Chapter 14

"Amitabha, move gently and be careful." A woman who was old enough to be Roach's aunt followed behind him and said.

"Hey, hey." Roach was a little sad. He had just helped someone carry a large woven bag from the trunk of the car. "What's in it? Why is it still moving when it's so soft?"

"Young man, can you not move if you are alive? If you are dead, it is not called release."

Roach felt the movement of the heavy object in his arms, and his scalp exploded, "Don't it be a snake?"

The aunt smiled compassionately, "All living beings are equal, so what if it's a snake? Besides, snakes are the most spiritual, and letting them accumulate the most merit!"


Guan Xinyue had a great time watching the excitement. Like Du Zhengyi, she was watching with folded arms while Luo Qi was busy helping the layman unload the goods.When the convoy of releasing animals came, they saw several monks coming out of the back room.

Guan Xinyue carefully walked around behind Luo Qi, and said with a smile, "The Buddha said cause and effect, how much fate is it that you help save snakes in this Buddhist temple today? The calendar compiled on the Sansheng Stone may indicate your future life." My wife is in this bag, so be careful not to hurt her."

Luo Qi was already sweating profusely from work, but now his face turned green after hearing her words, "Shut up, why are you so mean, girl, you must have been a woodpecker in your previous life."

The aunt who released the life laughed and laughed with the little girl, "What the girl said is not wrong, the six reincarnations, who can tell the past life and the present life? You look at it as a snake in this life and dislike it. In the next life, it may be a snake." Beauty, after marrying you, I hate you every day at home because you don’t make enough money, won’t you be punished?”

Luo Qi shivered, with a look of lovelessness, and shouted accusingly, "Auntie!"

Guan Xinyue covered her face and almost laughed out loud.

Du Zhengyi also listened to what they said with great interest, and gradually understood the way of karma and reincarnation they were talking about, so he thought about it and asked the most practical question. "Now that the temperature is so low and the snow hasn't melted, can the released snake survive?"

"Why can't you live?" The aunt said without even a moment of hesitation, and gave him a glare by the way. "In the mountains, they will find a warm place to burrow into the soil to hibernate. Snakes have to hibernate, you know? Don't look at the snow all over the mountains and fields, the soil under the snow is warm. Have you ever seen a frog? ? Don’t they all rely on hibernation to survive the winter? Such a small frog can survive the harsh winter, how can a snake with such spirituality not survive?”

Du Zhengyi laughed when he heard this, "It's true. I have learned a lot today. Auntie came here specially to release animals because I heard that this temple is the most spiritual? I also want to accumulate some merit and make a promise in this temple. Wish, I don’t know if I should also be released first?”

Roach glanced at him, secretly thinking that he was still worried, but he didn't expect that Du Zhengyi's communication in the crowd seemed to have no obstacles.Thinking about it, I looked at Guan Xinyue again. The woodpecker girl was indeed a clever one, so she didn't interrupt at this time. She lowered her head with a half-smile and looked a little obedient. In fact, you don't need to guess to know that she is listening attentively. .

My aunt dedicated her whole heart to the great cause of life release, and didn't have the extra thought to discover their complicated inner voices. When she heard that a few young people were interested in my Buddha, she immediately became like a pot of burning coals. "Why didn't you come across this place on a self-driving tour? You also came for this Pure Land Temple?"

"Yes." Du Zhengyi replied, he is a little older, and he speaks calmly in front of people, and the attitude of aunt talking to him is indeed much more serious than Luo Qi.He pointed to Guan Xinyue, "This is the granddaughter of our old neighbor. Her hometown is in this village. She told us a while ago that the temple here is very effective. It just so happens that we also have something on our minds. It's fine on the weekend. I'll take my Brother, come and walk around."

"Oh, that's no wonder." The aunt nodded, "I'm a foreigner, and I only knew about this place after hearing what my senior brother said. Oh, I'm telling you, although this temple is small, it's actually no worse than Lingshan Ancient Temple."

Luo Qi laughed when he heard that, "So I can still save it? I'm going to write a wish on the wall inside - just pass every exam!"

Du Zheng took a look at him, "Are you still thinking about this crap? Auntie, look at my younger brother, he looks cute, isn't he?"

