.

Generally speaking, state-owned enterprises and factories and mines are the first choice for heavy trucks produced by state-owned enterprises. On the one hand, it is because of institutional reasons, and on the other hand, there are some gray channels in the procurement of such heavy trucks, which are completely different from civilian purchases Two different things, so although the quality of Volvo's F10 truck is very good, but because of these two reasons and the high price, it is difficult to sell it.

"Regarding the sales of heavy-duty trucks, this is a problem that Tianyin Group will focus on solving in the next step. You will not worry that the trucks we develop and produce will not be sold. The Volvo f10 truck will definitely not happen again in the future." Duan Yunyi Said confidently.

Duan Yun's remarks seemed full of confidence, and there were several reasons for this.

First of all, Duan Yun now has the most powerful 4S store sales system in the country, and it is also the strongest among all domestic auto companies in terms of after-sales maintenance, and as Tianyin Automobile is becoming more and more popular in China, he applied to join Auto 4S There are also more and more store owners. Even though Tianyin Group has raised some franchise thresholds, there are still a lot of applications from all over the country, and the cities where they are located are gradually shifting from the earliest first- and second-tier provincial capital cities to third- and fourth-tier cities. all covered.

In addition, the PR team of Telling Group has also been stronger than ever in recent years. Compared with the traditional public relations departments of other companies, the PR department of Telling Group even has "part-time" employees. Among these part-time employees, some belong to post-retirement System personnel, they still have influence and contacts in the local area, and some belong to the children and family members of high-ranking cadres, which can also be of great help to Tianyin Group in selling cars.

In addition, a very important reason why Duan Yun suddenly paid attention to the development of heavy trucks is that the country has begun to vigorously develop infrastructure construction. Since last year, the country has increased the allocation for infrastructure construction, and from previous lives Look, the trend of large-scale infrastructure construction across the country is getting stronger and stronger, and the demand for heavy-duty trucks, which are very important for infrastructure construction, is also increasing. Duan Yun has no reason to give up such a big cake.

(End of this chapter)

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