magician in town

Chapter 15 Several Ways to Accumulate Virtue at a High Speed

Chapter 15 Several Ways to Accumulate Virtue at a High Speed

Luo Qi watched as Du Zhengyi took over the ivory white beads from the monk. After three hours of hard copying, the wooden string also had weight.

I don't know if it's for this reason, but after Du Zhengyi took the beads and fiddled with them for a while, Roach got a little bored waiting.After the monk handed them the beads, he went to receive other pilgrims.The release team that came in the morning had already left, and more people came one after another to burn incense and worship Buddha.People come and go, and they never stop, and the small temple is quite impressive.

Du Zheng handed the bead to Roach, and said in a low voice, "Look at the bottom bead on the bracelet."

"That's called carrying a fish." Luo Qi grabbed it hastily, and with the eagerness that it was finally his turn to see, he unceremoniously opened the claw that Guan Xinyue wanted to grab, very protective of the food.

"It doesn't matter what kind of fish." Du Zhengyi turned the slightly larger bead over in Roach's hand.The beads are studded with silver threads, twisted and tangled into a familiar shape.

"8?" Guan Xinyue blurted out.

"No." Luo Qi frowned. "This bead is a fish-backed bead. It has up, down, left, and right sides, okay? You don't recognize it when you turn it sideways, girl?"

"You said it was an infinity symbol? A mathematical symbol?" Guan Xinyue said in surprise, "Stop talking."

"Infinity, infinity." Roach pondered the beads, muttered in his mouth, rubbed his nose unconsciously, and rubbed his voice lower and messier, "The Mobius loop without beginning and end. It's the past, The present and the future are time and space, the power of the infinite gods. This symbol is a symbol of mathematics, but also a symbol of philosophy and theology."

Guan Xinyue sneered at Luo Qi's seriousness, but Du Zhengyi was stunned, as if something hit him hard from behind.A thought and an unbelievable crazy sentence came to his mouth, "I saw a mouse here the day before yesterday; I saw a hyena here yesterday; I saw you here today."

Roach raised his dark eyes and stared at him thoughtfully, "Why did you change rabbits and foxes into mice and hyenas? It's kind of dark humor."

He turned his gaze stiffly to meet Roach's eyes.There was only infinite vitality in those eyes, with a joy that could make Guan Xinyue jealous, so happy that it made people upset, it really matched his age and experience.

"Suddenly remembered where I heard it." He said.

"That's right, that's a bit of a Möbius loop story." Roach said suspiciously, "But where did you hear it? That passage is from a novel, you shouldn't have read the novel, right? "

"Look at the texture carefully." Du Zhengyi avoided his question.

Luo Qi had no choice but to hold up the beads and look carefully, " do I seems to be..."

"It's a snake." Guan Xinyue said, "The head of the snake bit the tail, and twisted into the shape of an infinity symbol."

"How do you see such a small pattern clearly?" Luo Qi asked inexplicably, but turned around to see that Guan Xinyue was not looking at the beads in his hand at all.She was facing a small Buddha statue on the altar table in the side hall, with a look of disgust.

Luo Qi was stunned. He believed that there must be no other statue of Mahakala in the world like the one here, with a snake wrapped around his feet, the snake's head swallowing the snake's tail, inexplicably sneaky and evil.

He suddenly felt very annoyed, and the snake was like a knot, gradually surrounding him.What happened to him in the past two days was all messed up, and it seemed that he had planned it long ago.Even a few days later, things had already started to become abnormal. With extremely low qualifications, he was inexplicably selected to be Du Zhengyi's assistant.They even promised him benefits, as long as he was willing to let himself get involved, he would be able to get credits, that was simply his life, and it was impossible for him to refuse.

It turned out that things were much more serious than he expected, and what was even more unfortunate was that he felt that Du Zhengyi seemed to be affected by something, and he began to have reservations about him.Although he had to admit that Du Zhengyi had never trusted him since he was in school.He's not complaining, just talking about the matter, he can understand.But now it seems that they have been involved, and the best way is to cooperate openly and honestly to get rid of all this and get back on track as soon as possible.