Luo Qi was startled, this bastard is actually cute!

The aunt also looked at Luo Qi and smiled, her eyes were like looking at her own boy. "Young man, it's useless to write your wish on the wall."

"Ah?" Roach thought that he was deliberately teasing him, "Why?"

The aunt smiled, but there was a trace of strangeness on her pious and generous face, and she said in a low voice mysteriously, "Because the wishes on the wall are written for people to do."

"What?" Roach asked in surprise, "What do you mean?"

"Is it because releasing life is a virtue, and helping others is even more a virtue?" Du Zhengyi said suddenly.

"Aiyo," the aunt sighed, "Your child really has the root of wisdom. That's the reason. If you talk about it, releasing life is still a small achievement, and helping people is the foundation of merit."

Roach shot him a sideways glance.He didn't believe that Du Zhengyi had any roots of wisdom. It was because he didn't understand Buddhism at all, so he took it for granted.As far as Roach knows, since Buddhism emphasizes the equality of all beings in the six realms of reincarnation, it will not regard helping others as higher than releasing life.

Probably everyone who believes in something will spare no effort to preach, and when she meets Luo Qi, who seems to be particularly uneducated, the aunt's fighting spirit is even more aroused, and she taught the three juniors vividly and vividly the teachings of the master on weekdays .

It turns out that the wishes written on the temple wall are all for other people to read, and the color of the beads tied on the wish book indicates the size of the wish.The biggest and most difficult wish is on the top, stringed with red sandalwood beads, and the bottom row is the smallest wish, strung with ivory white beads.Those who want to do good deeds and accumulate virtue can come here to pick and browse at will, and when they meet their fate to fulfill their wishes, they can take off the bead string on it, and return the bead string to the master after doing good deeds.The master in this temple knows how much merit each person has done by looking at the color of the beads, and writes down the depth of their respective blessings to the believers one by one on the general ledger in the temple.

Those who first came to the temple had to copy scriptures and meditate before they were eligible to receive a string of the lightest colored beads.Then there is the process of accumulating good karma, you can first choose the wish that is within your power on the wall to achieve.If you are too weak to accomplish other people's affairs, you can also choose to release your life.But crossing birds and beasts is definitely not as fast as the good causes accumulated by crossing people.But in short, the more good deeds you do, the more blessings you will accumulate, and you can make bigger wishes on the wall.

"This is a good way to teach people to be kind." Du Zhengyi said calmly.

"No, the master in this temple is the most clear in the Buddhist scriptures. I have talked to other masters before, and they can neither be as clear as the masters here, nor as compassionate as the masters here." The aunt said with emotion.

Guan Xinyue couldn't help it anymore, "Is this what you mean by crossing people? Then what if someone makes a wish that is unreasonable?"

"Amitabha," the aunt immediately recited a sentence, looking at the little girl, "in front of the Buddha, who would dare to make a wish that would harm the heavens and reason? Do you want to eat porridge?"

Luo Qi slapped his hands with a smile, and interrupted, "Auntie, just tell me, if I want to pass every exam, what should I do? My wish is much bigger than the wish of those who ask for mobile phones and signed photos of celebrities all over the wall." .”

The aunt's eyes are more joyful when she sees him. He has a mild personality, has a good temper, and is easy-going, and he is very popular with the elders wherever he goes. "If your wishes and merits are so great that you can't even hold up the wall, then you will have the opportunity to meet the guru. There was a rich businessman like this in the past. When he came, he fulfilled all the wishes on the wall that could be realized with money. , All of a sudden, I have accumulated the qualifications to meet the master."

Roach laughed, "This proves another truth, all wishes that can be solved with money are not wishes at all."

"Then what is his wish?" Guan Xinyue asked.

The aunt thought for a while, "I heard that it seems to want to treat insomnia."

Luo Qi laughed, and was about to say something when Du Zhengyi slapped him and slapped him back.

During this time, the goods on the cars of other people were also unloaded one after another. A few young monks came to organize everyone to go to the back mountain to release animals, and the aunt also hurried over.Ever since he heard that there were snakes in the woven bag, Luo Qi refused to stretch out his hand again, and the aunt did not force him, and together with a few younger believers, they helped each other go to the mountains.

