Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2221 Important Contract

Chapter 2221 Important Contract
Duan Yun originally thought that the BSH team might spend a long time visiting and analyzing their own company, and then the two parties could quickly reach a negotiation result.

However, the actual situation is that the team completed all the visit procedures in just two days, and made a negotiation plan that night, and the entire negotiation cycle took a whole week.

However, what made Duan Yun happy was that when BSH came to his company this time, it was not simply looking for the patent purchase of one or two products to obtain an agency, but to carry out a higher level of all-round cooperation with Tianyin Group.

The reason for this situation is that after visiting the factory, the expert team of BSH discovered that this company not only has strong R&D technology capabilities, but also has a large number of product lines. More importantly, Tianyin Group's The production capacity of the product is very large. Whether it is VCD or DVD, it can produce 10,000+ units every month and buy hundreds of thousands of units. After more than ten years of development, Shenzhen Shangbu Industrial Zone has formed a very strong production capacity supply chain. This This kind of production scale is second to none in the country, and Tianyi Group is more like a huge and powerful engine in the entire Shangbu Industrial Zone. If it fully operates a certain product, it can deliver a large number of acceptable quality products in a short period of time. Products are hard to find in other countries. Even Japan, where the electronics industry is the most developed, can never find a company with such a strong production capacity.

In fact, since the early 90s, developed countries began to decentralize their low-end industrial chains. The third world countries with low manpower and various costs have become the main targets of these developed countries' low-end industrial chains. Among them, China's advantages are becoming more and more obvious, with a large population, low human resources, stable policies, and increasingly developed infrastructure, all of which make China the most important link in the global low-end industrial chain.

BSH acts as an agent for well-known electrical appliances brands in Europe and the United States. Decades ago, these companies developed and produced their own products in their own countries. After the collective development of the former Soviet Union, these low-end industrial chains gradually began to move toward some Eastern European countries transfer in order to be able to pursue the lowest cost and maximum profit of products.

However, Eastern European countries, including Poland and the three Baltic countries, do not have a large population, and in terms of labor costs, they are not as advantageous as Southeast Asia and China. Therefore, in the mid-to-late 90s, more and more European and American companies came to China. Investment, and China has gradually begun to become the world's factory trend.

In fact, most of BSH's main product origins are produced in Eastern European countries. The reason why it has not been found in the Chinese market is mainly due to discrimination against Chinese products.

For a long time, Chinese products have been synonymous with cheap and inferior products in developed countries such as Europe, America and Japan. Although the products are very cheap, they are not durable. There are many reasons for this situation. There are two very important points. One is that at that time It is true that China does not have a high industrial level. The products are mainly raw materials and semi-finished products. Products with a little technological content are indeed difficult to meet the requirements of foreign customers in terms of production technology and level.

On the other hand, the Western world has always had a mentality of discrimination and smearing against China, either for political reasons or to maintain a sense of superiority among its own people, and often magnifies many individual cases infinitely, making the Western world I have a very bad impression of Chinese products and society.

However, compared with the media and politicians, businessmen in European and American countries are more rational and realistic. As China’s industrial level and infrastructure have improved over the years, more and more overseas orders have flocked to China. The public rejects Chinese products. Most of the Chinese products enter the European and American markets in the form of decks. This has caused many European and American people to reject Chinese products, but more and more use products made in China. This kind of The phenomenon sounds ironic, but it is a reality.

As for Tianyin Group, in fact, in recent years, it has completely got rid of the production of low-end industrial chains with low technical content and meager profits. The products are basically manufactured by local factories in Shenzhen and even in the Pearl River Delta. Including the currently popular VCD player in China, it is handed over to five domestic factories to complete the OEM at the same time. They only provide some key chips and circuit boards, and the assembly work is completely completed by other projects.

In addition to mastering the channels and resources of these OEM factories, Tianyin Group will send its own quality inspection team to any cooperative enterprises to strictly control the quality control of products, so as to prevent cooperative manufacturers from smashing Tianyin Group's brand because of poor products. .

It was after understanding such a situation that Bosch Electric decided to cooperate with Tianyin Group at a higher level, including the OEM of their existing products.

For Duan Yun, this is of course a dream. He does not need his own group company to produce, and he can earn a part of the OEM profit from it. This is of course a very cost-effective deal.

As for Tianyin Group's domestic cooperative manufacturers, it is of course desirable to have more orders. Even if Tianyin Group acts as a second-hand dealer in the middle, they are absolutely willing. After all, without Tianyin Group, they cannot take With so many orders, what's more, these foundry companies have been deeply tied to Tianyin Group's interests in recent years, and even have a deep dependence on it, so even if they make less money, they must find ways to maintain long-term cooperation with Tianyin Group. Tianyin Group is tied together, which is another level of business alliance.

After a week of careful negotiations, Bosch Electric finally agreed to obtain the authorized patent of the product at a price of 20 US dollars for each DVD player. The DVD and MP3 products listed in Europe will be sold under the brand of Siemens. , and the related product OEM is also in charge of Tianyin Group.

In fact, Duan Yun hopes that Bosch Electric can directly sell Tianyin DVDs in Europe, but it is very difficult for Chinese companies to enter the European market. This is also a very reasonable business operation.

On the last day of December, Duan Yun and BSH formally signed a commercial cooperation contract. The cooperation products include DVD and MP12 players. In addition, the two parties are also preparing to jointly develop a new mobile phone to enter the European communication industry.

(End of this chapter)

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