Chapter 971
Duan Yun's enterprise is getting bigger and bigger now, but the old business model obviously can't keep up with the pace of development. It's like a thin primary school student gradually turning into a tall young man. It's time to change into a new suit of the right size.

It is far from enough to just rely on the few veteran members who fought the world with me at the beginning. The company needs a lot of fresh blood and a more scientific and reasonable system.

"Our family owes the bank 2500 million now. If we don't pay off the money, it will be difficult for me to sleep at night..." Cheng Qingyan said with a soft sigh.

Cheng Qingyan has been under a lot of pressure recently. In her opinion, her husband's loan of 2500 million from the bank was undoubtedly a very crazy move, but as a wife, she can only support her husband unconditionally.

Last year, Tianyin Electronics Factory's profits were good. Originally, Cheng Qingyan still had great confidence in her husband, but she didn't expect that her husband would soon spend all the profits of nearly [-] million yuan last year to buy equipment for the new factory. Introducing the Japanese production line, Duan Yun's ambitions are far greater than Cheng Qingyan imagined.

Pressure is motivation, and desperation can often stimulate a person's greatest potential.

At the beginning of this year, Duan Yun borrowed another 2500 million from the bank. As his wife, Cheng Qingyan had never felt such a great pressure, and it was under such great pressure that Cheng Qingyan came up with this corporate membership sales model.

"Let's go back to Shenzhen to plan the establishment of our Electronics Manufacturers Association." Duan Yun pondered for a while, and then said, "It seems that my wife is still very business-minded."

"I can't compare to you. You are a person who does big things. I can only follow you and do small things." Cheng Qingyan gently stroked the bangs on her forehead with her right hand, and then said: "I used to think that doing business is easy. It is only now that I realize that the knowledge in it is too great, and it is much more difficult than learning mechanical technology. At least learning mechanical technology can be easily demonstrated, but if one fails in business, it may be lost forever..."

"How bold a person is, how productive the land is. With me behind you, what are you worried about?" Duan Yun smiled and said, "I think this is good. After returning to Shenzhen this time, the matter of establishing the Electronics Manufacturers Association I'll leave it to you, and I'll take care of the other things, what do you think?"

"Okay!" Cheng Qingyan nodded simply.

Duan Yun has always given Cheng Qingyan a great sense of security. In addition, Cheng Qingyan has accumulated a lot of management experience in managing the electronics factory in Daxing for several months, which also made her more confident.

In fact, Cheng Qingyan herself is not that kind of timid and weak little woman, she is born smart, has her own independent personality, and has her own ideas about some things.

After the two left the cinema, they started to stroll around the bustling Nanjing Road.

The prosperity of Shanghai opened Cheng Qingyan's horizons. During this period, the two of them bought some clothes and other supplies. It was not until noon that they rode their bicycles back to the office.

At this time, Cao Dong and his wife Yang Li'e had already returned to the office early and started to buy vegetables and cook. When the meal time was approaching, the whole table was already filled with sumptuous meals.

"It's not easy for my sister-in-law to come to Shanghai. This time, I must stay for a few more days. There are many interesting places in Shanghai. I will show my sister-in-law around." During the dinner, Yang Li'e said to Cheng Qingyan with a smile on her face.

"That's right, there are so many things to do in Shanghai, let my wife be a tour guide and have a good time in Shanghai for a few days." Cao Dong on the side also said.

"No, thank you for your kindness. I plan to take the train back to Guangzhou tomorrow." Cheng Qingyan replied politely.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Cao Dong asked a little puzzled.

"Qingyan, why don't you stay in Shanghai for two days and don't rush back." Duan Yun also said.

"I appreciate your kindness, but there are a lot of things going on at the Shenzhen factory, and I have to hurry there as soon as possible. If I have time in the future, I will definitely come to Shanghai to play." Cheng Qingyan said with a smile.

"Alright then." Duan Yun nodded upon hearing the words, he knew that his wife's decisions would rarely change, so he turned to Cao Dong and said, "Dongzi, in the afternoon you arrange someone to go to the train station to buy two sleeper tickets to Guangzhou." , I will set off with your sister-in-law tomorrow."

"But big brother..." Cao Dong frowned when he heard this.

"There are a lot of things to do in Shenzhen. We will come to Shanghai after finishing the work there. You have done a good job a while ago, and I am very satisfied. I am more at ease in your work. I will continue to work hard in the future." Duan Yun said to Cao Dong.

"Then... alright." Seeing this, Cao Dong had no choice but to nod his head helplessly.

After eating at noon, Duan Yun and Cheng Qingyan went back to the second floor for lunch break.

"Actually, you can spend two days in Shanghai. Li Guosheng will take care of things in Shenzhen. Don't worry." Duan Yun said to his wife Cheng Qingyan while sitting on the sofa in the house drinking tea.

Duan Yun still feels sorry for his wife. Cheng Qingyan and Duan Yun are very tired from taking the train these two days, and he has been under a lot of pressure in the past few months, so Duan Yun hopes that his wife can spend two more days in Shanghai to relax.

"Our family owes so much money to the bank, how can I have the heart to play in Shanghai..." Cheng Qingyan flashed a wry smile on her face, and then said: "And I feel that we can't get too close to these managers, Cao Dong I'm too warm with his wife, I'm a soft-hearted person sometimes, if the relationship is too good, I won't have the heart to punish them if they make mistakes in the future..."

"It makes sense." Hearing this, Duan Yun nodded slightly.

Cheng Qingyan has always been a very beautiful girl with a gentle personality in Duan Yun's impression, and it is precisely because of this that Duan Yun is particularly attracted to him.

But soft-hearted people in business are often a very big weakness, especially for those who are close to them. These people make mistakes and soft-hearted people are often not punished properly or not punished at all, which leads to some regulations and reward and punishment systems in enterprises. It is useless and has no deterrent effect on some people.

Compared with state-owned enterprises that pay great attention to human relations, private enterprises are all about money and benefits. As a boss, you must be hard-hearted and must not be soft-hearted to employees who make mistakes. Although this seems very impersonal, it is But it is an essential quality of a successful businessman.

Cheng Qingyan is under a lot of pressure now. She wants to jointly manage the company with her husband and pay off the bank's 2500 million loan within a year. She has no way out. She has to make herself more "ruthless"...

(End of this chapter)

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