Du Zheng watched their backs with one eye, and subconsciously shook his head.

"Don't worry." Roach was rubbing his hands on his pants desperately, as if this could erase the touch of the snake he had touched, "Those snakes can't survive the winter here, even if there are poisonous snakes, they won't bite villagers."

"How do you know?" Du Zheng asked with a frown.

"That woven bag has a mailing label on it, and it was mailed from Guangzhou." Roach said, and wiped his hands vigorously, "They really can make trouble, they bought snakes from the subtropical zone and threw them into this icy and snowy place, and said Is it to release life? How can the bag of snakes be cursed?"

"Sometimes you are quite smart." Guan Xinyue smiled, "Are you so afraid of snakes?"

"Ha-ha-" Roach laughed dryly, turned his head and urged Du Zhengyi lively, "Let's go, copy the scriptures!"

"Really copied?" Guan Xinyue was a little confused, "Then when can I finish copying?"

"What are you in a hurry for?" Luo Qi said, "After copying the scriptures, you have to accumulate merit. What else can you say? If you have a trick, you can show us the way. If you have other clues, you can provide them quickly. We won't waste it here."

Guan Xinyue had nothing to do, seeing that Du Zhengyi had no objection, she had no choice but to follow in resentment.

Two monks received them in the apse of the small temple. They didn't say much when they asked them why they came. They led them to the side hall, handed them pens and papers, and left.It seems that I am used to all kinds of pilgrims, and I think there are really many people coming and going.The two monks were not very old, and they were seldom talkative. If they had to talk to them, they would be very clumsy to deal with them.

So Luo Qi chatted with them a few words and knew it was useless, and he felt helplessly that the young monk in the monk temple was really sincere.Of course, it may also be as Guan Xinyue pointed out - "It's just that the IQ is too low, and the threshold for this temple is really low."

The work of copying the scriptures was not too heavy. The Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra was rolled several times into one volume, and it was still painted in red, so that Guan Xinyue could also use a brush, but the writing was slow.Du Zhengyi has the background of a standard mage, and the brush used is no different from a fountain pen. Although he sighed when he picked up the brush, it didn't prevent him from taking care of the red tracing.

Luo Qi took a look at Du Zhengyi's writing speed, put down his pen, and impatiently walked around the room several times, fumbling here and there.Guan Xinyue despised his lazy behavior very much, and kept emphasizing the fair and equitable sharing of work.But Du Zheng's tolerance for Roach has always been relatively high, and he doesn't pay much attention to his matters.Luo Qi saw that the great god was always concentrating on copying the scriptures, so he didn't care about Guan Xinyue's whining, so he went out for a walk.He came back half a quarter of an hour later. When he came back, he sat down opposite Guan Xinyue, took out a bag of potato chips and ate it.

Guan Xinyue has been provoked like a cat with its back raised, but Luo Qi is too thick-skinned, and she already knows that scolding him won't get any pleasure, so she turns around and scolds Du Zhengyi. "Can you take care of him? What is his relationship with you? Your assistant? Classmate? Is it really your brother? Who can take care of him?"

Du Zhengyi lazily raised his eyelids and glanced at Roach, who was staring at him tentatively with wide-eyed eyes, with a piece of thick-cut potato chips in his mouth.

"Well, he is my mascot. Don't mess with him. If it's unlucky, you can't use it."

"What do you mean?" Guan Xinyue lowered her voice angrily and shouted.

"It's similar to a pet." Du Zhengyi said, lowering his head and continuing to copy the scriptures, "I have just adopted it, and I am still in the running-in period, so it is useless for you to criticize me, and it will take some time to domesticate him. "

Guan Xinyue blinked her eyes, a little speechless.Luo Qi was already numb to Du Zhengyi's statement, so he seemed very indifferent and shameless, stirring up Guan Xinyue's anger in vain.Roach also handed her a bar of chocolates, "Have some sweets, is Auntie here? Are you so restless?"

Guan Xinyue took a deep breath, looking like she was about to breathe fire.

Only then did Du Zhengyi interject and calmly ask Luo Qi, "You have made a lot of money out, do you have anything else to gain besides food?"

Roach bit into pieces the potato chips in his mouth, "Did you bring any money when you came?"

(End of this chapter)

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