Chapter 992
After the new product tape recorder came off the assembly line, Duan Yun needed to produce small batches, test production capacity and conduct quality control on the one hand, and on the other hand, began to promote products through his sales network.

The positioning of Duan Yun’s new recorder is light, portable and fashionable, especially for some women, this brightly colored, uniquely shaped and compact recorder is in line with their aesthetics. It is very convenient and beautiful to carry outside or put in the house .

For this reason, after discussing with his wife, Duan Yun decided to hire young male and female models to shoot commercials, and also planned to find celebrities to endorse.

By 85, more and more products endorsed by domestic celebrities appeared on TV, and some actors in the original system also began to go overseas one after another, relying on their popularity and popularity to obtain high endorsement fees.

But in general, celebrity endorsement fees in the mid-80s were far lower than those of later generations of traffic stars, but it is definitely not a small number, because the country is still dominated by state-owned enterprises, and private enterprises are very small, so it is impossible to spend too much Price to hire a celebrity endorsement.

But Duan Yun is well aware of the huge commercial value of celebrity endorsements in this era, so he decided to hire two female celebrities with high salaries to endorse their products.

After some consideration, Duan Yun finally set his target on Pan Hong and Liu Xiaoqing.

Pan Hong and Liu Xiaoqing in the 80s were definitely the top female stars in China, especially Liu Xiaoqing, who starred in "Look at This Family", "Little Flower" and "Wedding" since the end of the 70s, as well as "Mysterious Buddha" and "Burning" in the early 80s. The Old Summer Palace and Listening to the Government Behind the Curtain, these well-known films made Liu Xiaoqing reach the pinnacle of his career and popularity. In 83 and 86, he hosted the CCTV Spring Festival Gala twice in a row. It can be said that Liu Xiaoqing was the most popular female star in mainland China in the 80s.

Pan Hong is also no small matter. The film "Du Shiniang" starring in 81 and "Man to Middle Age" filmed in 82 made him nominated for Best Actress at the Golden Rooster Award and Best Actress at the 6th Hundred Flowers Awards. Highly recognizable, she is a popular female star comparable to Liu Xiaoqing in China.

Moreover, Pan Hong once endorsed the Xiafei series of cosmetics in 1989. Since he endorsed this product, Xiafei's brand has become a hit, bringing huge profits to the company, and the commercial value of the brand has also grown rapidly. This shows the huge commercial potential of celebrity endorsement.

However, although Duan Yun intends to invite these two female stars to endorse products, he has no personal connections in the film and television industry, and it is still unknown whether these two female stars are willing to accept product endorsements, so this matter cannot be settled immediately .

However, Duan Yun and Qin Changchun, the office director of CCTV, should know how to contact these two female stars.

That afternoon, Duan Yun made a long-distance call to Qin Changchun at CCTV to ask him about this matter.

Duan Yun gave Qin Changchun a high-end Swiss watch last time, so when he received a call from Duan Yun, he happily expressed his willingness to help him with this favor, and contacted these two female stars to see if they would be willing to endorse the product , and how much to ask for.

Qin Changchun's work efficiency was also very fast, and in the afternoon of the second day, he replied a call to Duan Yun.

"Duan Yun, I did my best. I found Pan Hong and Liu Xiaoqing through an intermediary. They expressed that they were unwilling to endorse any products and were not interested in this matter, so I have no choice..." Qin Changchun on the other end of the phone Said helplessly.

"Director Qin, let me ask, do you know how much endorsement fees other companies usually pay for celebrity endorsements?" Duan Yun asked.

"This varies...some are high and some are low, but generally well-known actors pay at least 5000 to 1 endorsement fees, and those who are particularly popular may have a higher price..." Qin Changchun on the other end of the phone paused , and then said: "However, if you want me to say that some actors are more noble, they also want to make money, but they are afraid that their reputation will be damaged by endorsement products, so they just..."

"Either way is better..." Duan Yun interrupted Qin Changchun, and continued: "If teachers Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong are willing to endorse, I am willing to give them 10 yuan each for the endorsement fee, and I will get another Give 10 yuan, in the name of the two of them, donate to our China Children and Children's Foundation, it is considered as supporting public welfare undertakings."

Duan Yun also knows that the stars of the past two years are very protective of their reputation, and they are very cautious about accepting advertisements. It is far from the traffic stars of later generations who just pay for it. To impress them, in addition to high endorsement fees, they also need to give them Some honorary support, and charitable donations are undoubtedly a very good start.

Established in 1981, the China Children and Children's Foundation is the first public welfare foundation in China. It is managed by the All-China Women's Federation. Its purpose is to raise, train and educate children, and to assist the country in developing children and adolescents' education and welfare, especially in poverty-stricken areas. .

Duan Yun is not a selfless person, but he also participated in some charitable donations and blood donation activities in his previous life. Although the amount was not high, at least for charity, he was still willing to do what he could.

The reason why this plan was proposed this time, from Duan Yun's point of view, is mainly to consider the commercial value. In this way, Pan Hong and Liu Xiaoqing can earn huge endorsement fees and gain a good reputation for themselves. It is the best of both worlds. , should be able to impress them.

"Each one is 10 yuan as an endorsement fee, and they donated 5 yuan each to the China Children's Foundation in their names..." Hearing Duan Yun offered such a high price, Qin Changchun on the other end of the phone was a little stunned.

"Director Qin, please contact Teacher Pan Hong and Teacher Liu Xiaoqing for me again. After the matter is completed, I will definitely thank you very much," Duan Yun said.

"This... alright." Qin Changchun on the other end of the phone responded.

"Then I'll wait for the good news."

"No problem." After Qin Changchun finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

After Duan Yun put down the microphone, he sat on the office chair, lit a cigarette, and smoked.

The endorsement fee of 10 yuan he gave is definitely a sky-high price in the current domestic market. Including the charitable donation of 5 yuan, it must have broken the record for celebrity endorsement fees in China.

Although it is still unknown whether Pan Hong and Liu Xiaoqing can be invited to endorse their products at the same time, but in Duan Yun's view, the terms he offered are too tempting, and as far as these two stars are concerned, even if they don't value money, Being able to donate to charity is also a very positive thing for the reputation and popularity of the two of them. They can make money and earn a good reputation. Not many people are willing to refuse such a good thing.

And it only needs Pan Hong and Liu Xiaoqing to agree to endorse, then it is enough to support Duan Yun's brand promotion strategy for new products. With their fame and advertisements, Tianyin Electronics Factory will usher in another sales frenzy...

(End of this chapter)

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