Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 951 Abundant Talents

Chapter 951 Abundant Talents
That night, Duan Yun took the old professors who had just arrived in Shenzhen to a famous restaurant in Guangzhou. Li Guosheng and Zhao Xuewu also accompanied them to clean up the old professors.

As soon as the banquet started, Duan Yun gave each person a settling allowance of 500 yuan, which was discussed last time in Taiyuan.

Seeing that Duan Yun was spending money and inviting them to dinner, he received 500 yuan as a settling allowance before he started his class one day. These old professors were very moved by such a generous offer.

For Duan Yun, the arrival of these old professors means that its R&D center finally has a core backbone. Department of materials, these are the high-end talents that Duan Yun is most in need of at present.

In order for the five retired professors to give full play to their "residual heat", Duan Yun even hired five medical staff at a high price. These medical staff not only provide physical examinations and medical services for the employees, but also focus on "keeping an eye on" these five professors. Retired professors, regular physical examinations, blood pressure measurements, and will also provide them with some advice on board and lodging, fitness to ensure their health.

After all, these retired professors are treasures in the eyes of Duan Yun. These days, private companies need to pay a high price to hire such high-level scientific and technical personnel, and even if they have money, many scientific research institutes Elite talents are also reluctant to work in private companies, because it is a shameful thing for them. They either go to joint ventures or state-owned factories, or start their own businesses. For example, Liu Chuanzhi, the founder of Lenovo Group, is the Chinese Academy of Sciences. A cadre of the Computer Research Institute.

In addition to these retired professors, Duan Yun also needs a group of professionals with at least technical secondary and university degrees to work as technicians in his company. Let these five old professors lead more than a dozen college and technical secondary school students. A complete R&D team.

However, the dozen or so college students that Duan Yun had contacted at the Taiyuan Institute of Mechanical Engineering have not yet arrived in Shenzhen, because they are all junior and senior students, and some of them have already selected their internship units, usually SX State-owned enterprises in the province, and if they want to transfer to Duan Yun's electronics factory for an internship halfway, they still need to go through some procedures.

In fact, strictly speaking, these college students are cultivated by the state investing a lot of human and financial resources, and they must be assigned according to the unified arrangement of the state after graduation. They are not allowed to freely choose to enter private companies, especially for internships during school.

However, Duan Yun adopted a strategy of "saving the country with curves". His Tianyin Electronics Factory and three state-owned electronics factories in Daxing previously formed "Daxing Electronics" to participate in the Canton Fair. The enterprise is Duan Yun's private electronics factory, but "Daxing Electronics" also has a state-owned enterprise, so from a procedural point of view, it complies with the relevant regulations for college students to choose internship units.

After these college students have passed their applications, they can choose to go to "Daxing Electronics" for internships, and the Provincial Department of Light Industry will approve their applications, but in fact the unit they are going to is Duan Yun's electronics factory in Daxing.

Then after these people enter our Daxing main factory, they can be easily transferred to the Shenzhen branch factory. The whole procedure is in compliance with national regulations.

In addition, Duan Yun donates 50 yuan to Taiyuan Institute of Mechanical Engineering every year, and also earns millions of dollars for the SX Provincial Department of Light Industry every year, so no matter from the school or the SX provincial government, they will give Duan Yun the "green light" to the electronics factory. This enables Duan Yun to obtain the support of a large number of talents for a long time.

In addition, the country has begun to implement a "two-way choice" policy for many college graduates, allowing them to choose their own employment units. In this way, Duan Yun can keep some outstanding college students in his company for a long time.

In fact, Duan Yun has so many highly educated technical talents, in the eyes of many private enterprise owners, it is simply unimaginable. In most private enterprises, there are one or two high school graduates and technical school students, which is already very good. , including many local small and medium-sized state-owned enterprises in Shenzhen, and there are only a handful of talents with technical secondary school degrees in the enterprises. Therefore, in terms of talents, except for some joint ventures and large state-owned enterprises under domestic subsidiaries and research institutes, Duan Yun's electronics The factory has crushed most of the local enterprises in Shenzhen.

The reception banquet that night had a very happy atmosphere. After learning that Zhao Xuewu, who first came to Shenzhen, lived in a very good condition and had already traveled abroad with Duan Yun, everyone looked at him with envy. At the same time, I secretly rejoiced that it was very correct to choose to work for Duanyun Company.

But in fact, Zhao Xuewu is the happiest. Seeing his former school colleagues meet again and become colleagues again, this makes him no longer feel lonely, and seems to have returned to the high-spirited and passionate era, working together and competing together , with faith and ambition in mind, everything set sail again.

Duan Yun also drank a lot of wine with them last night, but considering his physical problems, Duan Yun drank by himself and prepared some drinks and tea for these old professors. Even so, the atmosphere of the banquet was quite warm. So much so that two of them were so emotional that they shed tears.

That night, Duan Yun arranged for these professors to sleep in the Guangzhou office first. On the morning of the next day, Duan Yun led them to the factory in Shenzhen.

Duan Yun has already prepared suitable accommodation for these professors, complete with TV, tape recorder and electric fans, and also specially isolated a compartment in the bathroom of the electronics factory for the exclusive use of these senior professors.

These old professors were very surprised by the living conditions provided by Duan Yun. Even in their opinion, the dormitory environment here is more comfortable than their home. The dormitory is cleaned every day, and three meals a day will be delivered to them Duan Yun even hired a northern cook to cook them some favorite pasta. This kind of treatment is very rare in other enterprises in Shenzhen, and only the boss can enjoy it.

In the past few days, Zhao Xuewu and Dajun Erhu took the three new professors to visit the workshop. Duan Yun didn't give them any formal work, but just let them familiarize themselves with the environment first.

Fast forward to mid-March.

The main building of the product technology research and development center, which was originally scheduled to be three months, has basically been completed, and the canteens and bathrooms on both sides have also reached the final stage. It is estimated that it will be fully completed in one week, which is earlier than the original construction period set by Duan Yun. It took nearly half a month.

Duan Yun immediately came to Wangshi Company again, imported a large number of office equipment, including computer copiers, video recorders and other equipment, and asked Zhao Xuewu and others to list a list of scientific research equipment, and planned to put this technology product research and development center into use as soon as possible ...

(End of this chapter)

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