Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2214 Mobile Agent

Chapter 2214 Mobile Agent
"You can still produce mobile phones!?" At this moment, Geerke was completely shocked.

In Europe in the 90s, the mobile phone market was basically occupied by Nokia, Ericsson and Motorola, and these three companies basically dominated the global 2G communication era. The technical threshold was very high, and other communicators could only catch up.

Different from the production of other electronic products, the technical content of mobile phones is much higher. In addition to related hardware and software, the miniaturization of integrated circuits is also a very large technical threshold. Therefore, there are not many companies that can actually produce mobile phones. Except In addition to these three companies, there are several Japanese companies.

Galke never imagined that a Chinese company could actually develop a mobile phone, and successfully produced a prototype, which is basically a technological benchmark. If Tianyin Group’s mobile phone can really make stable calls, then it means that this company The scientific and technological strength of the enterprise is indeed very strong and has reached the international advanced level.

"Can this really make a phone call?" Geilke asked with some doubts.

"You don't think this is a toy, do you?" Duan Yunwen smiled, and then said: "This prototype is a gift from me, of course, you need to buy the SIM card yourself, and you are using this machine If there is any dissatisfaction, you can give feedback to our company, and we need these feedbacks very much.”

"No problem, thank you, Mr. Duan." Gailke took the phone with both hands, looking more excited.

"Our Tianyin Group still has a lot of good products, such as our computer." At this time, Duan Yun walked to the computer booth again, patted the display of the prototype with his hand, and said to Geerke: "At present, our The computer uses a new generation of Intel chips, and other components are produced by us in Shenzhen. Compared with IBM computers, our cost is lower and the performance is better. Even the operating system is developed by ourselves. The performance is not lost to the Windows series."

"This is really amazing." Geilke said with some emotion.

Obviously, after this visit, Geerke has a completely new understanding of Tianyin Group. He originally thought that this company was just an ordinary enterprise that was lucky to achieve great success relying on the Chinese mainland market, but now he Only then did he realize that Tianyin Group is far from being as simple as he thought. At least in terms of technology and product development strength, it is not much inferior to top European companies.

Even at this time, Geerke felt that it was a very ridiculous thing to buy the DVD patent license for several million dollars, because from the very beginning, BSH far underestimated the real strength of this company , if the two parties want to reach a cooperation, Bosch Electric must lower its stance. After all, this is a company with extraordinary strength and should win more respect.

"Our company is also the largest chip manufacturer in mainland China. The chips we produce are second only to Intel in the United States in terms of process technology, and are not inferior to those in Asia and Europe." Duan Yun pointed to another The chip samples on the booth at one side said to Gailke: "In the past two years, we have established cooperative relations with many domestic companies and accepted various chip customization and foundry businesses. At present, the chips we produce every year have exceeded The chip business is the main source of profit for Tianyin Group, and a few years ago, we had already established a branch in Hong Kong. Last year alone, we provided nearly 3 million single-chip microcomputers, so we actually have many partners in Europe."

"Amazing." Geerke nodded and said, "Today's visit to your company has brought me a lot of surprises. I will report to the head office about the cooperation between us. There is a solution that satisfies both of us."

"I am also looking forward to this day very much." Duan Yun said with a smile.

"I have accepted the gift you gave me, and I have nothing else to give back. I can only send you the gift after I return to the company," Galke said.

"What gift?" Duan Yun asked curiously.

"It's a secret for now, but since you gave me such a precious gift, I'm sure I'll give you the same good thing." Galke said deliberately.

In their German etiquette, receiving a gift must be accompanied by a reciprocation, and the current exchange of gifts between the two parties is actually for commercial purposes.

Duan Yun gave the other party a mobile phone, hoping that this product can be sold in Europe in the future. After all, smart phones will be a very big business layout for Duan Yun in the future. If he can gradually open up the mobile phone market in Europe in the next two years, That laid a very strong foundation for him to sell smartphones in Europe in the future.

Moreover, from a technical point of view, the mobile phones jointly developed by Tianyin Group and Huawei are not inferior to similar products in Europe, and more importantly, Tianyin Group can also produce its own chips, which is undoubtedly a huge advantage, because No matter what kind of product it is, only by making differences and advantages can it have the right to speak in this industry and at the same time have the greatest room for pricing.

In later generations, although domestic mobile phones sold well all over the world, because the core components were still produced in Europe and the United States, except for Huawei, these domestic mobile phone companies could only become technology integrators at best, and the price of parts itself limited the price of the whole machine. As a result, most of the profits are earned by upstream parts suppliers, while domestic manufacturers can only earn relatively meager profits.

However, if he wants Flag Electric to act as an agent for the mobile phones produced by their company, Duan Yun may have to make some compromises and concessions, such as giving up most of the profits from sales in Europe in exchange for BSH’s sales network and channels.

Although there is currently a very big price difference between the two parties in terms of DVD patent licensing, Duan Yun also knows that this kind of negotiation will never be easy, it will take a lot of time, and it will be possible only if both parties make a certain compromise. finalize the contract.

Afterwards, Duan Yun led Geerke to visit some other products of their company. The whole process was very friendly. In addition, through this visit, Geerke also respected Duan Yun and completely subverted his previous experience. Some prejudices and impressions of Chinese companies.

That night, Duan Yun invited Geerke to his house as a guest. The two had dinner together.

(End of this chapter)

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