magician in town

Chapter 117 Wen Lin

Chapter 117 Wen Lin (1)

Chapter 110 Wen Lin (1)

There was another silence in the small living room. Luo Qi looked at Wen Lin. She didn't seem to be in an impasse. Although she was a little frustrated, her eyes were straight, and she looked at Du Zhengyi firmly and disappointed.

Roach thought she looked familiar, not because of her appearance or even her person.Suddenly he remembered that this scene was actually a bit like when his mother wrestled with him for serious business.Of course, Wen Lin couldn't feel that Du Zhengyi was naive like his mother thought he was naive. She just expressed her disappointment with Du Zhengyi from the perspective of righteousness.She stood on the upper hand of Du Zhengyi's career and Du Zhengyi's values, and exerted invisible pressure on Du Zhengyi.

Roach wasn't sure if she would get any benefits. From what he knew of Du Zhengyi, Du Zhengyi was loyal and his values ​​were impeccable. people.Roach knew where his greatest weakness was. He longed for approval, but Du Zhengyi was just the opposite of him. He never wanted anyone's approval, and he never felt disappointed by others. care.

But Wen Lin is also very smart, as Du Zhengyi said.She quickly gave up on Silence, probably because she could see that even though there were strong enemies around outside, she still couldn't compare to Du Zhengyi, who was like a stone statue.

"You can probably guess that we wouldn't have come so soon without reporting." Wen Lin looked into Du Zhengyi's eyes and said, there was a meaningful pause at the end of the sentence, probably to see Du Zhengyi What will be the reaction to this sentence.

Du Zhengyi didn't respond at all. Luo Qi saw that Wen Lin was also looking at him, but he was still wearing a hood and a mask, and his eyes were hidden deep in the hood. Wen Lin didn't look at him. What came out.The strange thing is that she is also considered frank, and she didn't even hide her curiosity and observation, and gave Roach a smile.

She turned her head and said to Du Zhengyi, "It seems that I can only talk to you. Your friend is still very talkative on the phone."

"You talked to him on the phone, did it go well?" Du Zhengyi said.

Wen Lin was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help smiling, "That's right, Du Zhengyi is mysterious enough, and his friends are really unpredictable, so I won't think about it."

After a pause, she continued, "It may not sound good to me, but I wonder if your other friends are as trustworthy as him? Does anyone else know that you are coming to Xizhou today?"

"I understand what you mean, but it was not my friend who reported me to Qionglin." Du Zhengyi interrupted her question.

Fortunately, this kind of suspicion made Luo Qi uncomfortable. Guan Xinyue was incapable of reporting, and Mahjong was not the kind of person who would do that.Although he didn't know much about mahjong, and mahjong didn't like him too much, but when he was at the end of his life, mahjong was the one who took him in, and even became his teacher.What's more, Mahjong's concern for Du Zhengyi is real. Among Du Zhengyi's few friends, Luo Qi always feels that Mahjong is a real friend.

Wen Lin put away the question politely, "We can't be close, maybe I really shouldn't say that."

"When did the report arrive?" Du Zhengyi continued to ask a little rudely.

"Five thirty-two." Wen Lin replied immediately, "It was transmitted through the public station, so it took a while before it was transmitted to Qionglin. Because the letter was marked as urgent, and the recipient was Venerable Fan Shi, enter the Qionglin immediately sent it to Fan Zun."

Roach once again realized the agility and ability of the female battle mage in front of him.

"Then the informant should have been at the scene when the incident happened," Du Zhengyi said, "so that he could report to Qionglin at the end of the attack."

Wen Lin nodded, "Your analysis is correct."

"Any mage with a slightly higher level would know that I am wanted by Qionglin, but I don't think there are too many people who can accurately know who should deliver the report letter to Fan Shi. This person will not have nothing to do with Qionglin Du Zhengyi continued calmly, "Knowing that there will be an attack here, grasping our movements, grasping the actual events and progress of the attack, and knowing Qionglin very well, in my opinion, only The Lotus Burner can do it."

Wen Lin took a deep breath, and she already believed Du Zhengyi by the look of her face.She looked away at the buffalo skull hanging on the wall, and sighed again with some depression, "You know what? I actually thought about it too."

Du Zhengyi remained silent, waiting for her to continue.

"But I just don't want to believe that the situation has become so serious, and I still hope that something went wrong on your side." Wen Lin said helplessly, "I think the whole Qionglin probably doesn't want the lotus burner incident to be a serious one. Really, even Venerable Pei Shu has already mentioned it several times."

"Qiong Lin doesn't want to believe that there is a problem, so he plans to kill me, the person who found the problem?" Du Zhengyi asked.

Wen Lin turned her head to look at him, and said sharply, "With all due respect, if it weren't for you doing something that raised suspicion, no one would have found this opportunity to kill you."

Roach had already been distracted to look at this room. He felt that Atta's room had a Victorian decoration style mixed with East and West.He came back to look at Wen Lin, and secretly praised Wen Lin for her courage. She really was a female fighter. Du Zhengyi's pressure was not a bit heavy. Concerned about Du Zhengyi's oppression like a mountain.But she probably also knew the key point, staring at Du Zhengyi with all her attention, she couldn't separate her mind to observe him as a mysterious visitor.

"What did I do?" Du Zhengyi said still expressionlessly.

"Do you still have to ask? That day you suddenly returned to Qionglin, and no one called you, so you came back. Of course you can say that this is your home, and you can come back if you want. Even Li Xu was taken by you." There may be a reason for the attack. Han Yi was attacked by you because he wanted to take personal revenge on you. The missing student Luo Qi may have been silenced by others. None of this has anything to do with you... But, you When we came back, Qionglin’s defense was closed.” Wen Lin said here in a breath, panting, “Then they tested the found Qionglin’s defense crystal, and there was no extra magic energy, no trace of invasion, No one knows how it was cracked, so Qionglin is in a panic now. I know everyone is secretly thinking that the legendary Du Zhengyi is more likely to have the ability to crack the crystal than the illusory lotus burner Ability. The Lotus Burner is nothing more than a mob. Although they carried out a terrorist attack, so what? Du Zhengyi is the most powerful mage in the past 300 years according to legend, and there is no such person among the Lotus Burners."

"So Qionglin can turn a blind eye to the attack that happened today, because I showed up, so I think I caused it?" Du Zhengyi asked calmly.

"Can you at least tell me what you did in Qionglin? I have always admired you, I don't believe what Fan Shi said, I don't believe you are doing something terrible, can I please tell Me, what are you doing?" Wen Lin looked at Du Zhengyi in pain.

Roach was almost taken aback by the intensity of her emotions.

Then, he heard something that frightened him even more. Du Zhengyi said, "I'm here to save Roche."

Roach froze on the sofa, never expecting that Du Zheng would tell the truth for a while.

But then, what he never expected was that Wen Lin laughed loudly, "Impossible!"

Um?Roach stared at her in surprise, who knew more about this than him?

(End of this chapter)

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