magician in town

Chapter 118 Wen Lin

Chapter 118 Wen Lin (2)

Chapter 110 Seven

"I'm here to save Roach." Du Zhengyi repeated.

"Impossible." Wen Lin said.

"Why?" Du Zhengyi asked calmly.

An impatience flashed across Wen Lin's face, and Roach thought she might be restraining the urge to roll her eyes.

"Are you kidding me? I don't believe it, Roach... I checked Roach's information. Who is Roach? Roach is just NOBODY!" Wen Lin leaned back on the sofa angrily, overlapping two slender legs.Looking at the imitation candles on the chandelier above her head, she murmured, "I almost couldn't find him in all the materials. I haven't seen such an insignificant person. He almost doesn't exist in this world." .”

Wen Lin lowered her eyelids and looked at her nails in disappointment, as if frustrated by Du Zhengyi's refusal to tell the truth. "He is just an unknown person. But you are Du Zhengyi, you are the guard of the lonely mountain, and you are someone who will definitely become a venerable in the future! You are also a person who always calculates gains and losses rationally. It is impossible for you to take such a big risk. Save a nobody."

Roach's eyes widened.True Roach is here to work and listen to people talking about him, but after thinking about it, it is irrefutable, and there is nothing to complain about. From an economic point of view, it is indeed a loss-making deal for Du Zhengyi to take the risk of saving him.

Du Zhengyi's face was calm, Wen Lin's misunderstanding did not arouse any reaction from him.Roach even noticed that his eyes were slightly squinted, and a vague complacency flitted across his face.

Luo Qi suddenly realized that Du Zhengyi hadn't lied. Most of the time, no matter how unbelievable what he said, it was actually the truth.But when the truth is the most ordinary, no one will believe it.But as long as one day, the chain of truth goes in the right direction, Du Zhengyi will get considerable rewards for telling the truth all the time.

Even if there is no day when the truth comes out, Du Zhengyi doesn't necessarily care. Roach understands Du Zhengyi's bad taste.He may be enjoying the process of no one believing the truth, which just shows that everyone is an idiot.

Wen Lin gave up, probably because she thought that Du Zhengyi was always unpredictable and it was impossible for her to get the answer.

"However, if you really saved Roach, maybe you can make Lorian owe you a favor." Wen Lin whispered, tucking a strand of curly hair behind her ear.

"Who are you talking about?"

Luo Qi heard that Du Zhengyi was almost biting the words, uttering every word very clearly.

"Archmaster Lorian, Luo Qi's father." Wen Lin said, "You don't know him? He is a high-level mind mage, and Venerable Fan Shi thinks highly of him."

"Fan Venerable respects Master Luo?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"As far as I know, Lorien blamed Roach's disappearance on you." Wen Lin said, looking a little uneasy, "I don't want to talk about other people behind their backs, but Lorien has been mentioning you recently. He is also the one who asked Fan Zunzun to investigate you. But when it comes to his son, he also has this qualification, just like Han Yi's matter. Although people with discerning eyes know that they are venting anger, but they care deeply, and venting anger is also considered human. It's normal. But Lorien is not only Fan Shi's respected disciple, but even Fan Shi's friend, his words carry great weight in front of His Holiness."

"I tell you this in the hope of solving the problem. I hope His Holiness will never know that I said this, and I hope that I believe you are not wrong."

Luo Qi really wished he hadn't sat here and heard these words in front of Du Zhengyi.From the moment his dad's name came out of Wen Lin's mouth, his ears were ringing, he was like sitting in ice water and being burned at the same time.

He couldn't believe it, Wen Lin must be lying.Otherwise, how would he understand his father?Even if Du Zhengyi interfered in their family's affairs from his father's point of view, it still couldn't change the fact that Du Zhengyi saved his son's life?Is there such a thing as repaying virtue with resentment in the world?Or is it really not important whether his son is dead or alive?

"Why do you believe me?" He became dazed and heard Du Zhengyi ask in a daze.

"I think it's probably because telepaths always follow their intuition," Wen Lin said.

"Do you wish to serve Qionglin?" Du Zhengyi asked again.

"I hope to serve the well-being of all mages," Wen Lin said. "If this is a time of crisis, I hope that I can stand up and surpass those faction disputes."

"Not many mages look up so far now." Du Zhengyi said.

"Yes." Wen Lin agreed deeply, "This is why I admire you."

"Especially that gorilla in your group." Du Zhengyi ignored her praise and continued.

Wen Lin looked at Du Zhengyi with interest, "Have you noticed him too? Has he been longing for a decisive battle with you?"

Du Zhengyi looked at her with an obvious smile in his eyes.

Wen Lin also laughed, "I understand. But he will never understand the gap between you."

"Is he your captain? Does Fan Shi think highly of him too?"

"Chi Yu is the captain. His brain is not very good, but when it comes to fighting, he does have talent." Wen Lin's tone seemed to have to admit it, and just admitting it made her a little sick.

"How long has it been since you were promoted to the rank of battle mage?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"One year." Wen Lin smiled softly.

Du Zheng looked at her expressionlessly, as if he couldn't see her complacency.Most people wouldn't realize that Wen Lin had only been a battle mage for a year, and her sharpness and ability looked like a veteran.

Du Zhengyi thought for a while, and said, "The promotion of the battle mage sequence is determined by Qiong Lin. If you have made a major outstanding contribution, no matter how good Chi Yu is at fighting, you will be promoted to above him."

"Of course that's good. I don't care about higher positions, but there are better things to do in the captain's position." Wen Lin said, looking at Du Zhengyi softly. "Did I get encouragement from idols?"

Du Zhengyi said, "We all just want to do things."

"Yes," Wen Lin took a deep breath and said with some concern, "If the situation worsens, no one can escape."

"I came to Xizhou today because I was guided by a clue about the lotus burner." Du Zhengyi said.

"Oh?" Wen Lin became interested, "But you didn't have time to stop it?"

"I'm afraid they saw me coming before they did it, killing two birds with one stone." Du Zhengyi said.

Wen Lin immediately understood what he meant, "You're too conspicuous. It's impossible to continue the investigation like this."

"But I have a good news channel." Du Zhengyi said, "It's just that I don't have Qionglin as my backing. Maybe the teacher will come out of the mountain in three months, and my crisis can be solved, but it's far away, and I can't solve it right now. crisis. As things stand right now, I really have limited resources."

"I can mobilize a lot of executive mages." Wen Lin said, "It can make up for your shortcomings."

"Once you step into the lotus burner's game, it's not only hard work, but also full of danger." Du Zhengyi said while looking at her.

"I've never been afraid of hard work, let alone danger." Wen Lin smiled and looked at Luo Qi, "Otherwise, how dare I come to see him? He is a mage who can turn me into a plant at any time."

"I'll give you a clue." Du Zhengyi said.

(End of this chapter)

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