Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 606 The last hurdle

Chapter 606 The last hurdle
Duan Yun has quick thinking and good eloquence.

He seemed to have expected this day long ago, so he took every step carefully, and would not easily leave any grounds, unless the higher-ups want to give him a hard hat, otherwise, all actions are legal .

During this period, the police asked him about selling and assembling antennas, and Duan Yun also answered them seriously.

Before that, Duan Yun had obtained an individual business license for Cao Dong, and paid taxes every month according to the regulations. All the documents and invoices were properly kept with Cao Dong. Duan Yun was not worried at all.

Even after thinking of all the words to deal with, Duan Yun was still a little nervous.

In Duan Yun's view, this review is a crucial hurdle. If he can pass this hurdle smoothly, the future will be smooth, and any previous doubts about his private career will be resolved. It is also impossible to hold on to his braid all the time.

And when Duan Yun was being interrogated at the Public Security Bureau, the labor service company had already become a mess.

The news of Duan Yun's arrest quickly spread in the office buildings and workshops. At the same time, the staff sent by the Public Security Bureau and the Taxation Bureau also came to the finance department of the labor service company immediately.

Yu Shulan was somewhat surprised by this situation, but soon calmed down, took out all the ledgers and receipts in the factory, and accepted the inspection of the working group.

Both Duan Yue and Yu Chulan were clean, they didn't take a penny from the factory, and naturally they were not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door if they were not guilty, so they were very cooperative with the work team sent by the Public Security Bureau.

As for Yu Shulan's accounting for Duan Yun's workshop, it has nothing to do with this inspection, and Yu Shulan will not show anyone the accounting of the workshop, unless Duan Yun asks him to do so.

Seeing that the working groups of public security and taxation entered the finance department for inspection, no one in the whole organization felt at ease working at their posts, and they all went to the gate of the finance department to watch.

On the workshop side, all the machines stopped, and groups of three or five started discussing the matter, but soon these workers found the workshop director Luo Fei.

For ordinary workers, it has never been about their own business, but this time the situation is different.

Everyone knows the importance of Duan Yun to this factory. When Duan Yun didn't come to the labor service company as a manager, the collective here was a smoky mess, with losses for years, poor working conditions, low worker benefits, and even many workers I am ashamed to say that I work for the Red Star Labor Service Company outside.

But since Duan Yun was transferred to the labor service company as the general manager, it took only a few months to make the whole factory look brand new. The working environment is like two worlds compared to before. , the basic wages of the workers have been raised, and various benefits are even softer, so that the workers at the main factory have begun to envy the employees of the large collective, which also makes everyone in the labor service company stand up With my waist down, I feel that working in this company is still a very face-saving thing.

All these changes were brought about by Duan Yun. After a few months, both the government and front-line workers admired Duan Yun's work ability and technical level. When it comes to the National Gold Medal, this has undoubtedly greatly boosted the factory's affairs. Many workers have worked hard in private, working overtime, hoping to earn more money when the factory's profitability is good.

But if Duan Yun is caught by the Public Security Bureau and finally sentenced, it will undoubtedly deal a very serious blow to the morale of the factory employees and the future development. After all, Duan Yun masters the core technology of new products in the factory, and there are also many orders in the factory. It was won by Duan Yun. Without Duan Yun, the labor service company is likely to become devastated, and may even return to the mess it used to be.

No one wants to go back to the past when a monk hits the clock every day, earning a salary that barely subsists on food and clothing every month. Those days will make people decadent and hopeless.

Luo Fei, the workshop director, didn't know what was going on, but he heard that Duan Yun and Yuan Xuedong were taken away together. The surrounding employees immediately guessed that Yuan Xuedong might have reported on Duan Yun, and the atmosphere at the scene became excited stand up.

Not getting any further news from Duan Yun made these employees very worried, and the secretary Jiang Jianhua never came back after he went to the main factory, Luo Fei was helpless.

Someone in the crowd suddenly proposed that everyone go to the Municipal Public Security Bureau to visit Duan Yun and inquire about the specific situation, and this proposal was quickly responded by most of the people.

Everyone had no intention of working, and Duan Yun had a major impact on the factory and their future wages and benefits, so someone simply cut off the power to the workshop...


At this time, in the office of Qin Gang, the director of the main factory, several leaders in the factory were all frowning, and the atmosphere was a bit gloomy.

Qin Gang made several phone calls in one go. First, he called the police station of the factory to inquire about the situation. After getting no news from Duan Yun, he then informed Ruiyang, the director of the Light Industry Bureau, after all, he was Duan Yun's backer. , and Yu Jianguo, the deputy director of the factory, called his father-in-law, but after the two called, there was no reply.

"Director Qin, do you have any acquaintances at the Public Security Bureau?" Jiang Jianhua, who came to inquire about the situation, asked.

"If I had an acquaintance in the Public Security Bureau, I would have asked about it long ago. I am also very anxious about Duan Yun. He is an important talent in our factory, but now I really have no other choice. If it doesn't work, I will send someone later. Ask the Municipal Public Security Bureau about the situation." Qin Gang said helplessly.

"That's the only way to go." The chairman of the trade union next to him sighed, and then said: "If Duan Yun really breaks the law, no one can save him. We have already done everything we can, and now we can only wait for the news."

"Huh!" As soon as the chairman of the trade union finished speaking, the door of Qin Gang's office was pushed open, and a young man with parted head suddenly appeared at the door.

"Secretary Jiang!" The young man said to Jiang Jianhua, panting heavily.

"?" Jiang Jianhua was taken aback when he heard the words, and then asked again: "Who are you talking about?"

said the young man.


As soon as the young man finished speaking, everyone in the office suddenly stood up, with expressions of extreme shock on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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