Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 605 Review

Chapter 605 Review
Duan Yun and Yuan Xuedong were sitting in the police car. Although they were facing each other, they didn't look at each other, but they had their own plans in their hearts.

Duan Yun was somewhat worried. The fact that he set up a factory exposed too many things, such as the source of his own funds. Although Duan Yun earned the money through legal means, it was still a serious crime in the era when speculation However, the local government can still find various reasons to convict it, especially during the current crackdown.

Duan Yun thought that everything was done carefully, unless Cao Dong or Yu Shulan reported on him, no one would know how much money he had, so he would not be able to convict him.

As for the source of funds for his factory to be investigated by the public security department, fortunately, Duan Yun borrowed 10 yuan in cash from the bank before. These are all accounts to check, and Duan Yun can definitely use them as a shield.

Along the way, Duan Yun frowned. It is not impossible to encounter something like a cold spring, especially in northern cities in China. The local governments are very conservative and the policies are repetitive. If someone in the city government does not want him to set up a factory, Then it's totally feasible to fix him.

Looking at it now, it was too risky for Duan Yun to set up an electronics factory this year, but now there is no turning back, no matter what happens, Duan Yun has to bear it.

Unlike Duan Yun, who was frowning and anxious, Yuan Xuedong who was sitting opposite looked very relaxed, with his legs crossed, looking sideways at the scenery outside the window, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and he hummed a little song from time to time.

In fact, Yuan Xuedong had already anticipated the arrest of Duan Yun this time, because he was the one who ordered people to report Duan Yun to the police, saying that he used power for personal gain, obtained money through illegal means, and engaged in speculative business.

Originally, Yuan Xudong thought that something would happen to Duan Yun in a few days, but he didn't expect that the police's action was earlier this time, and he was directly arrested at the model worker commendation meeting. In Yuan Xuedong's view, Duan Yun's luck this time was more ominous than good.

As for Yuan Xuedong himself being taken away, he was a little confused at first, but soon realized that he used to be the manager of a labor service company, and the police took him away probably to ask Duan Yun about some relevant cases.

The police car drove on the road for more than 20 minutes, and finally stopped at the entrance of the Municipal Public Security Bureau in the urban area. After getting off the car, Duan Yun and Yuan Xuedong entered the office building of the Municipal Public Security Bureau under the leadership of the police.

The inner row of rooms on the second floor of the Municipal Public Security Bureau was the interrogation room. When the two arrived at the entrance of the corridor, they were taken to two rooms by the police.

At the same time, the leading policeman suddenly took out a pair of handcuffs and walked straight towards the two of them.

Seeing the police over there taking out the handcuffs, Duan Yun's eyelids jumped suddenly, and a look of nervousness flashed across his face.

"Wait until the end of the prison." On the other side, Yuan Xuedong's face flashed with pride, and after saying something to Duan Yun, he said to the leading policeman: "Comrade police, do you have a phone here? I want to talk to the president. Tell the factory to let the family members not worry."

"I will notify your family members at that time." The leading policeman replied blankly, then grabbed Yuan Xuedong's hand and handcuffed his hands with a click.

"Huh?" Seeing this scene, Yuan Xuedong and Duan Yun were stunned at the same time.

"Oh? Comrade policeman, did you make a mistake? I am Yuan Xuedong, and he is Duan Yun!" Yuan Xuedong said repeatedly.

"Go in!" The policeman didn't answer, but with a serious face, he ordered Yuan Xudong to enter the interrogation room next to him.

"Come with me." At this time, another policeman standing next to Duan Yun was Duan Yun who entered another interrogation room next to him.

"I have already said that my name is Yuan Xuedong, and he is Duan Yun!" Yuan Xuedong said loudly to the leading policeman.

But the next moment, Yuan Xuedong was pushed into the interrogation room by two policemen, and then the door of the interrogation room was closed with a bang.

After Duan Yun entered the interrogation room, the two policemen sitting in front of him had paper and pens on the table, and on the wall behind them was a slogan "Leniency for Confessions and Strictness for Resistance".

"Sit down." The policeman sitting on the left motioned Duan Yun to sit down, and then asked him in a serious tone: "Name?"

"Duan Yun."





After a series of routine inquiries, the tall policeman on the left asked Duan Yun, "Do you know what crime you committed?"

"I don't know." Duan Yun's head shook like a drum.

"Someone reported that you, as a state cadre, were speculating, using power for personal gain, and embezzling public funds to fill your own pockets. Now if you are willing to cooperate honestly with us and take the initiative to explain the problem, we will consider giving you a lighter punishment." The policeman in charge of the trial said calmly. Duan Yun said.

"I have never committed any crimes. I have always been a law-abiding citizen. At work, I love the factory like home. I have never embezzled a penny from the factory. As for my own factory, I have also been approved by the municipal government and the industrial and commercial department. It's completely legal, if you don't believe me, you can investigate." Duan Yun raised his eyebrows and said.

Just as he expected, someone reported his financial problems, and the person who reported him was probably Yuan Xuedong.

But Duan Yun has been very cautious in every step since he was an individual until now when he founded an electronics factory. Unless someone above wants to label him hard, otherwise, no one will be able to catch him.

"I advise you to be honest. Now that we have sent special personnel to your factory to check the accounts, the matter will soon come to light. If you cooperate with us now and confess your criminal facts, we will consider mitigating..."

"I didn't commit a crime." Duan Yun still said calmly.

"In that case, tell me where did you get the money to start Tianyin Electronics Factory, and where did you buy the 212 jeeps from Daxing Automobile Factory?" the presiding policeman said in a serious tone. asked.

"I previously borrowed 10 yuan from the Agricultural Bank of our city in my own name. These are all well-documented. At that time, Xie Yongbin, the deputy chief of the finance department of the factory, handled the loan with me. You can ask him about it.” Duan Yun paused, and then said: “The funds for my purchase of 212 and the establishment of the electronics factory all came from this loan, and this loan was applied in my own name. How should I spend it? Is it my freedom?"

Duan Yun had long thought that the unknown source of his huge assets would arouse suspicion from many people, so when he first came to the collective as a manager and went to the bank for a loan, he took out a loan of 10 yuan in his own name. There is no shortage of money in Li, but he still brings the money to deceive others.

Now Duan Yun’s money has become his shield, which is well-founded, reasonable and legal, and the hundreds of thousands he earned from selling antennas and speakers are stored in dozens of passbooks with different names. Except for Duan Yun himself, no one knew how much the money was.

(End of this chapter)

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