He considered for a while whether he should really ask Du Zhengyi. First, what did Liu Li and Pei Shu tell him before he set off. Liu Li said that Du Zhengyi was in charge of the specific work content; Can you share with him as soon as possible after you get new information, and don't engage in this kind of information asymmetry.Oh shit, he really hates this kind of guessing game, it's not about dating.Wait, he hasn't had a girlfriend until now, is it because he's not good at guessing?

Guan Xinyue kicked him suddenly.

"What?" Roach asked impatiently.

"Boss told me to kick it." Guan Xinyue rolled his eyes at him. "What kind of god are you walking?"

Du Zhengyi ignored him, "I'll spend money to make a few wishes for others first, and try to see how quickly I can accumulate virtue here."

Roach sighed, "It's weird to hear you say that. The speed of accumulating virtue, damn it, always feels very impious."

Guan Xinyue said indifferently, "Keep pace with the times, pursue innovation and seek development, and temples also need to develop. Shaolin Temple is listed on the market!"

Luo Qi had nothing to say, and watched Guan Xinyue follow Du Zhengyi out to the main hall.A gust of wind blows in from outside the door. The cold wind in early spring is biting, but it is also particularly refreshing.A few moments of light snow from the morning fell from the eaves, causing Roach to go out and stand in the courtyard for a while.A group of sparrows were arguing noisily in the canopy beside the temple, and they took off together, quarreling in mid-air.He looked up at the mountains behind the temple. At this time, the trees were still sleeping, and the forests were dim and decaying.

He remembered that when he was about ten years old, it seemed to be this season, and he and his parents had a rare vacation, and the whole family went to the mountains to play.The time was wrong, and there was really nothing to see, so my mother complained a little.

He still remembers clearly now that his father, that well-known sorcerer, silently folded a fan out of paper and fanned it lightly, vague figures began to appear in the turbulent air , the color turns thicker, the outline is formed, and the flying flowers just emerge from the cold wind.He remembered the very light cherry blossoms at first, scattered across his mother's fingertips, followed by roses.The fan fanned faster and faster, and the flower shadows changed from roses to lilies, and then to large groups of hydrangeas.

At that moment, flowers were flying and dancing in the quiet forest, and he couldn't shut his mouth in surprise.

In the end, his dad gave him a prickly pear, and he remembered it clearly! Before the age of 15, his father was definitely his number one enemy in life!

After that, there were so many things that didn't go well with him, his father couldn't even count them.

And the biggest dissatisfaction is that the flying flowers in the mountains and forests have become a peak that he will never be able to surpass. His ability is a rare dwarf in the magical world, and frustration is everywhere, filling his life full of noise. The messy human world has almost become a safe haven for him to avoid setbacks.And now, with his hands in his trouser pockets, he took a deep breath, and trouble followed him everywhere.He stood in the world of humans, but also in the world of mages.Beside him is a talented young mage and a human with a second-class illness, and the two of them are carefully calculating the speed of accumulating virtue together at the moment, and he feels that his world is in chaos.

He looked at the room, the curtain on the door had been rolled up, amidst the smoke and fire, Du Zhengyi's tall and thin back was very close to Guan Xinyue's thin and small back, and Guan Xinyue even held a pen together record on paper.

Logically speaking, the rate of return of religion should not be able to be calculated so clearly.Roach was thinking aimlessly, thinking about the few religious stories he was familiar with. No matter what kind of belief it is, there are always many commonalities among them.Although the highest goal of faith is not to overcome one's own suffering, it is impossible to have any followers without the prospect of rewards.Therefore, the threshold for seeking rewards must be low. For example, releasing snakes all over the mountains can accumulate reward points, which is reasonable.Moreover, there must be no quantitative standard for this reward. For example, why a mountain of snakes have not been promoted and made a fortune?It's just that the past is vague and the afterlife is vast, who can tell clearly?But it doesn't matter, because it is absurd, so I believe.

Roach vaguely figured out another paradox on the basis of the paradox, but a thought flashed through his mind.

He strolled into the main hall of the small temple, Du Zhengyi was still paying for other people's wishes, a monk was responsible for collecting the money, and the other monk was carefully recording on a Lenovo notebook.Luo Qi thought absently, since he can use a notebook, why should the monk insist on letting the disciples copy the scriptures with a brush?

