Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2222 The Most Trusted Person

Chapter 2222 The Most Trusted Person
Signing a comprehensive partnership contract with Bosch Electric is a very important commercial victory for Tianyin Group, which finally gave Duan Yun the opportunity to enter the European market that he had always dreamed of.

In fact, as early as the end of the 80s, many domestic companies entered the European market, but they only entered a few European countries at most, and the products they exported were mainly low-end raw materials and primary processed products, with meager profits. The symbolic meaning is also very limited. Even in the mid-90s, Chinese products that could enter the European market were all OEM products, and there was still not much breakthrough in technological content. The only competitive advantage was cheap, and the price was often only 1/3 of ordinary European products. Even 1/5, if it is higher than this price, sales will plummet.

However, Tianyin Group has already earned more than 1/3 of the profits of the products exported to Europe this time just from the patent authorization. If the product OEM is added, the profits can reach half, and the profits can be divided equally with the European agents. Chinese enterprises, so far, there is only Tianyin Group in China.

And more importantly, the export of DVD, MP3 and other products to Europe this time has not affected the production capacity of the entire group company, because many products are basically outsourced, and the only product produced by Tianyin Group itself is chips. It is conservatively estimated that in the next two to three years, the European market will bring Tianyin Group profits of 3 million to 4000 million U.S. dollars per year, and with the popularization of DVD and other products in Europe, the profits will be greatly increased in the future. Increase.

But even so, in line with the principle that eggs cannot be put in one basket, Duan Yun still needs to send people to Europe to develop the market, but Duan Yun is a little bit difficult about who to send to the European market.

In fact, after years of development, Tianyin Group is now full of talents. Through various open recruitment and the help of job hunting, Tianyin Group has quite good talents in terms of management personnel and technical personnel, and some even in They are well-known at home and abroad, especially the Hong Kong branch. Although the business growth has slowed down in the past few years since Li Yun left, they have introduced some very good international talents. They have prominent academic qualifications. I also have the experience of working in a large multinational company, no matter from which aspect, I can stand alone.

However, in recent years, although Duan Yun has attached great importance to talents, he has been very cautious in the appointment of some key positions, especially the appointment of the head of the department. If you are loyal to the company, if you have not worked in the group company for 3 to 5 years, you will not easily be appointed as the head of a key department.

The reason for this is also very simple. On the one hand, although the company is far less concerned about seniority than state-owned enterprises, but if the head of the department wants to convince the public and be recognized by other departments, it must be an old employee with a certain prestige. On the other hand, Tianyin Group is a technology company, and every department has mastered some core technologies and commercial secrets that are related to the survival and development of the company. For the Tianyin Group, it will definitely have a negative impact.

In order to ensure that key positions do not experience job hopping, Duan Yun’s method is also very simple. On the one hand, their salaries are greatly increased. In the same department, the salaries of the first and second in command may differ by several times, and in terms of overall income, It is also much higher than other companies, which makes it difficult for employees to choose to change jobs to other companies because of income issues.

On the other hand, for the positions in all key departments, the incumbents must sign a strict confidentiality contract with the company. Once there is a breach of contract, job-hopping, or leakage of secrets, the fines they face will be astronomical. This is from a legal perspective. Put an end to betrayers, in fact, many domestic and foreign companies also have such entry contract clauses, but Tianyin Group's legal department is quite strong, and it is merciless in pursuing accountability. This has also made Tianyin Group established for so many years. Basically, there have been no major leaks of commercial secrets.

But in general, Duan Yun still likes to use people he can trust, especially to develop the European market, which can be regarded as a very important development strategy for the company at present, so when choosing the person in charge of developing the European market, Duan Yun needs to be very careful. cautious.

After thinking about it, Duan Yun still wants Li Yun to give it a try. On the one hand, it is because the operation of the American branch is very stable now, and with the team sent from China, Li Yun's workload has also been greatly reduced. She no longer needs to travel to all cities in the United States to discuss business as in the past two years. She only needs to sit at the headquarters in New York. Apart from participating in some major negotiations and signing contracts, other things only need to be arranged. Handle it down.

Letting such a general idle is indeed a waste of human resources, so Duan Yun plans to let her develop the European market this time and serve as the manager of Tianyin Group's European branch.

Although this may sound a little unreasonable, after all, Li Yun has finally gained a firm foothold in the United States, and it is rare for her to be at ease. Duan Yun's doing so will make her very hard.

But in fact, Duan Yun understands Li Yun's personality. Li Yun is a person who likes challenges very much. From the time she recommended herself as the general manager of the Hong Kong branch, she can see that she is not content with being ordinary, and she also enjoys this kind of anger. The life of her life makes her feel fulfilled, and at the same time, she can earn the wealth she desires.

Duan Yun will definitely not treat her badly. If Li Yun is really willing to go to Europe, then the salary Duan Yun gives her is not lower than when she was in the United States, and now Li Yun also likes life in the West very much. There is no doubt that his language and communication skills allow him to integrate into European and American countries without any obstacles.

On New Year's Day in 1997, Duan Yun came to visit Li Yun's house in person. As soon as the car stopped at the door, he saw Li Yun's family coming up to greet him.

After coming to Shenzhen for more than ten years, Li Yun's family has moved four times. At first, they lived in the same community with Duan Yun. Last year, the three of them moved into the most expensive wealthy area in Shenzhen, Silver Lake in Luohu. Villas, the price is as high as 3200 million yuan.

It can be said that the current Li Yun family can be regarded as the top rich man in Shenzhen, but all of this is the result of two generations of father and daughter working hard in Tianyin Group for more than ten years, especially Li Yun. , is already one of the employees with the highest annual salary and wealth in Tianyin Group, even Ni Guangnan, the chief engineer, still has some gaps with Li Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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