Guan Xinyue turned around and saw him, and said, "Look how convenient digital temples are now, and there is also wireless Internet access. If you want to donate a mobile phone or something - place an order directly online - dangdang - wishing express home .By the way, did you know that you can buy Lu Han’s autographed photo on Taobao? The almighty Taobao god, this temple should add a Taobao deity.”

"What color beading are you promoted to?" he asked.

"It's early." Guan Xinyue said listlessly, "I will arrive at Phoebe soon, and there seems to be a long way to go before Rosewood."

It happened that the monk brought out a lacquer plate from the back, covered with a yellow cloth, and held a string of nanmu beads.Roach laughed, "The task NPC came out with a reward."

Guan Xinyue couldn't help laughing out loud, she seemed a little disgusted with herself after laughing.

Du Zhengyi glanced at him inexplicably.Luo Qi grinned at Du Zhengyi. Sometimes it's interesting to see his dumbfounded appearance, "The NPC is..." His smile froze on his lips, and Du Zhengyi looked at him suspiciously. He stared blankly at the monk with wide deer eyes, "Oh, what the hell."

Although the monk is quite cultivated, his brows are still a little twitching.

Du Zhengyi didn't say anything, just looked at him questioningly.

Luo Qi came back to his senses and tugged Du Zhengyi's arm.

They went back to the Guan family's old house next door. As soon as Roach entered the room, he said frivolously, "Tell me about how fast you are accumulating virtue."

Guan Xinyue rolled her eyes, took out a notebook, and sighed, "It's as if I'm particularly wicked."

Guan Xinyue handed the notebook to Luo Qi and explained, "This is the money spent. Let's start with the things that can be done with money. Fortunately, the boss doesn't care about money, so the accumulation of virtue is quite fast. But You see, at the beginning we spent 202 yuan to buy a signed photo and changed the beading once. Then we bought two mobile phones, one of which was still crazy ten. The merits of a mobile phone changed the beads four times. But then you see, we transferred 8 to a person for his son’s tuition, but only changed the beads once! We had to transfer the money to another person who was waiting for money to see a doctor. [-] yuan has accumulated a lot of virtue, and this time I changed the beads three times in a row, and the color changed to nanmu color. But so far, I don’t think I can continue to spend so much money, this is not a solution.”

After she finished speaking, she looked at Du Zhengyi, who nodded and added, "And there are many kinds of wishes. Although the wishes that need money to solve are easier to satisfy, such wishes appear randomly, and they can't be met."

Luo Qi took the book carefully from the beginning to the end. On Qiqing, the expression on his face was a little unpredictable for a while, and he suddenly dropped the book.

"This is so fucking funny!"

"What are you doing?" Guan Xinyue frowned and muttered.

Luo Qi ignored her, grabbed the pen from her hand, and made a list in the notebook, explaining while drawing on the paper, "Look, at the beginning, it only cost 202 yuan, and I was promoted to a higher level. Then I bought two mobile phones, spent a total of about 700 yuan, and changed the beads four times. That is to say, it cost about 2000 yuan to change the first beading; and then spent 4000 yuan to change the second time; More than 7000 yuan was exchanged for the third beading, and 8 yuan of merit was exchanged for the fourth beading. The tuition fee was [-] yuan, and the beading was changed once. Then saving a life is not a particularly great merit, and [-] yuan is only I changed the beads three times, so it cost about [-] for one change, [-] for the second time, and [-] for the third time.”

"That's right, the more money you spend in the future, the slower you will accumulate virtue." Guan Xinyue muttered. "The monk cheats people, isn't it the same as a casino cheating people into investing money."

But Du Zhengyi grasped the point, and said to Luo Qi, "If you want to get the red sandalwood colored beads, you have to enter the room, and there are five colored beads that need to be obtained."

Roach dropped his pen, "Then we need at least 46 yuan."

Du Zhengyi's complexion was a little unhappy, "You mean..."

"You guessed it, this is a deformed Fibonacci sequence." Roach said.

"Can you speak human language?" Guan Xinyue said.

"Oh, you're an art student." Roach smiled.

"What do you mean?" Guan Xinyue's smell of gunpowder immediately rose.

Roach looked at her carefully, and quickly said, "I mean, this is just a game. Have you ever played a game? You haven't played a complicated one. You must have raised Tiantian Farm, right? If you are so smart, you must have discovered it a long time ago. It boils down to the same rules as any game—accumulate experience, level up, gain higher privileges, right?"

Guan Xinyue was stunned, and after a while she said disgustedly, "No way... are you making fun of the Buddha?"

Luo Qi shook his head, "You don't need to read Buddhist scriptures or study Buddhism, and you can get enlightenment just by releasing animals. Isn't that absurd? Now we have further improved the method of practice, and quantified the good deeds and accumulated virtues with mathematics, which is very in line with the modern human beings' ideals." Habits are completely an improved version of the modern Pure Land sect."

Guan Xinyue's mouth was wide open, and she looked at Luo Qi in astonishment, "Oh my God, how dare you say that."

Du Zhengyi has never played games before, but he is not slow to understand, "The investment in the early stage is small, and the results are quick. Although the income becomes more and more difficult in the later stage, because the difficulty gradually increases, the habit has been cultivated. If it is an ordinary person If so, I may visit temples often, start with what I can, accumulate merits and exchange beads, and then I can make a bigger wish.”

"This is called playing experience, leveling up, and going to NPCs to exchange rewards." Roach concluded, "I guess the boss behind this game must not be too old. I really want to meet him."

Guan Xinyue shivered, her face darkened.

Roach caught a glimpse of her face and turned the subject, "It's definitely not going to work to upgrade honestly. The sum of all the wishes on the wall that need money is not enough to 46? Then even if we have to spend money to clear this After granting wishes, we have to wait for an unknown number of days before we can accumulate opportunities to spend money. This is a bit of a hassle, and we can’t afford to wait. The most urgent thing now is that we must find a high-level task, rich experience returns, and time Spend as little as possible to do the task, and rush to the level."

"What? Are you going to help that old dick kill his wife?" Guan Xinyue asked in surprise.

Luo Qi sighed, "How can it be so easy to kill people? Besides, who do you think I am?"

Guan Xinyue muttered in a low voice, "It's better to make it clear first."

Luo Qi laughed dryly, "Using violence to control violence is not something you don't want to do, but you really can't. It's impossible to say anything."

"Do you have an idea?" Du Zhengyi interrupted him in a bad tone.

"I have some ideas." Roach was shocked by Du Zhengyi, and immediately became more serious.Turning around, she found that Guan Xinyue, who was sitting opposite, was looking at the two of them thoughtfully. "how?"

Guan Xinyue didn't want to fight with him again at this time, she shook her head to avoid his gaze, lowered her head, and tucked the loose hair behind her ears, Luo Qi suddenly found a small ear on the tip of her ear The bone nail, the small jewels on it shone slightly under the reflection of the light.Piercing in that position, Roach always felt pain just looking at it.

He withdrew his thoughts, turned his head and looked at Du Zhengyi, "How capable are you? Can you move mountains and fill seas?"

Du Zhengyi ignored him.

Guan Xinyue blurted out, "Impossible, that would destroy the ecological balance too much."

"You are the ones who destroy the ecological balance." Roach blurted out and retorted, feeling very naive after speaking.

"Look, you said that you are not a mage, but your position is still there. I don't know what you are?" Guan Xinyue said sarcastically, and then continued, "But you are right, we are It has been destroying the ecological balance and forcing low-level species to become extinct. Therefore, if the gap between your species and ours is so large, you would have already forced us to become extinct. Therefore, I don’t think you can be so awesome .”

"Hey, her point of view is very good." Roach said to Du Zhengyi, "Or let's roast her."

Guan Xinyue snorted, thought about it, and continued, "Generally speaking, nature has its own reasons. For example, mice give birth to eight times a year, one litter at a time. But at the upper level of the food chain, tigers and lions give birth to all. It is even more difficult for human beings to give birth to two children at a time. What about you? Luo Qi, you don’t have a younger sister? Wait, I remember now, you said your sister is Luo Dan, you Why don't you say your sister's name is Michelangelo?"

Luo Qi laughed, "Calm down, calm down, you lied to me too. That's fine, we'll be even in that game."

"Then how do you plan to gain experience?" Guan Xinyue asked him.

"It's simple." Roach said, "I found that this game gives players a lot of room to play. Players can not only complete tasks, but also serve as NPCs to provide tasks. In this case, if there are no high-level tasks to do, just create That's the job."

(End of this chapter)

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